MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 252: Mysterious eye

The newcomer Muzi waved his hand and said: "I am only one in a thousand, so don\'t specialize, otherwise the members will specialize me, then I won\'t cry to death. ksany8uncsu"

"Muzi, you\'re so handsome with your fire tornado trick. As it should be, no one will have an opinion." Happiness is a kind of illness.

"Yes, this is what you deserve, you are so powerful, I will take it."

"Take it together."

The wizards in the meeting expressed their opinions.

Li Yao said: "Okay, that\'s it. Don\'t be hypocritical. Besides, it\'s just a bad check. If the boss can\'t get your equipment, it\'s better to talk about it."

"The president, you, this time you can win, it\'s all your credit."

"Agree, mechanical puppet, arrow rain, that\'s sour."

Li Yao shook his head and said: "Say something arrogant, I want to kill a boss that can\'t be killed, so I won\'t **** things with you."


"Kneel together!"

"Kneel together!"

"I\'m convinced by this wave of chairman."

"Meow, others said I must spray him every minute. The president said such arrogant things, I can\'t refute it."

"Xia Yao, don\'t care about it, your sister is too arrogant, I can\'t stand it anymore." The guardian angel stared at Li Yao and said.

"Jealous, you are jealous." Li Yao also said in the senior veteran group: "Am I wrong, it\'s a lie?"

"Fuck, I really can\'t refute it." The guardian angel was speechless. Although Li Yao\'s words were arrogant, they were true. They hadn\'t encountered a boss that could not be killed.

Li Yao smiled and said: "This field OSS will produce nothing less. But for the thousands of us, it is definitely not enough. And the guild\'s points system has just been implemented, so this time an exception. Everyone When you need it, you roll the dice. Whether you can get the equipment you want depends on your luck. Okay, please let our little corpse toucher Hitomi to touch the corpse."

"Brother, you talk so much, I\'m impatient to wait."

Tongtong, who had long been eager to try, suddenly ran to the side of the corpse and started touching the corpse.

Boots of Frost

Quality: Purple Epic

Material: Heavy Armor


Agility: 28

Stamina: 27

An ice-bound path forms an ice-bound path on the water, and you can walk and fight on the water.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment recommendation: heavy armor physical output

Li Yao looked at it and said, "How to say, this equipment special effect is better than the advanced skills of the death knight. You can fight on the water. Let\'s see how to use it. If you use the artifact, you won\'t explain it. If you can\'t use it, it means there is no special effect. , This piece of equipment has a very good attribute bonus, heavy armor physical output, in addition to tanks, output combat, death knight and knight roll."

As Li Yao said, it is a magical tool when used well in special times.

The heavy armored occupations of the output category immediately boiled and started to roll. Many people have seen another advantage, that is, they can be forced to use, and they can scream on the water, which is very cool.

After many rounds of competition, finally, Jingfeng Baiyu, a dark knight with a variant of death knight, was equipped.

"The first one has already had results. Don\'t worry, let\'s start the second one." Li Yao publicly distributed the equipment to Jingfeng Baiyu.

Hitomi suddenly found out the second piece of equipment.

Ocean ring

Quality: Purple Epic

Material: Cloth armor

Part: Wristband

Spirit: 28

Intelligence: 27

Stamina: 26

The Ring of the Sea launches a shock wave centered on the wearer, releasing a water shield for friendly counterattacks 25 yards around the wearer, absorbing 5oo points of damage, lasting 15 seconds, and cooling time 5 minutes.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment occupation: Healing talent

"This equipment is spiritual and healing equipment. And the special effects alone are miracles, Leonardo, yours." Li Yao said.

Da Vinci shook his head and said, "No, I want to roll too."

"Really not?" Li Yao asked.

"I don\'t want privileges." Da Vinci rolled the dice directly.

"In this case, the healers can roll." Li Yao said with a shrug.

Suddenly, the eyes of the healers were red, and the ring of the ocean was full of dreamy colors. Both the appearance and the special effects made the healing girls\' eyes hot. Now that Leonardo gave up his privileges, Li Yao said roll, a bunch of thrown at once. .

A few male treatments had to roll points, but seeing the shape of the ring of the ocean to the extreme, they suddenly gave up roll points in tears.

In the end, Twilight rolls to the Ring of the Ocean.

Abyssal Scepter

Quality: Purple Epic

Attack: 18-25

Intelligence: 38

Spirit: 36

Stamina: 35

Deep sea shelter, increase the caster\'s spell power by 25 points

Blessing of the ancient gods, increase the casting range and skill effects of ice spells by 2o%.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment occupation: ice spell occupation

All mages, especially those with the talent of the ice element, are suffocating. Ziwu is still a 13th-level strong and extremely powerful Ziwu, and even spell classes that are not ice elements are jealous.

"Ice magic staff, do not explain. Super high attribute bonus and magic bonus, as for this special effect, ice magic artifact, everyone is jealous, come on, all ice magic roll points." Li Yao said.

After a round of competition, Sister Li actually rolled to the staff.

"I\'m sorry, you are too weak." Sister Li smiled and took over the staff. As the ice master of the elite ice class, this staff is really more precious to her than the gold outfit, and she has always done her part.

"The vice president is really domineering."

&nbll is the same, I\'ll take it. "

"Haha, don\'t be disappointed, everyone." Hitomi happily took out the next Magic Gloves

Quality: Purple Epic

Material: Leather

Agility: 28

Strength: 26

Stamina: 25

Break the magic, ignoring the opponent\'s magic shield with each attack.

Equipment level: 13

Equipment occupation: Agile occupation.

"I won\'t talk about the attributes, the magic-breaking effect is the nightmare of the law system, the glove that blasts the sky, and all the leather armor classes of the agility system can roll." Li Yao didn\'t care much. With his attack, this glove The effect is not big.

Strictly speaking, thieves and cats are most suitable for this piece of equipment. They attack low, but their attack frequency is super high. Ignoring the shield, it will really become a nightmare in the law system.

Seven songs, a druid of the agility department rolled the glove into his hand.

"Are there any more?" Li Yao asked. Generally, there are only four or five wild bosses, three or four missing.

"And this." The cute pupil pupil took out something like an eye.

Mysterious Eye: Full of evil deep-sea evil energy, it looks like some kind of priest or an item that corrupts divine power.

Note: The pattern seems to be the style of ancient elves, full of traces of time.

"I\'ll study this thing." Li Yao divided the thing to himself, but he had no impression.

But rebirth I, this incomparable thing, the more secrets are hidden. If discovered, the reward is absolutely amazing.

"There is a bag of gems left, which is not separated from the gold coins, and confiscated. Muzi, you don’t have a chance to play your privileges for a long time, so you go to the warehouse to pick a purple suit with fire method, and let Sister Li take it for you. "Li Yao said.

"Thank you, President." The newcomer Muzi did not refuse this time.

Li Yao nodded and set his sights on the convoy of the transportation team...

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