Mr. Jian's Marriage Plot

Chapter 300

"Zhenzhen, I'm back. I'm not aggrieved, OK?" Jane Shao indulged in the indulgence of Qin Zhenzhen in his arms, patiently coax her, gently stroking her head.

"I am wronged." Qin Zhenzhen raised his head and looked at Jian shaoshen's face. "You look like you've lost some weight. Are you working hard there?"

"One thing is that I don't have time to sleep well, so I look a little haggard. I don't look very well, but it's actually OK." Jane Shao laughed and bowed her head. She gave a kiss on Qin Zhenzhen's face. "Don't be aggrieved. I'm back. I'm not going now. I'm with you."

"I miss you so much." Qin Zhenzhen refused to let go of Jian Shaochen, regardless of the presence of the driver. In the past, because she was always watched by many media, she did not like to have too obvious intimate behavior with Jane Shaochen in public places, and always felt that it was not good to be seen by others. But now, she suddenly felt that these were not important at all. What if others saw them? They were in love and they were together, but they were not She wanted others to know that Qin Zhenzhen was Jian shaoshen's, and that no one could replace them when they were together.

"Well, baby, I miss you very much, but it's not good for us to stand here all the time. Let's get in the car, let's go home first, and if we have something, we can go home and say," OK Jian Shaochen is very happy to be held by Qin Zhenzhen. However, he is a little tired, and the driver has not been able to look at them. From time to time, when he glances over, he is always begging you. Don't show love in public.

"All right. We go home. Have you not had breakfast yet. Go back to eat something and take a bath, then you can have a good sleep. Don't go to the company today. Everything in the company is normal. There is nothing wrong. I'll take care of it for you. Don't worry. "

Qin Zhenzhen takes Jian shaoshen's hand and gets on the car together.

"The man is still not found?"

"Yes, up to now, there is no news. I don't know where she went. I think someone is helping her. However, I can't think of anyone who can help her. Since the case was exposed, her former friends have basically no contact with her. Who will help her. Zhenzhen, I'm a little worried now. Maybe the people who help her are not her friends, but have ulterior motives. That's very bad. "

Jian Shaochen has been thinking about this matter these days, but now she has found no clue. Because before that time, Feng Yumei had been isolated from the outside world, and she did not have any chance to find help. Did not Feng Yumei know about this matter at the beginning? In the end, who took Feng Yumei away and what was the purpose? Jane shaoshen's heart was always a little uneasy.

"Don't worry. She should still be in China now and won't trouble us for the time being. Even if she is really aiming at us, we just need to take good security measures and not give them any chance to attack. In short, soldiers will block the water and cover the earth. There will always be a way. You don't have to worry about it now. When you come back, you can have a good rest. "

Qin Zhenzhen saw that Jian shaoshen's dark circles were very obvious. She didn't have a good rest these days. She was very distressed.


"Sleep for a while. It's still a long way to get home."

"I don't want to sleep now. I just want to look at you like this." Jane Shao Shen gently smile, holding Qin Zhenzhen, eyes gently fall on Qin Zhenzhen's face, "in the day outside, I will feel in my mind more and more clear an idea, that is, I love you, do not want to be separated from you for a moment, when you miss me, I also miss you again."

Jane Shao deeply kisses Qin Zhenzhen's forehead, "when I'm not by your side, do you have a good meal and sleep?"

’Yes, I'm seriously fattening again. You don't know. I'm growing up now, and I don't know if it's on my baby or on me

"Fool." Jian Shaochen hugged Qin Zhenzhen, closed his eyes and listened to Qin Zhenzhen's speech. He was a little tired and did not know when he fell asleep.

Qin Zhenzhen didn't hear Jian shaoshen's response. When she looked up, she knew that he was asleep. He was really tired these days. She gently moved Jian shaoshen's hand away, sat upright, and supported his head, so that he fell asleep on his legs.

Qin Zhenzhen looked at Jian shaoshen's sleeping face, and her eyes became gentle and gentle. This is her man, her child's father, her whole world.

"Shao Shen, you can rest assured that no matter what happens, I will still be by your side."

Qin Zhenzhen doesn't know what Feng Yumei wants to do, but she knows what she wants to do. If Feng Yumei really wants to appear, the others will be ignored. Once she does harm to Jian shaoshen, the feelings she raised before will not be scruple. Her forbearance towards Feng Yumei has really reached the bottom line.

Jian Shaochen was so pillow on Qin Zhenzhen's leg and slept all the way. When she got home, she didn't wake up.

The driver stopped the car and looked back. Both of them didn't move and didn't mean to get off."Miss Zhen, this is..."

"It doesn't matter. You can go back first. I'll sit here for a while. When we get up, you can stop again."

"OK." The driver also followed Qin Zhenzhen for such a long time. Knowing that they had a good relationship, they never avoided anything in front of the driver. After seeing them, the driver left first and left the space for them.

"I'm really tired. I've been sleeping for so long without waking up." Qin Zhenzhen smiles and touches Jian Shaochen's face.

"Zhen Zhen?" Jian Shao opened her eyes fiercely, as if she had a nightmare. Some of them were frightened. After opening her eyes, she felt relieved to see Qin Zhenzhen.

"What's the matter with you?" Qin Zhenzhen asked.

"It's OK. I just had a dream." When Jian Shaochen came to her senses, she realized that she was sleeping on Qin Zhenzhen's leg.

"I'm scared to dream like this. Well, it's all right now."

"Jian shaoshen quickly got up and looked at Qin Zhenzhen with some heartache." I fell asleep on your leg. Why didn't you tell me? Did I sleep all the way? Are your legs numb? "

As soon as Qin Zhenzhen moved, he felt that his leg was as numb and sour as a needle, unable to move.