Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 963

"Of course, we rushed in and looked inside and outside, but we didn't find it." The person opposite the cell phone reported.

"Are you sure you look carefully? There's nothing missing? Is there no place in the club without monitoring? "

Ying Hannian asked coldly“ Mr. Ying, we all looked for it carefully. I... wait a minute. The building behind the club is still under construction. It's just a little bit built. It's all workers. There's no monitoring there. We just looked at it and didn't find it. " They all thought muxianquan was real

He ran away.

"Find it now! Don't let go of a corner! "

Ying Hannian then hung up the phone, raised his eyes to Lin Yi's line of sight, thin lips raised a touch of ridicule radian, "did not expect that this year, there are people with me to play the most dangerous that is the safest trick."

"You mean Mu Xianquan pretends to drive away under surveillance, and then secretly goes back to stay, ready to wait for someone to leave?"

Lin Yi understood what he meant.

This method is very old, but it's not practical

When Ying Hannian sat there and turned his eyes to Xiaojing, he scratched his white face, "yes, little thing."

Even he thought muxianquan had driven away. If it wasn't for the little guy's skill, he wouldn't want to go here.

The means are so old that few people will play this game.

Muxianquan will not play this game.

Just that... T.

Xiaojing sat on his desk and looked at Ying Hannian. He didn't know what he was praised, so he laughed at him happily.


The saliva came down again.

"Daddy called you a little thing." Lin Yi takes a paper towel to wipe his saliva.

"Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch."

The little guy rubbed her hand happily and said the baby's language, which was incomprehensible to others.


It was the first time that several cousins of this generation got together in such a neat way after the revelation of Sanfang.

Except for mu Xianfeng, who has already died and Mu Xiaxi, who is away on his honeymoon, the rest of us are complaining.

Therefore, the housekeeper is very cautious and keeps staring at the people below again and again. He should be energetic when doing things.

The kitchen was so busy that the delicious food was brought to the table one by one.

In the hall, Mu Xianquan, who had just been brought over from Kangqiao club, was sitting in the middle of the sofa with his hands tied. His face was embarrassed and angry. There were four bodyguards standing in front and behind, and he couldn't move.

Compared with his disheveled face, the children's laughter not far away is like a naked mockery of him. The magnificent hall is paved with a train track that goes around. When Bai Shuya holds Xiaojing, he and Xiao Luoluo sit on the cartoon train and play around. The track goes up and down around the koi pond. Xiao Luoluo is very excited

Straight call, Xiaojing when there is a kind of learning, shouting.

Adults and children are enjoying themselves.

The whole hall is their playground, their laughter.

Mu Xianquan looked coldly.

Mu Xianguang sat on one side, holding his head and looking at him with a sneer, not saying a word.

"The fifth young master is back."

The housekeeper's voice rang at the door.

They looked up and saw Jiang Rao and mu Xianxu at the door. Today, mu Xianxu didn't wear a clown suit. He was straight in a suit and wore a golden mask to hide his true face.

The housekeeper and the servant had been told by Lin Yi for a long time, so naturally they would not show any difference to such mu Xianxu, and they were still respectful.

Come back?

Does the housekeeper call him back?

After listening to this, mu Xianxu was distracted until the servant came forward to change his shoes. Jiang Rao stood aside and looked at him strangely, "what's the fifth young master?"


Mu Xianxu is dumb. Just thinking about how to deal with it, the Housekeeper on one side looks at Jiang Rao with a smile. "Miss Jiang, the second daughter-in-law is in the kitchen. She says she wants to cook two good dishes for you in person."

"Then I'll go to my sister!"

Jiang Rao's heart is simple, and when she hears it, she doesn't care about anything else. She goes straight to the kitchen.

The ranch house was no stranger to her.

Mu Xianxu saw the housekeeper's relief and walked towards him.Cartoon train from the track in front of him, Bai Shuya gave him a faint smile, mu Xianxu jaw head again, "three sister-in-law."

"Go and sit down. Dinner will be ready soon."

As soon as Bai Shuya's voice fell, he drove away with the train.

Mu Xianxu continues to walk forward. When he sees Mu Xianquan in the middle of the sofa, his eyes change.

Today, he received a phone call to ask him to go back to the big room for dinner. He guessed what happened. Unexpectedly, muxianquan was also here. It seems that this meal tonight has a special meaning.

"Brother." Mu Xianxu bowed his head and called, then looked at mu Xianguang sitting on one side, "third brother."

Mu Xianquan ignored him, and his face became more and more heavy.

"Well, sit down first. Your second brother hasn't come back yet."

Mu Xianguang was a little better to Mu Xianxu's face. He turned his head and told the servant, "serve tea to the fifth young master."

Muxianquan didn't get this treatment when he was brought in.

Mu Xianxu nodded and sat down opposite mu Xianguang. Looking at the magnificent house, he suddenly realized that the years he had been here had become vague memories.

At that time, my grandfather was still there. There were too many rules in the herdsman's family. He didn't like to come back. Once he came back, he would be read by the elders. He would rather stay outside.

Now suddenly looking back, I found that none of the elders were there.

"It's changed a lot here."

Mu Xianxu looked around and said that the servants were not the same as before. They were tense before, but now they are all relaxed.

In the past, housekeeper Feng was very strict, but now he is a good one. He is very good at dealing with people, and he can be trained in the cold years. Mu Xianguang looked along his line of sight and saw the train track full of floor mats. He thought he was talking about this. He couldn't help laughing and said, "it's like this when there are two more children in the family. The edges and corners of the bag have to be covered, the floor mats of the shop can't be less, and the toys are even more beautiful

All kinds of things, I tell you, that is, Ying Hannian didn't have a daughter. If he had a daughter, He can paint the whole house pink

Mu Xianxu chuckled, "does he like his daughter?"

"I like it crazy. Now there are two Princess rooms upstairs."

Pastoral light refers to upstairs, make complaints about the disease of the daughter controlled in cold years, he can not help but Tucao.

Decorate the Princess Room.

He also bought baby clothes with Jiang Rao. If the baby was born, it would be bigger than Xiao Luoluo.

Mu Xianxu looks at the cartoon train running on the track and smiles bitterly. The two of them agreed to make complaints about the cold years, and they were laughing and laughing happily.