Mechanical Alchemist

Chapter 286: Gate of Heaven

The fighting in the narwhal slavery camp suddenly became fierce.

However, since those guys misjudged the strength of Su Lun\'s trio, they were doomed to a sad ending.

Su Lun also guessed why those guys were doing their hands confidently.

Probably saw the gold-patterned cloak and recognized them as the target wanted by the King of the North Sea. In the information of those people, Mr. Jing was only Tier 6. If this is the case, their 3,000-member group does have the courage to head-on.

I never thought that the information a few months ago is now a bit outdated.

Su Lun was not the weak chicken who had just rushed out of the underground of Old Lingdun.

Yuta is no ordinary druid.

And Mr. Mirror is not the sixth order.

Even, she is not an ordinary seventh-order!

As soon as Mr. Mirror\'s mirror image field came out, the quasi-eighth-order strength directly crushed those elite hundred groups.

When those people still had hope and strength, she killed the Tier 5 Golden Tooth leader with the momentum of thunder.

The slave hunters were all people who came for commissions, but they didn\'t have that much loyalty. They are not like professional soldiers who will fight to the end for military orders. Right now the leader was killed, and the other group of slave arresters saw this and immediately dispersed.

The battle stopped abruptly when it reached its climax.


Mr. Jing didn\'t mean to kill him all.

Seeing the slave trappers running around in the forest, she took the field and stood arrogantly in the camp with corpses everywhere, silent for a long time, as if thinking about something.

Su Lun watched Mr. Mirror didn\'t move, and didn\'t chase the slave trappers who fled.

Although his puppet theater is strong, it is now limited by dark spiritual power, the field control range is not too large, and the pursuit ability is not very strong. .

He is also very clear about his senior sister\'s intentions.

The killing is not the purpose, but to stop the slavery business in the silent deep forest.

Those who escaped alive will spread the news and make other slave hunting groups scrupulous.

Uta has the blessing of magic hair pot, which is unmatched in combat power. Although she has the ability to pursue, but seeing Su Lun did not do anything, she stayed quietly in place.


After the fighting, gunpowder smoke was everywhere in the camp.

The narwhal group fled, leaving hundreds of corpses, as well as a large amount of heavy mechanical equipment and supplies.

The supply of a large team of thousands of people is not just a little bit.

There were no outsiders on the scene, and Su Lun didn\'t have to hesitate to start the happily gathering the spoils.

He did not dare to use the phantom of death, and directly stripped the gray fog from hundreds of corpses. Then he manipulated the silk thread and scraped the equipment on the corpse, condensed curse materials and alchemy cloak.

Most of them are black iron and white board materials, not too old.

But fortunately, the quantity is large.

Su Lun had seen before that many of the narwhal regiment’s mechanical preparations were marked by Lu Ying’s military. Although this kind of retired old equipment is one era behind the technology of the current equipment, it is also a good thing that is not easy to buy with money in the black market.

This batch of trophies are packaged and sold, and you can probably make a lot of money.

There are puppets and countless silk threads to count the spoils, and Su Lun\'s body can be distracted to observe Mr. Mirror without having to work too much.

Seeing his senior sister took off the cloak, he asked, "Senior sister, are you okay?"

Mr. Jing shook his head and didn\'t say much, "It\'s just that something suddenly came to mind."

She condensed the complicated thoughts in her mind and glanced at Su Lun in a blink of an eye. The indifference between her eyebrows suddenly disappeared, and her eyes softened.

After groaning for a moment, she applauded: "Your puppet technique has improved a lot. Now, you really have the appearance of a puppet master."

Hearing this, Su Lun gave a noncommittal chuckle.

He is now probably a "master" in the field of puppet alchemists.

But in the eyes of my senior sister, it\'s a "somewhat" level.

However, this is already a very high evaluation.

After all, this person had seen the peak scenery of this plane.

The two chatted for a few words, and at this moment, a small movement suddenly came from the jungle not far away.

