Medical Master's World

Chapter 285

Zhu Linlin is also worried. I remember when I saw vice president sun yesterday, he was a good man and had a good attitude. Why did grandma and uncle go and become like that?

It's not going back, is it?

Seeing Zhu Linlin worried, Qin Jun said, "Linlin, you can rest assured that tomorrow will be very smooth."

Zhu Linlin nodded, "I hope so."

Brother Xiaojun, even if he has a little face, will not have much advantage. After all, he is just a doctor. It's not friendship to see someone's boss. I hope tomorrow will go well.

The next morning, the three members of Zhu Linlin's family got up and gathered at the old lady's house.

This time, Zhu Jiazhen sent out all the staff and drove four or five cars to the Sales Office of he's real estate.

On the way, the old lady's face was as heavy as water. She felt very shameful when she thought of yesterday's experience.

"Zhu Linlin, I hope you don't make me lose face today!"

Zhu Ming snorted coldly, "Mom, we'd better not believe her. We'll let her go down by ourselves later. We'll watch her in the car and see how she queued up and how she was blown out by the security guard."

"Hum!" The old lady snorted coldly. If that's true, I'll teach this smelly girl a lesson when I go back.

After Zhu Linlin got out of the car, she saw all the staff of he's real estate standing at the door neatly. In addition, there were more than a dozen etiquette ladies on both sides, dressed in uniform and very beautiful. Everyone was like a stewardess, standing on the roadside with a smile, as if waiting for someone.

Zhu Linlin walked forward two steps, a little afraid to go past, this he's real estate should be receiving what VIP, right? It's a bit unfortunate this time. They have something important to do. Will they receive her?

However, as soon as Zhu Linlin was about to go back, suddenly sun cenyang came out of the room. He just saw Zhu Linlin and ran all the way.

Sun Chuangyang, dressed in a suit and shoes, trotted all the way to Zhu Linlin and said respectfully.

"Miss Zhu, you are here. Please come inside."

Zhu Linlin was a little confused, "ah? I think you have some activities. Why don't I wait a moment? "

Sun said with a smile, "Miss Zhu is joking. There is no activity today. I want to sign an agreement with Miss Zhu. This is the delivery ceremony."

Zhu Linlin is stunned, "these, is to greet me?"

"That's right."

With that, sun reached out and motioned for Zhu Linlin to go in.

All the etiquette ladies are smiling and looking at Zhu Linlin. As Zhu Linlin walks by, the etiquette ladies turn around and everyone pays attention.

Suddenly, Zhu Linlin became the focus of the whole audience.

After entering the sales office, Zhu Ming and old lady Ouyang in the car were very puzzled.

"What's the matter? Why is Linlin treated so well?"

"I don't know. Let's go in and have a look!"

The family got out of the car and followed.

After entering the hall, you can see that the whole sales hall has been arranged into a conference room, with a large conference table in the middle and two chairs on both sides, sitting sun Jiyang and Zhu Linlin respectively.

There are a lot of cameramen around, as well as reporters with microphones, flashing lights, the atmosphere is very tall.

"Mr. Zhu, this is our contract. Please have a look. If there is no problem, the signing ceremony will begin."

"Ah, good."

Zhu Linlin hasn't come back to herself, so she looks at the contract carefully.