Medical Return

108 108. To a higher place (4)

“That's a tough one. Unknown death.”

Kim Chang-young frowned at the office.

I'm a doctor who's better than anyone, and I don't know how I got caught up in this kind of trouble.

“Surely there is no negligence from Dr. Kim Jin-hyun? ”

“In the medical profession's opinion, that's a good chance. However, because we don't know the cause of death, we can't prove that there is no negligence. ”

“That's not good. When this kind of medical accident happens, the doctor has to prove that there is no negligence. ”

The Republic of Korea shall demonstrate that the victim is negligent in the event of a medical accident.

Because of this, the general public, who do not have the expertise, often argues that victims are absolutely disadvantaged in medical accidents.

However, in the case of these accidents of unknown death, it is often unfair to doctors to actually look at cases of medical accidents.

For example, there may be a heart attack during previous antibiotics.

The bereaved side sued the doctor for an antibiotic heart attack, but in fact it has been used around the world for decades and has never caused a heart problem.

Of course, there was a much higher probability of sudden cardiac arrest, not a heart attack by the use of antibiotics, so the physician's side appealed, but the Tribunal's ruling was the victim's side victory.

The reason is that it has not been demonstrated to be not an antibiotic heart attack.

The doctor was unfair, but these cases were very common.

With a sepsis rate of 80%, the baby died when the parents sued the nurse for "Pain shock by mistake."

Well, how many people in the world die from Pain Shock a year?

However, even in that case, the Tribunal's decision was a victory for the victim. The reason was the same.

Therefore, in the case of these unknown medical accidents, especially death accidents, the physician must be able to prove medically that there is no fault to avoid liability.

Moreover, this was not a medical issue in this case. It was fatal that the deceased was Song Young Group Chairman's daughter.

The chairman of the angry Song Young Group is desperately lobbying, so there is very little chance that the judge will give a verdict in Jinhyun's favor. No, there was a higher probability of much heavier penalties being imposed than in the present case.

“In many ways, Dr. Kim Jin-hyun will be at a disadvantage. ”

“Yes, that's a good chance. ”

Kim Chang-young knocked on the table with a tough face.

“If there is no negligence, it seems too unfair to Dr. Kim Jin-hyun. ”

“Yes, moreover, the victim is the daughter of Song Young Group Chairman, Kim Seo-yeon, so it seems more problematic. President Kim of China is lobbying for Kim Jin-hyun to lose a heavy brother. ”

The secretary replied.

Certainly, leaving everything else and being the daughter of Song Young Group Chairman was the biggest problem.

“Hmm……. ”

Kim Chang-young thought about what to do.

“If there is really no negligence, it seems unfair to Kim Jin-hyun. Tell the judge in charge of the trial to take care of the situation. ”

“Yes, I understand. ”

The secretary bows her head.

Kim Chang-young is the former Supreme Court and current Prime Minister, the largest adult in the legal system, and his words were more prestigious than Tae San.

And time passed and the trial began.

* * *

The trial was held in the immediate aftermath with the malicious lobbying of Chinese President Kim.

The judge looked at the case.

This is more a matter for the plaintiff and the defendant than the medical case itself.

The plaintiff is a financial conglomerate, and behind the defendant is Prime Minister Chang-young Kim.

In the end, the verdict was as follows:

Murder is not established when the defendant's negligence is uncertain. However, postoperative death cannot be completely avoided.

adjudicated the suspension of eligibility for a six-month temporary medical licence.

Land! Land!

Much weaker than Kim Jong-rok's side claimed, the cotton bat was punishable.

The Chinese President Kim disobeyed, but the verdict was not reversed.

* * *

“ ……. ”

After the trial, Jin Hyeon had a futile expression.

Of course, it was a much weaker penalty than expected... but the suspension of medical license eligibility.

It was the verdict that everything he had accumulated after the regression collapsed.

It is, of course, a six-month temporary suspension; after only six months, you can go back to your normal doctor's life.

In fact, even if I was caught receiving only a rebate, I was sentenced to a year suspension... It was a really mild punishment given that President Kim Jong Burk, the financial giant, lobbied for evil.

But then what do you do? This verdict has ruined all the reputation he has built in the Great Hospital so far.

I became a doctor who caused people to die in a medical accident from a genius doctor that would never happen again.

Of course it was an unknown accident, and it wasn't his fault, but it was just a story of people who knew the circumstances.

‘I like that reputation, but... ’

Yeah, it seemed like such a vain reputation.

But there was a bigger problem.

Jinhyun laughed bitterly and headed to the Daejeon Hospital Education and Training Department.

“Ah, Dr. Jin-hyun Kim. ”

The employee was surprised and struck him. It was a pity that the staff also heard about the progress.

Jinhyun gave out a white envelope.

“What is this? ”

“It's an apostle.”

“Ah……. ”

Jinhyun said with a written expression.

“You can't be in a hospital with your license suspended. ”

Jinhyun was right.

A licensed physician cannot work in a hospital.

“Still, I know that Professor Steel and many surgeons opposed your wavefront..... ”

The employee said it was a pity that Jinhyun's apostolate was missing.

Lee Jong-gyun, the director, tried to get him out of the hospital somehow as an excuse for this unpleasantness, but was rather hit by the headwinds of surgical professors.

In particular, Professor Steel Min Steel was angry with the fire and tried to make a fist by saying not to talk nonsense.

But Jinhyun shook his head with a bitter smile.

I had no choice but to retire for six months and not qualify for residency.