Mr. Jing discovered something first, and looked to one side, and said lightly: "Someone is coming."

Su Lun listened, only to find the rustling sound, it seemed that a lot of people were approaching. He thought it was those slave traps who had gone and returned, and when he was wondering why those guys had come back to die, Yuta, who was helping him count the trophies, heard something unusual and said softly.

There were long eagles in the sky, and some special horns sounded from the forest.

Uta was delighted, and said in surprise: "That is the fighting horn of our Daru tribe!"

When Su Lun heard this, the alert in his eyes also dissipated.

After thinking about it for a moment, a daze appeared on his face.

The previous battle was very dynamic, especially Uta used the magic pot to mobilize the square elements, creating a vision of colorful clouds all over the sky, which can be seen from dozens of kilometers away.

It was probably those Daru people in the Holy Land who saw it, and then they were attracted to it.

He looked at Mr. Mirror with an indifferent expression not far away, so he didn\'t think about it, and continued to clean the battlefield.

No matter what the situation is, there will be no chaos with this person.


Su Lun guessed right.

Even when they were still fighting, the wolf woman and a few elders led a team of hundred people out of the holy ground and quietly touched the cliff.

The sight of the colorful glow of the Holy Land made them have to take a risk to take a look. If it is really their sacred artifact of the Daru clan [Dagda\'s Magic Pot], all the risks are worth it.

Just after the battle, the air in the forest still smelled of blood.

The Daru people have some animalized organs, and their sense of smell is very keen, and they can clearly smell the **** breath from miles away.

They recognized that many people had died, so they also walked with extreme caution.

But before getting close to the forest area where the fighting was moving, the originally fierce fighting suddenly came to an abrupt end.

This makes them more cautious.

They were also worried that it was a trap, and those despicable human slave trappers would use any method in order to catch slaves.

The large group stayed in a hidden position on the edge of the cliff, and several young druids volunteered to serve as a waiter and quietly approached the forest area.

Several people cautiously jumped between giant trees, avoiding places on the ground where there might be trap warnings.

They were so far apart, they saw the corpses all over the camp, and the only three standing people left.

Uta has wolf ears, and they naturally recognized this as a Daru.

Moreover, it looks familiar.

Several teenagers met together.

"Um...Aku, look, does that look like Sister Yuta?"

"It seems to be my sister... But why does it look different?"

"I don\'t think it\'s the same either. Aku, do you have other sisters?"


Headed by a young man from the White Wolf tribe, it was Aku.

He saw Youta, his expression was stunned for a moment, not sure that the white wolf tribe with a red totem on his face and a completely different temperament was his sister.

The appearance is similar, but that otherworldly temperament makes him suspicious.

And that totem is not right!

The totem of the Dalu tribe has rules, and the more profound the totem, the higher the strength and status. He had never seen anyone in the clan draw the red totem.

It didn\'t take long to see each other. If it were his sister, how could she have changed so much?

But looking at the man who was clearing the battlefield again, Aku was immediately determined, and said excitedly: "That\'s... Mr. Sulun!"

This said, several other teenagers also recognized.

Mr. Su Lun, who saved their lives not long ago, hasn\'t changed at all!

"Mr. Sulun is back!"

"Sure enough, it was Mr. Suren who beat the slave trappers. That should be Sister Yuta."


With this discovery, a few teenagers went to a letter, and the remaining few ran over with excitement.


Suddenly a few teenagers in animal skins appeared in the forest.

Su Lun even knew each other, with a smile on his face, and proactively greeted: "Aku, it\'s you."

"It\'s Mr. Sulun!"

Akku walked over in excitement. Just about to say hello, he looked at Youta with a cold eyebrow and suddenly stopped.

Uta looked at a few reckless teenagers in a huff, and coughed softly: "Cough!"

It\'s just that she and Su Lun are two people, there is an ancestor-level senior here.

The teenagers didn\'t know what was going on, but Yota\'s sister was still very awe-inspiring. They stood aside obediently and did not dare to speak.

