Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 3822

Because of the relationship between her little niece daughter little crisp sugar, Junya is very close to her, Lu Yiyang also quite knows her.

So far, she has acted in several TV dramas, most of the characters are the kind of cute, young student girl who fits her temperament very well.

At present, there is no breakthrough in her positioning.

Only once in a while, Junya would advise her to play some unexpected little roles.

Zhang Qiming frowned slightly and looked at her resume.

"Good at acting?"

In Zhang Qiming's voice, he was obviously dissatisfied, and raised a query in a concise and comprehensive way.

In itself, Zhang Qiming is not a director who judges people by his appearance. He has trained countless good actors and is famous throughout Hollywood.

But today, he really met too many unreliable female artists. His heart was written on his face. He just wanted to be more popular, which made him feel a little headache.

So when I saw a female artist who was too different from the role in the script, his attitude was a little bit impolite.

"Yes. Director Zhang. " Su Ling responded simply.

In fact, she has no foundation.

This time, Junya recommended her to come.

At that time, Junya simply told her about the role, and then discussed with her, then let her audition.

In fact, Su Ling also wants to break through herself. When she has this opportunity, she is willing to try.

But Junya believes in her, does not mean that others believe in her.

Zhang Qiming said, "well, you try the part of the female sophomore and act a part of it. It's the part that teaches the soldiers! "

Female two is a female soldier's image completely, Su Lingguang is not superior in height.

In the part of scolding the soldiers, she asked them to take part in the mission. However, one soldier delayed the military order in order to save an ordinary person, which almost failed the whole mission.

In addition, two comrades in arms were injured.

She's going to punish the soldier, and the rest of the people plead for the soldier.

In this part, it lays the foundation for shaping the character of the second girl.

It fully shows that she is a female soldier who attaches importance to military orders. She believes that even any personal love can not affect the military order.

In the end, she punished the soldier in a lot of opposition.

First of all, Su Ling's momentum is questionable.

She stretched out her hand to tie up her hair, and a resolute expression appeared on her immature face.

This is a simple move, but it suddenly makes people feel her serious and cold.

She sat down in her chair and said, "military orders are like mountains. Anyone who violates military orders, even me, must be severely punished."

"Save people? protect our homes and defend our country? We carry out the task, not to save any one person, but to save all the people! "

"This mission has not been affected, but what about next time? What about next time? "

Standing up, her hands behind her, she seemed to be thinking about all the appeals.

But in the end, she opened her eyes, and her hesitant determination appeared in her eyes: "execute!"

During the whole performance, whether it was the bold stretching movement or the standard military action of walking straight with her back, people were convinced that she was indeed a soldier.

And the last trace of expression in her eyes also shows her hesitation with respect to human relations outside the law, but she has to strictly enforce punishment for military orders.