Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 321

Now it's not time for class. The students in the class are almost here. When they see Jianyu go in, they hide far away, and Jianyu doesn't care.

"Qingqing, you're here." Seeing Xiaojiang Qing come in, he attracted everyone's attention and everyone gathered together.

Xiaojiang Qing greeted everyone with a smile. Then she saw that Jianyu still took the initiative to say to him, "see your brother."

After she shouted, the teacher came in before the emperor responded. Everyone returned to their seats and began class.

In this class, Yu seemed to be listening or not, but his eyes fell on Xiao Jiangqing from time to time, with unpredictable eyes.

After class, they pulled Jiang Qing aside and asked in a low voice, "Jiang Qing, why are you with a child like an Jianyu? My mother said that he is an unhealthy child with mental illness. We can't be with him, otherwise life won't be sunny. "

"Yes, Qingqing, it's terrible to stay away from people like him. My mother also said that such children are psychopathic. Their ideas and practices are very extreme. They can't be with such children."

Seeing Yuquan, who was standing behind, heard these words, and his fist clenched tightly. These words undoubtedly stimulated him. He clenched his fist and wanted to wave at those people at any time, but Xiao Jiangqing said loudly:

"I don't allow you to say that to see brother Yu. He is my friend and my brother. He is not unhealthy, nor what you call abnormal. He is shy and doesn't like to talk. It's not what you think. Don't say any more. I'll be angry if you say that again."

"Well, let's stop." Xiao Jiangqing is definitely the most popular in this class, so she says so, and everyone listens to her.

After hearing these, Jianyu's tightly clenched fist was also put down. He couldn't say what he felt. He silently returned to his seat, the seat farthest from Jiang Qing.

Every day after the holiday, Yudu will come to class with Jiang Qing. He still doesn't like to talk and is still unpopular, but the best result is that others ignore him and he ignores others. There is no contradiction.

Because the emperor doesn't like to talk, an Jinyan and Tang Qin don't know whether he has learned anything. Anyway, it's good for him to go out and meet more people.

It was a weekend. An Jinyan didn't go to work, but Jianyu's counseling class had to go as usual. The two of them sent Jianyu to class together.

As soon as I went out, I saw Jiang Guaner's car coming. When I saw Yu Xiaojiang Qing in the car, I greeted him. As soon as I stopped, Jiang Qing ran towards him: "see Yu brother..."

Jiang Qing ran to him, but he ran in a hurry. He tripped and fell to the ground.

"Jiang Qing!" Seeing that she fell down, Yu was so nervous that he hurried over and helped Jiang Qing up. He was very nervous and asked, "how's it going? Did it hurt? Why are you so careless? Does it hurt? " This behavior seems normal among friends, but seeing Yu, an Jinyan and Tang Qin are silly. Seeing Yu is a very autistic and indifferent child, he hates anyone touching him, and he won't touch anyone, but just now he took the initiative to help Jiang Qing and asked nervously

Seeing that Jiang Qing fell down, Jiang Guan was also busy to come forward to see it, but Tang Qin asked to hold her.

Jiang Guaner reacted that the behavior of seeing the emperor was "abnormal".

"I'm fine. See brother Yu."

"You see, it's all broken. How can it be all right? Your skin is so good and perfect. How can you leave a little scar? How can this be? You come to my house and I'll wipe it for you. "

What's more surprising, seeing that the Emperor didn't know where the strength came from, he forcibly picked up the school Jiang Qing, took her to the villa and carefully put her on the sofa.

"It's really all right to see brother Yu. Let's hurry to class, or we'll be late."

"No! The most important thing is to hurt you. " Seeing Yu insisted, he was the child of two doctors. He seemed to know how to deal with small things of trauma without learning. He took the suitcase and half knelt on the ground. He rubbed it carefully and seriously for fear that it would hurt her.

The three adults were stunned, especially an Jinyan and Tang Qin. They couldn't believe it. Is this still their son? How?

"Does it still hurt?" After giving her good medicine, I saw Yu's nervous question.

"It doesn't hurt anymore. Thank you for meeting brother Yu. You're very kind."

"Don't be so careless in the future. You are so perfect. I don't allow you to make any mistakes. You can't scratch the skin, not at all!"

Hearing this, the adults were really shocked. Did it come from an eight year old child?

"Well, see brother Yu. I see. Let's go to class?"

"OK." Seeing Yu nodded, he took the initiative to reach out and hold Jiang Qing's hand. "Then I'll hold hands. If you hurt me, I'll carry you."

