Medical Master's World

Chapter 781

Although Qin Jun doesn't look as strong as Yue Chenggang, it also gives people an unquestionable feeling. The drunk rubs his arm and lies on the bed with a face of resentment.

Qin Jun took out six silver needles and thrust them into the key points in the back of his brain.

When the six needles went down, the drunk suddenly changed his face and began to vomit.

The vomit fell into the basin Qin Jun had prepared in advance. It was all black and full of wine.

Qin jundao said, "the organizer is still a bit of a level. It's fair to put these two patients in the final. Although the symptoms of these two patients are different, they are all stomach diseases."

The food taken by the drunkard goes into the stomach and ferments into wine, which is different from the process of digesting food in normal people. There is a lack of some hormones in the body, which can also be diagnosed and treated by western medicine.

Several organizers on the rostrum were confused. They didn't expect that they were the same two patients. They just found two complicated diseases. Qin Jun made them very ashamed.

After the drunkard vomited, Qin Jun gave him a prescription, but the medicine didn't suffer. Instead, it was ground up and let him take it.

A few minutes later, the drunkard's symptoms disappeared, and he woke up with a very excited look on his face.

"Doctor, thank you! Thank you, doctor

In an instant, there were thunderous applause under the stage!

Even several experts on the rostrum stood up and applauded excitedly.

Originally thought that this time the competition did not look good, did not expect to have such a master.

Suddenly someone said, "do you think he looks like master Qin?"

"Master Qin? Master Qin of TCM conference

"No, is master Qin so young?"

"You forget that master Qin was less than 30 years old when he was introduced on TV. The doctor's surname was Qin. Is it a coincidence that he is so skillful in medicine?"

"When you say that, I really think he is a bit like master Qin. His manner of speaking, manner and action are indeed very similar."

"Master Qin? Master Qin, is that you? "


Qin Jun saw someone under the stage to see his identity, a faint smile, directly exit.

Although there is no media at the scene, it is inevitable that many people use their mobile phones to take videos, so it is better not to be recognized by everyone.

After Qin Jun left, he didn't know what was going on inside, so he sent a wechat to ask, saying that ye Wan'er had won the prize instead of her.

Qin Jun smiles, which can be regarded as satisfying ye Wan'er's wish to win the championship, right?

Just as Qin Jun was about to leave the meeting hall, a cold voice came from behind.


Qin Jun looked back and saw Chen Yuan standing in the back with a cold face, holding his arms and looking glum.

"Miss Chen? What's the matter? "

Chen Yuan went up to Qin Jun and asked, "why did you leave suddenly just now? Are you going to let me?"

Qin Jun Leng for a moment, "you misunderstood, I am not to let you." He's just afraid of being recognized.

Chen Yuan cold hum a, "you are very fierce, won me you ruthless happy?"

Qin Jun helpless smile, "I really did not want to win, I just normal treatment."

Chen Yuan gritted her teeth. "I don't care. Anyway, your attitude has aroused my dissatisfaction. You have to compensate me."

Mr. Qin is speechless. How can I say that? How can I compensate you?

Women are really unreasonable.

"Well, what do you want to do? I'll treat you to dinner? "

Chen Yuan suddenly eyes a turn, looking at Qin Jun said.

"Be my boyfriend."