Monster: Summon Godzilla at the Start

Chapter 13: Godzilla advances, growth period!

"Five million? Really!"

"Upstairs, do you believe this too? It seems that you only have a primary school degree at most, and the appraisal is complete!"

"Hahahaha, don\'t say that, be careful that people are darkened!"

"Now the money is really good. Some people spend five million to collect such a fake video. It\'s really scary to burn if the money is too much."

"Brother, the video has been sent to you. When will the five million arrive?"


Most of the replies under this reply are ridicule.

After all, no one would believe that someone would actually put out five million to collect this information that could not even be sure of its authenticity.

After reading this reply, Luo Xiu also handed back his mobile phone to Fu Bo.

If what this person said is true, then that would be great. I turned around and made a decent little video of Godzilla, and sent it directly to that person, and I could sell it for 5 million after changing hands.

This transaction is simply a huge profit!

In a blink of an eye, Lin Yuan followed Fu Bo to a huge warehouse.

Before the warehouse door was opened, Luo Xiu smelt a pungent **** smell through the crack of the door.

There is no doubt that this is where Forber arranged to temporarily settle Godzilla.

Luo Xiu walked straight forward and opened the door in front of him.

Then, Godzilla\'s huge figure immediately appeared before his eyes.

In addition to Godzilla, there are twelve skeleton reptiles in the warehouse, fresh flesh and blood that have been all over the floor!

Even the blood on the ground is about to condense into a river!

At this time, Godzilla hadn\'t noticed Luo Xiu\'s arrival at all, and was still holding a large piece of scarlet flesh, biting it.

The twelve skull reptiles crawled under the feet of Godzilla, waiting for the latter to leak some food from his mouth.

Firstly, it was because Godzilla was huge, and it was enough for these skeletal reptiles to eat.

Secondly, in the world of monsters, the boundaries of levels are particularly clear. Godzilla, the king of monsters, is like the existence at the top of the food chain pyramid. It is not at all that a few skeleton reptiles would dare to provoke.

"Young master, half of the meat here is the flesh and blood of high-level alien beasts, which cost a total of 39.62 million yuan."

"Because there is not such a large amount of exotic animal flesh and blood in the market, the food intake of this behemoth is too amazing, so for the remaining half, I can only collect some ordinary pigs, cattle, and mutton to fill the number."

Fubo stood beside Luo Xiu, and said with a serious expression on his face.

"This is only half a day, so you have arranged so many things, it\'s really hard for you."

Luo Xiu raised his head, looked at Godzilla, smiled and said, "Look at this guy, how happy you are to eat!"

Although the flesh and blood of high-level alien beasts can accelerate Godzilla\'s growth, ordinary flesh and blood is enough to make Godzilla a good meal.

"I ate nearly 40 million for Lao Tzu in less than a day, you guy, it\'s really hard to raise..."

After Luo Xiu said these words, Godzilla finally realized his existence.

Brother President was taken aback for a moment, and then he directly moved his huge head towards Luo Xiu, like a delicate puppy, and licked his **** tongue at Luo Xiu!

"It\'s all right, stop it!"

Luo Xiu dodged from left to right, and quickly avoided Godzilla\'s tongue.

If this is licked by this guy, then I don\'t have to go out to see people this day!

Afterwards, Luo Xiu\'s heart moved, and Godzilla\'s attributes instantly appeared in front of him!

Monster: Godzilla

Status: Growth stage

Bloodline: King Class

Height: 17.3 meters

Weight: 34 tons

Attack methods: tail whip, scratching, throwing, radiation hotline [energy point consumption: 0-10000]

【The power of radiating hot rays depends on the energy consumed. 】

【Current energy storage: 17600100000】

【Current Flesh Energy Storage: 354001000000】

[Current remaining evolution points: 5]

After devouring so many high-level flesh and blood, Godzilla finally broke through from the childhood stage to the growth stage!

At the same time, Godzilla\'s flesh and blood energy storage value has also been upgraded from the original 100,000 points to a full one million points!

In other words, the current Godzilla still needs to consume nearly one million points of flesh and blood energy to advance from the growth stage to the mature stage!

However, even if Godzilla has not yet fully matured, his body length has reached 17 meters, and even the weight has begun to be calculated in tons.

Luo Xiu raised his head and glanced at the ceiling of the warehouse.

No wonder Godzilla has been squatting on the ground. It turns out that this guy has almost grown to nearly 20 meters!

If this is to stand up, I am afraid that even the ceiling will have to pierce through a hole!

"At present, Godzilla has evolved to the growth stage, devouring ordinary flesh and blood, and will no longer provide Godzilla with any flesh and blood energy!"

"At the same time, when Godzilla devours high-level flesh and blood, he will also have a chance to gain a certain number of evolution points!"

"Evolution points can be used to comprehend and evolve monster skills after accumulating to a certain number of points!"

While Luo Xiu was thinking, the system prompt sound suddenly rang in his ears!

After hearing the system prompt, Luo Xiu frowned.

I didn’t expect that after Godzilla evolved, it would consume ordinary flesh and blood and no longer provide it with flesh and blood energy!

However, there are disadvantages as well as benefits!

The good thing is that next... Godzilla will have a certain chance to get evolution points when devouring high-level flesh and blood, so as to understand and upgrade skills!

It seems... the road to cultivating Godzilla is still quite long.

This guy, where is the king of monsters, is clearly an invisible gold hole!

Even if their Roche Group has a big business, sooner or later they will have to be bankrupted by this Godzilla!

What\'s more, in addition to Godzilla, the sign-in system will continuously give him monsters as rewards!

The skeleton crawler obtained by signing in today is the best testimony!

Luo Xiu is ambitious.

The painful lessons of the plane crash let him know that the essence of this society is a jungle of survival of the fittest!

Once defined as a loser, there is no place to die!

Luo Xiu lost once, so... he won\'t lose a second time!

One day, he will establish his own monster army, and let the whole world tremble under his feet!

Just as Luo Xiu clenched his fists and swears silently in his heart, outside the warehouse gate, there was a loud shout like thunder on the ground!

"Luo Xiu, you...get out!"

"You killed my son. Today, Li Tianjun wants you, a murderer, to punish you according to the law and pay the debt!"