Seeing Yu's behavior really surprised adults. In the next few days, seeing Yu Du went to class on time, he was as quiet and withdrawn as before, but what was different was that he talked more and warmed up to Jiang Qing.

Soon, this holiday passed, and tomorrow is the day of school.

"Mom, will Qingqing go to my current school in another two years?" After dinner, he asked Yu actively.


"Then I'll wait for her at school. I'll go to school tomorrow." Then he went upstairs alone.

"What did you say just now? He said he was going to school tomorrow? Did I hear you right? " Tang Qin asked incredulously.

"I can't believe it, but he did say he was going to school."

"Did he just wait for Jiang Qing at school?" Tang Qin murmured, "first it's the portrait of Jiang Qing, and then he's so nervous about her. Now he says so, seeing Yu won't be... Won't he like Jiang Qing?"

"Stop talking nonsense. See that Yu is only eight years old. What does he know?" An Jinyan thinks the fact Tang Qin said is ridiculous.

"Yes, anyway, it's a good thing to see Yu take the initiative to go to school. We should be happy. I'll send our son to school tomorrow."

"Well, it's really hard for you these days."

"Don't say these words. You should do it for your son."

This holiday, Tang Qin accompanied Jianyu to music class every day, and the four members of Yan Qin's family had the most comfortable time, that is, traveling around the world. They really went around the earth. They were really tired, but they had a good time.

After playing back, I really feel tired. This trip to Luo Yifeng is the busiest. I think of Xiao Zaixin and brought her a lot of gifts. Yi Xing is also deeply impressed. What does Luo Yifeng want to do?

"Yifeng, do you really want to marry Zaixin when you grow up?"

Seeing that Luo Yifeng bought so many gifts for Xiao Zaixin, Roy star always couldn't help teasing him.

"Don't say these sarcastic words here. I'm a childhood sweetheart with Xinna. We grew up together. I'm not a brother. What can I do if I'm not good to her?"

"Yo, yo, you're great." Yi Xing's ghost tone, Luo Yifeng glanced at him and said, "I'm too lazy to explain to you."

Hearing the children say these words, Yan Qin and Yang Xu smiled at each other. They were really tired. They were just about to take a bath, but Yan Qin's mobile phone came the news. When they opened it, they saw some photos sent. When they saw these photos, Yan Qin was very surprised.

"Yang Xu, Yang Xu, come and see."


Yang Xu hurried over and saw some photos from big white hair. In the photos, he was wearing military uniform, photos during training and photos of daily life.

Although he hasn't been there for a long time, after the baptism of the army in recent days, I feel that his whole temperament has changed. He is so handsome. That kind of handsome is unusual and charming.

"Is it a picture from big white hair? Show me. " Yixing and Yifeng also hurried up. Seeing these photos, Yang Xu was moved and just wanted to cry. He really missed him.

"Well, we should be glad to see our son so excellent."

"Yes." Yang Xu nodded“ Don't worry, daddy and Mommy. When my brother is gone, my little son will stand up. I will keep up with my brother, study hard and definitely win glory for the Luo family. " At this time, Luo Yifeng said completely like an adult. Hearing these words, Yang Xu couldn't help laughing and hugged him

He came over and said, "good sons are all good sons of mother."

"What does that mean? How did you become your brother when he left? Since ancient times, who says women are not as good as men? When I grow up, I will also win glory for the Luo family! " Roy star said so completely unconvinced.

"Well, well, mother knows. They are all mother's good children."

The new semester will have a new atmosphere. Roy star and their five children have gone to school. Naturally, they can get the first place in the whole grade if they see Yu or not before, let alone go to school now.

He is still like that, unpopular, that is to live in his own world, because he said that in the past two years, in addition to studying well in school, he has only one purpose, that is, waiting for her, waiting for her to grow up, waiting for her to be in a school with him.

Two years, not much, not short.

In the past two years, Jianyu's performance has been very fast. At first, it was only the first in the whole grade. Later, it was the first in the same grade in the whole city, and then the first in the same grade in the whole province. They all said that Jianyu is a geek who never uses his mouth but only his brain.

Yixing has always achieved excellent results. The atmosphere of Luo's family is very good. Yichen is so outstanding and Yixing is so excellent. Some backward Yifeng naturally makes self-conscious progress.

So these two years are the most worry-free two years for Yang Xu and Tang Qin. Two years later, the happiest person was to see Yu, because he waited for Xiao Jiangqing to wait

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.