Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 964


A scornful sneer broke out abruptly.

Mu Xianguang and mu Xianxu turn their heads at the same time, and their eyes fall on Mu Xianquan's mocking smile.

When Lin Yi and Jiang Rao walk hand in hand from the kitchen, they hear mu Xianguang's unhappy voice, "what are you laughing at?"

Lin Yi stops talking with Jiang Rao and turns her eyes to see mu Xianguang sitting on the sofa, staring coldly at Mu Xianquan.

Mu Xianquan sat there, chin slightly raised, also do not look at others, so staring at the front, eyes full of irony.

Naturally, mu Xianguang was even more upset. He kicked the coffee table and said, "I'll ask you what you're laughing at!"


Mu Xianquan did not speak.


Mu Xianxu lowered his eyes and sat there with his head down.

Jiang Rao sees mu Xianguang hiding behind Lin Yi in fear.

Mu Xianguang stares at Mu Xianquan and wants to say something. The voice of the housekeeper says, "the second young master is back."

The crowd looked sideways.

Ying Hannian's tall figure appeared at the gate. As soon as he appeared, the whole hall was quiet.

The housekeeper and a group of servants met him at the same time. They were extremely respectful. Ying Hannian took off his windbreaker and threw it to the servant. He stretched out his hand to loosen his tie. His dark eyes swept around the crowd, and his deep face became more and more cold.

Mu Xianxu raised his eyes and remembered that it was only when his grandfather came home before.

"Back?" Lin Yi smiles and says to the housekeeper, "let's get ready for dinner."


The housekeeper bowed his head and retreated.

Ying Hannian reaches out his hand and pulls Lin Yi into his arms. He looks at her with low eyes and asks, "are these people bothering you?"

There are too many things for the group, and he is too busy to come back.

"Nothing. Let's eat first."

Lin Yi gave a faint smile.


Ying Hannian hugged her tightly and went directly towards the restaurant.

The party sat down in front of the round table in the dining room. No one else, just a few of them, even two children were taken down.

The table is full of delicious food, which is exquisite together.

Everyone took their seats one by one. Lin Yi sat on Ying Hannian's left side, while Jiang Rao was on her left side.

With a bang, muxianquan was pushed to his seat by the bodyguard. The round table was very big. After he sat down, there were several empty seats left and right, which made him feel lonely.

The dishes on the table are fragrant.

Jiang Rao sits there and looks at the dishes on the table. All the greedy insects in her stomach scream. She turns her head and looks at mu Xianxu and whispers, "my sister made me egg yolk crabs. They are delicious. I'll put some more for you later."


Mu Xianxu answered with a low voice and patted her on the back.

Probably only Jiang Rao is really here for dinner, and only she has no worries.

The housekeeper poured drinks and wine for everyone, but no one moved chopsticks. Jiang Rao watched everyone bored and found that everyone looked at Ying Hannian with different eyes, as if waiting for something.

And Ying Hannian sat on the throne, as if he didn't notice other people's eyes at all. He raised his hand and turned the wine glass in front of him, circle by circle, very slowly.

Jiang Rao counted and turned seven times.

Ying Hannian's eyes fell on Mu Xianquan, who was sitting opposite him. It was clear that he was also sitting like others, but Jiang Rao felt that his eyes and posture were high, as if he was overlooking others.

Jiang Rao thinks it's a little funny. She sits there silently imitating and turns the cup in front of her.


Mu Xianguang coughed suddenly, breaking the dullness on the table.

Jiang Rao was so scared that she almost spilled her drink.

Lin Yi patted her hand placidly, and Ying Hannian stopped to turn to the cup in the eighth circle. He looked at Mu Xianquan with his black eyes, his thin lips slightly lifted, and said, "who is t?"

Smell speech, Mu Xianquan eyes color a change, closed mouth does not speak.

"To ask you something!"

Mu Xianguang stares at Mu Xianquan.

Mu Xianquan sat there and sneered, "why should I tell you? It's bad luck for me to be caught by you, and then send me abroad. ""You are shameless, aren't you?"

Before eating, mu Xianguang was so angry that he threw his chopsticks, "who do you think you are? If you sit here to eat today, you will really treat yourself as a dish? "

"I don't want a meal for you?" Mu Xianquan glared at mu Xianguang, "I'm disgusted to sit at the same table with you."

Mu Xianguang was so angry that he wanted to hit people that he was stopped by Bai Shuya.

Ying Hannian and Lin Yi sat there motionless, looking at muxianquan coldly.

"Brother." Mu Xianxu stood up from his position and looked at Mu Xianquan with his eyes through the mask. "Don't make any more noise. Isn't it good to listen to my grandfather's will?"

Why do you have to fight endlessly.

Their parents fought all their lives, but they still lost.

Hearing this, Mu Xianquan laughs sarcastically and looks at mu Xianxu with one eye, "do you speak for them? Lin Yi holds a Jiang Rao. You're going to be a dog in the cold year like mu Xianguang, aren't you? "

"What the hell are you talking about?"

Mu Xianguang almost jumped up.

"Am I wrong?"

Mu Xianquan pats the table and stands up, "Mu Xianguang, you are a soft bone! Who is yinghannian? He's a bastard! He's the bastard who came back for revenge! Look at the herdsman. How many people are left after death? These are all for the cold year! "

"You --" in the cold years, the herdsman has become what he is today. You are willing to be the dog beside him because of a little profit. Do you think I'm shameless? Mu Xianguang, where's your face? Do you know how disgusting you are now! You are worthy of you

Are your parents worthy of your grandfather and the ancestors of the herdsmen? "

Mu Xianquan completely let out the general, will never say in front of the public all roared out.

Before I said anything or ate anything, I quarreled first.

Lin Yiping sat there quietly, which she expected.

Mu Xianguang blushed and said, "don't pull these. The position of decision maker is given by the old man, not me!"

"Brother, stop it."

Mu Xianxu stood in front of the dining table, his eyebrows behind his mask tightened tightly.

"And you!" Muxianquan stares at the masked muxianxu, "look what you are now? You are my brother, our parents are gone! You're talking to your enemies! Do you have a conscience? "


"This herdsman, I'm the only one who's awake. You're all crazy! All bewitched by Ying Hannian! He sold it and counted the money for him! "

Muxianquan roared out hysterically.

Ying Hannian sits there lazily, sniffs the speech and laughs, "I think you are crazy, dare to be wild here." The tone is light.