Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 3705

"It's important for the crew to make money, but it's never as important as personal safety."

"Since Meng is going to leave, let's make an announcement, saying that he is ill and needs rest."

The other deputy director said, "how do we shoot the next scene?"

"Yes, I can't find the right director at the moment."

"Many directors I know are full now."

"Why don't we ask Meng to come back?" It has been suggested.

Smile to help Junya immediately said: "no, Ding Jin don't take everyone's safety seriously, we can't be at her mercy!"

"If you don't have a suitable person, you can't shoot it!" Said the deputy director.

"Ling smile to shoot!" Junya took a look at Lu Yiyang.

Lu Yiyang nodded to her, and they had reached a tacit understanding.

"Ling smile?" The director group looked at him and laughed.

Although smile is very aura, this period of time is also quite competent.

But she hasn't directed her own drama independently.

Is this Ling smile competent?

People in the director group are very suspicious.

Don't talk about them. Even laughing at himself, he couldn't help lowering his voice and saying, "Junya, my own experience is not enough..."

"Experience is practiced, no one is born." Junya said, "smile, you take over the shooting, I believe in your ability."

An associate director couldn't help saying, "the rest of us have more experience and more suitable than Ling Xiaoxiao..."

"But for now, we'd like to let Ling smile first. Let's give her a little time. If Ling's smile isn't suitable, let's talk about it, OK? " Said Junya.

Obviously, although Junya stepped back a step, but the directors of the group, but not very recognized smile so young people to become their own leader.

This is exactly what Ding Jin wants to achieve. Please go to Meng Fu to make Junya difficult to deal with the current situation.

Without Meng Fu, who can convince people?

Seeing such a situation, Mo Zheng said with a smile, "I didn't mean to bring a friend here? Director Li, why haven't you come yet

Director Li came in with Mo Zheng's footsteps and said with a smile, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I watched some short films, but I'm late."

When he came, let alone smile, he was very surprised.

Even the other members of the director group also showed admiration in their eyes and stood up one after another.

Director Li said with a smile: "I come here, won't disturb you?"

"Of course not. Please have a seat, Mr. Li." Junya asked him to sit down.

In terms of strength and fame, Meng Fu can't even compare with a finger of director Li.

Meng Fu left with his first foot, and then Li appeared.

The other members of the directing group were impressed with Jun ya.

It's no wonder that Meng Dingjin doesn't dare to ask her to stay.

It turned out that she had made other arrangements.

Everyone thought that Li was invited by Junya.

In this way, what kind of deterrent is she trying to poach Meng Fu?

When they looked at Junya, there was already some fear in their looks.

Junya knew they would be wrong.

However, she didn't mind that they would mean it wrong.

Although she is not enough to ask director Li to shoot TV series.

But that doesn't mean she can't train a new director.

If anyone threatens her with her work, what voice does she have to say once or twice?

Director Li is usually very easygoing. As soon as he sat down, he asked Junya, "is there a deputy director named Ling Xiaoxiao coming?"