Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 1050

She raised her eyes to him, unable to conceal her admiration.

He has always been the great whale in the sea, and his world is an endless ocean.

She was proud to be with the whale.

Ying Hannian was very helpful to her eyes. Standing there, he cleared his throat and said, "this is only part of it, and the follow-up will come one after another."

"Well." Lin Yi nodded with a smile and said, "Congratulations, Ying Hannian."

She meant what she said.

She congratulated him on continuing to swim in the sea instead of being stuck in the shallows for her sake.

"Congratulations?" Ying Hannian frowned and seemed dissatisfied with these two words. Standing there, he didn't say much, only moved his thin lips and said, "today's all this will not be disclosed to the public. We will only make a record for ourselves to see, but I have already seen the clarification videos of those people

Let people put it on the Internet. "

"Oh." Lin Yi nodded, "in fact, don't worry. Anyway, it's been a few months. It's nothing to be short of a few days."

He has been busy for so long that he has to help her wash the dirty water as soon as he comes back.

"In fact, muxianquan confessed all the facts before long, and so did these people. When I was in S City, I searched for them and prepared all the clarifications for publication, but I didn't send them all the time." Ying Hannian stood in front of her and said.

This makes Lin Yi surprised, she does not understand to look at him, "why?"

"Because there is no opportunity, no opportunity for everyone to believe in you." Ying Hannian's voice is low.


What did Lin Yi understand? His heart trembled. That's why he

"In the eyes of all people, we are one. Only when I am strong enough to do a grand event and make it crazy for others can we make everyone believe that there will be no mistake in my choice."

Ying Hannian's black eyes stare at her deeply. In the middle of the conversation, he suddenly kneels down to her on one knee. "I want to tell everyone that I can't make a mistake in business or choosing a wife."

There was a low voice around.


Lin Yi looked at him with astonishment, holding a cup full of certificates.

"Today, I'll trade all my glory for your innocence."

Her reputation will be guaranteed by his escort.

Ying Hannian knelt on one knee and stretched out his hand to her. His eyes were so sexy that he said, "so, get married."

So get married.

These five words came out of his mouth so lightly.

In Lin Yi's case, it was thundering and shaking. In that second, she almost spilled something in her arms.

So, this is a proposal scene?

Lin Yi guessed that Ying Hannian was trying to surprise her, but he didn't expect that he was going to propose today.

Her legs were patted. Lin Yi lowered her head and saw Xiaojing standing on the ground with a pink cardboard on her hand.

It's just a simple line with the date.

Not in the past, but after.

Lin Yi understood almost immediately that this was the wedding date chosen by Ying Hannian.

See her straight stand there, mouth pursed did not move, should cold years to see her, "no response?"

"..." Lin Yi pursed her lips, "I just feel that you are like a declarative sentence. It seems that you don't need my response."

What's more, has anyone been proposed with a certificate of Yihuai?

"It's really a statement."

Ying Hannian so brazenly admitted.

Nonsense, why did he give her a no option? Is he insane.


Lin Yimo, what else should she do.

"But you can still get me up." Ying Hannian's eyebrows suggest that she can have some reaction.


It's all dominated by him. What else can she say?

Lin Yi was very helpless, but that kind of moving still couldn't be restrained to get into her body, swimming all over her body, burning her whole person warm, burning her eyes constantly hot and red.

She carefully put a pile of trophies in her arms into the hands of the people next to her, and went forward to pull Ying Hannian's hand.

"Pa --"

A small hand suddenly stretched out and hit Ying Hannian's hand.“……”

Ying Hannian turns his head with a black face, and sees that Xiaojing, who has taken off his sunglasses, stares at Ying Hannian almost on guard.

The little guy stood by and witnessed the whole process. All of a sudden, he caught everyone by surprise.

Seeing that Ying Hannian's face sank down, the little guy immediately gave him a funny smile, which was very dogleg. Then when Ying Hannian's face relaxed slightly, he threw his hands on Lin Yi, hugged her leg and didn't let go.

After hugging him, he also slanted his big eyes at Ying Hannian, as if watching his reaction.


Ying Hannian completely blackened his face, knelt on the ground, picked up the little guy and sent him to the nursery teacher, "your task has been completed."

There's nothing wrong with you.

When the baby sitter was busy holding Xiaojing, he hid beside him.

Being disturbed by the little guy, Ying Hannian is quite dissatisfied with his perfect plan. He repeatedly makes mistakes, so he tries his best to make up for them. He stares at Lin Yi, waiting for her reaction.

"No ring?"

Lin Yi asked.

"The ring is in your hand. The only thing like a ring is enough." Ying Hannian looked up at the silver ring on her ring finger and added, "of course, you can buy any other jewelry."

"But how can you propose without a ring?"

Lin Yi said softly.

When others thought she was deliberately making trouble, they heard her sigh helplessly, "fortunately, I wore it with me."

With that, Lin Yi raised her hand to her neck and untied a slender necklace. The pendant on it was a well preserved silver ring, the size of which was just men's.


The eyes of Ying Hannian are stiff.

"Your father sent it."

A few days ago, Lin Yi had someone talk to the other side of Shengsheng Street on the phone, telling Sanfang the latest situation. Unexpectedly, he received the ring from Mu Huahong yesterday.

It's a pair with the ring on her hand.

There was no message, but she knew it was a silent blessing.

It was too expensive for her, so she chained it around her neck and carried it with her.


Ying Hannian kneels there on one knee with a look of gazing. He doesn't know what he is thinking. His black eyes are complicated.

"Now, the ceremony has a ring."

Lin Yi took his hand and put the silver ring on his ring finger.

Some things are really predestined.

She never felt too big or too small to wear yingyongxi's ring, and Mu Huahong's ring was just right on yinghannian's ring finger.

It seems to be tailored. Ying Hannian stares at the ring pushed to the end of his finger by her. The next second, Lin Yi closes his palm with his fingers and pulls him up from the ground.