MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 273: Save the Water Elemental Viscount

Li Yao walked in the middle of the remote skeletons, and the melee skeletons began to explore the way.

The monster here is actually Sartre, and these Sartre seem to be holding a special ceremony, with a small rune formation under their feet.

There were Sartre patrols in a sneaking state, but they were basically crushed by Li Yao\'s army.

Although Sartre’s small teams were very powerful, and Li Yao’s murloc skeletons were hung up a lot, but soon, Li Yao’s silver-ying skeletons became Sartre’s skeletons.

With the renewal of Yinying Skull, the overall combat effectiveness around Li Yao has increased to a level

Li Yao quickly discovered a wide spiral staircase. Li Yao looked up and could see some broken buildings at the top.

Li Yao took Yinying and took some time to kill him, and then he could see the current situation clearly. There was a huge pool in a hall.

In the middle of the pool, there is a water element viscount who is imprisoned as if using an ice barrier. In the pool, Li Yao can see densely packed eggs. A breath of energy is drawn from the body of the water element, moisturizing the eggs in the pool. .

On the edge of the pool, a huge long-necked dragon spit out a long magical ray. This is the source of the imprisoned water element. On the edge of the pool, there are many satyrs standing on the rune magic circle. Cast spells.

Seeing the appearance of Li Yao, the body of the Water Elemental Viscount gradually unblocked. He said loudly, "My elven friend, come and rescue me. These evil beings will use me to pollute this sea area, and they want to hatch infinity. Endless long-necked dragons, they want to use my power to extract the power of the moon god, bless the long-necked dragon eggs, but subvert this sea."

Save the Water Elemental Viscount

Mission description: The Viscount Water Element was originally a tidemaker in this sea area. After thousands of years of tidal changes, the temple could not be hidden and was discovered by evil forces. Viscount Water Elemental discovered the abnormality here. But I didn\'t expect this to be a conspiracy to lure him to come. He has long been valued by the Evil Shadow Council and Sartre as an energy source that nourishes the long-necked dragon eggs.

Mission objective: save the Viscount Water Elemental and purify the waters.

Quest reward: 25% experience, the favor of the water element viscount, and the prestige of the tidemakers.

"System: Viscount Water Elemental issued a mission to you, do you accept it?"

"I accepted." Li Yao was also very happy.

Originally, killing wave SS is a high return thing, not to mention the equipment harvest, even the experience gain is not good. It is really a surprise and a windfall to gain so much experience now.

But what really pleased Li Yao was the second reward, the goodwill of the Viscount Water Elemental, and the popularity of the trend-makers.

The trendy person is actually a title.

There are four element lords in the ancient gods world, they were once the most powerful men of the ancient gods. Later, a civil war broke up and helped the Titans seal the ancient gods.

The four element lords are fire element lord, wind element lord, earth element lord, and water element lord.

Each of these elements has their elemental plane, which is an independent kingdom established after they become a demigod.

But they basically live on the main plane of the ancient **** world, and the lord of the water element is called the tidemaker.

The ocean is the territory of the tidemakers, and where there is water, there are water elements.

For nearly a hundred years, the naga and murlocs in the deep sea that have been shrinking have expanded rapidly, whether it is the deep sea or the seaside that has become all over the naga and murlocs.

Even the lord of the sea, the lord of the water element never thought of it. The two races suddenly swelled so much under his nose.

When he woke up, it was too late. The sealed ancient **** had corrupted too many powerful marine creatures. Naga and the murloc were just one of them. He was already powerless.

The tidemakers organization was established under such circumstances, with the purpose of regaining maritime hegemony.

And Li Yao knew very well that the Water Elemental Lord had reached a secret agreement with the rulers of the three major factions.

The powerful demigod laid down his dignity. It is also because of this secret agreement.

Ships of the three major camps rarely encounter strong winds and waves, and can travel safely between the two continents.

The element lords also parted ways from then on.

The lord of the fire element was sealed in the realm of the fire source, and the lord of the wind element was also buried in his own wind **** throne and could not shrink out. The earth element lord also disappeared from the world, silently accumulating power in the earth element world at the core of the earth.

Long necked dragon

Rank: 16-level boss

Life: 180000

Armor: 389

Skills: Poisonous Breath, Bite, Giant Snake Coil, Vicious Bomb, Summon Children

Li Yao also saw the attributes of Boss, and it didn\'t look too strong. And plesiosaurs are not dragons.

It is said that a strong man caught a new species born from a giant dragon and a snake. After tens of thousands of years of reproduction, they are actually new species, and the bloodline of the dragons has been very weak.

Seeing the opponent\'s attributes, Li Yao didn\'t dare to let all the melee skeletons go up, but let the shadows of the long range spread out, and melee only went up three or two.

In an instant, the battle started. Three melee skeletons rushed up The remote skeletons also began to burst output.

In a round of attacks, many satyrs have been killed in seconds, and the long-necked dragons have begun to spray poison bombs.

Poisonous bombs!

The three poisonous magic bullets hit three skeletons respectively, and they were corroded into ashes.

However, three more skeletons rushed up. At the same time, Li Yao\'s death black arrow resurrected the killed elites into skeletons. Supplement the consumption.

"These **** reptiles want to stop me too?"

The long-necked dragon suddenly sprayed a lot of poisonous mist...

Poisonous breath!

"I wipe it." Li Yao was horrified. He was already standing very far away, but the distance to breathe was extremely long.

The skeletons blocking him corroded down one by one, Li Yao jumped back one by one, and jumped directly out of the hall, his body fell quickly, magic spider silk!

Li Yao used magic spider silk to reach the spiral staircase, and at the same time he had ordered all the melee skeletons to go up the spiral staircase.

The satyr elite has been killed by the remote skeletons, but because of the long-necked dragon\'s breath, Li Yao\'s skeletons have been reduced by at least one third.

This is also the result of Li Yao seeing the wave ss skill deliberately scattered. If it is a concentrated formation, it is estimated that this skill will let Li Yao destroy the group.

The skeletons were even more scattered, and they all began to export long-necked dragons.

Li Yao also rushed to the entrance of the spiral staircase and the hall, hiding in the corner for output, the arrow tower was also placed in three positions, and began to output crazy.

The long-necked dragon was constantly biting, killing Li Yao\'s Yinying one by one.

Li Yao looked speechless, but in his heart he thought, no wonder this dozen-level branch copy was developed only a few years later in the previous life. If it weren\'t for this place to be regarded as a wild place, I could summon so many Yinying, it would be impossible to live in this place...

(To be continued.)