This was an area where professors who cared about Jinhyun, including Kang Min Cheol, could not help but use their strength.

Of course, there is also a way to come back after a while and get another year of resident training… but it was a matter of rethinking after a while.

“Then……. ”

While the apostle was out, several people, including Professor Hye Mi and Professor Steel, called him, but Jinhyun turned his back.

I wanted to be alone now.

I felt futile looking back at the one-on-one hospital on my way.

How did this happen?

I definitely wanted to succeed in this life. As you can see, I wanted to live a successful life.

But as in his last life, he also failed in this life.

‘No, this is not a failure. ’

Jinhyun grabbed his fist.

How can this be called failure? It was just an ugly drink!

And it's only a six-month suspension, not a lifetime.

Just think of it as a six-month vacation. You've been living without a break so far. There are plenty of places to go if you don't stop qualifying anyway. ’

Even though Professor Steelminstel and many other surgeons had hoped that he would return to the hospital after some time, there were many places to go, even if it wasn't a dirty one-on-one hospital.

Although Scout's inquiry was terminated because of the suspension of his eligibility, he is not going anywhere, so there will be many places for him to come if the suspension is lifted.

"Don't be discouraged. What did I do wrong? ’

Yeah, six months of suspension.


But there was something not to forget.

Above all!

Jinhyun grinded it.

I will surely take revenge. I will make you pay for your sins in any number.

He made a vow and made a commitment, staring at the Great Hospital.

* * *

When I returned home, my parents warmly welcomed him.

Though I thought it was okay, my heart was broken when I saw my parents. I looked only at myself and I was so excited.

Jinhyun lowered his head.

“… I'm sorry. ”

But my father shook his head and said,

“What's that supposed to mean? It doesn't matter at all. Whether you're a doctor or not, you're my proud son. I love you.”

My mother also said.

“Yes, Jinhyun. We don't care if you're upset. I love you, son. ”

Jinhyun finally shed tears in his words of love.

It was a tear I endured.

* * *

However, Jinhyun quickly shook his heart.

It has already happened, and nothing has changed when you are discouraged like a loser.

‘But I'm glad the trial is over once. ’

With Kim Chang-young's invisible and powerful mediation, Song Young Group abandoned the appeal.

No matter how big a company is, it's no good after the eyes of the next powerful majority.

What do we do now? ’

Even if you return to the doctor six months later, there is nothing you can do right now. I have money, so I don't have to worry about not working right now.

‘No, there's something I can do. Do you want to do a little tutoring? ’

Jin-hyun laughed.

Since then, he has been Chief of Staff of the National Academy of Medicine and Chief of Selection Examinations for Korea.

It's been a long time since I laid my hands on the chief, but the chief, the chief, who has just repeated it, will crowd the students like a cloud when he starts the surgery again.

I didn't even know how to make money as hard as a doctor.

But my parents were against it.

“Son, what are you trying to do already? Take a little break.

“Yes, it's foolish to do too much. Rest.”

At the end of that day, Jin Hyun played at Bindong Bindong House.

It was the first break I had in my life.

However, resting did not make me comfortable.


It's okay, I thought it was okay, but there was no way it could actually be okay.

The anguish of his lying heart made him hard.


He grabs his fist. I will surely make you pay for your sins.

But it was then.


The cell phone rang.

Who is it?

With a suspicious face, it was Amy, the president of Haines.

“Yes, this is Kim Jin-hyun. ”

Mr. Kim? I'm Amy.

“Oh, yes. What's going on?”

You don't have anything in particular to do with me. Jinhyun looked suspicious.

But Amy said something unexpected.

I called to ask Scout a question. $400,000 a year. What do you think? Do you have any ideas?

“ ……! ”

Jinhyun's eyes twitched.

With a salary of 400,000 dollars, the current exchange rate is around 500 million won. If you are a plastic surgeon who has opened in Gangnam, no doctor in Korea receives this kind of money on an annual basis.

He asked if Amy was joking.

“Is that true? ”

But Amy's words were no joke.

Of course. Would you like to take a look if you're interested?

* * *

As always, I met Amy at her favorite Itawon.

Whether the years were moving away or not, Amy retained the beautiful beauty of her life for as long as she had seen it for the first time.

It is a beauty that feels like a thirty year old peaceful charm.

“Long time no see, Mr. Kim. ”

“Yes, it's been a long time. ”

“I missed you. How are you?”

We're working on a number of projects together, and they're getting closer.

He was jealous because he had met many people privately, not as a project.

“$550,000 Scout, what do you mean? You know, I'm suspended. ”

“Yes, I know. ”

“Is this the salary offered by Haynes? ”

Working in a pharmaceutical company had nothing to do with a doctor's license because it was not a medical practice.

But Amy shook her head.

“I wish Mr. Kim would come to Haines, but this scout is not Haines' proposal. ”

“So what?”

Amy laughed.

“Personally, a solicitation came in from someone with a face. They had previously sent a scout mail to Mr. Kim, so I asked him to flirt with Mr. Kim instead. ”

“Yes? Where? ”

What are you talking about?

Amy drank a sip of wine before answering.

“Saint Joseph's Hospital in New York, USA. ”

“ ……! ”

Amy asked Jin-hyun a frightening question.

“You know St. Joseph's Hospital, right? ”

“Of course I do. ”

St. Joseph's Hospital!

Located near Manhattan, New York, Johns Hopkins, Mayo, MD, and General Massachusetts were among the top hospitals in the United States.

(Continued on next page)