Not long after, Granny Wolf and a few elders led a group of people out cautiously out of the forest.

When these old people saw the red totem on Uta\'s face, and then saw the colorful magic hair pot floating beside her, they were all crying with excitement.

They have heard of the meaning of the red totem from the old generations of the clan, and also heard the description of the four holy objects in the clan.

"This is a god-given holy pattern totem! Oh my God... our Dalu tribe has once again been blessed by the great God of Nature."

"This is really [Dagda\'s Magic Pot]! The holy artifact has been recovered!"

"The great **** of nature is above..."


Seeing this scene, the wolf-in-law was headed, and several patriarchs knelt on the ground, and the Baidalu tribe behind them also knelt down. They all praised the name of the great **** of nature in Daru language.

Youta watched everyone kneeling towards him, no matter where he dared to receive the big gift, he also bowed and prayed devoutly.

Su Lun watched silently from the side.

Faith is worthy of respect.

He stayed in the Daru for a period of time, and he also knew their belief habits.

After a short while, the prayer is over.

After being excited, it is naturally doubtful, and everyone\'s eyes are full of curious eyes.

Yuta knew that the tribe must have a lot of questions to ask at this moment, but there are more important things right now.

Everyone is familiar with Su Lun, so there is no need for introduction.

She solemnly introduced Mr. Mirror not far away, and said: "This is Mr. Sulun\'s senior sister Ophelia Fei Isaac. She is also the daughter of Sir Isaac thousands of years ago. "

After a pause, she said again: "This time I was able to retrieve the holy artifacts from the clan thanks to the help of Ms. Ophelia and Mr. Sulun. She also beat the slave trappers just now."

Upon hearing this, the wolf mother and the Daru tribe were all shocked.

Although I knew the news that Sir Isaac\'s daughter was still alive, people from a thousand years ago really appeared in front of them, and their faces couldn\'t hide their shock.

The wolf mother put her hands together in the chest protector, and respectfully gave a big gift, "Grey Wolf Clan Druid Mara, extend my sincerest greetings to the ally of the Darul tribe and the closest human friend."

When she said that, the elders and everyone behind her also followed and saluted them.

After all, Mr. Jing has lived for more than a thousand years, and he can afford this gift.

She looked at a Gandalu tribe with a friendly smile, her chest protector bowed slightly in response, and said loudly, "The Isaac family will always remember the vows."


The imminent crisis of destruction of the Emerald Holy Land was suddenly relieved by the arrival of Mr. Mirror.

Mr. Mirror also intends to stay in the Holy Land for a while.

This time the repulsion of the narwhal slavery group was just the beginning. It will take a long time for her to deter other slave trappers. Also beware of the counterattack and revenge of those big slave merchants. Until Silent Forest\'s slave hunting business completely disappeared.

But without the guard of top masters, the crisis of the Daru tribe still won\'t be resolved.

However, the good news is that this situation will change immediately.

As the first person to feel the call of the gods in five hundred years, Uta will open a new page in the history of the Daru tribe.

Even more happy is that she brought back the holy artifact [Dagda\'s Magic Pot]. In the sacred place with the strongest concentration in the natural land, the magic pot can exert the strongest combat power. The Dalu tribe can also be considered a real self-protection.

In the evening, a grand welcome banquet was held at the Emerald Holy Land.

The Dalu people sang and danced to welcome Mr. Jing, the true vow.


Two days later.

Sunny weather.

The colorful glow in the holy land is endlessly transpiring for a long time.

The patriarchs and druids of dozens of tribes near the Emerald Forest received the news and gathered in the Holy Land.

For hundreds of years, the Holy Land has never been so lively.

In front of the huge gray elm tree, Yuta was dressed in sacrificial costumes, standing alone in front of the tree, chanting ancient prayer mantras solemnly on his face.

The totem on her face is the "God bestowed Saint Mark", a totem bestowed by the gods, which means that she is now the highest-ranking archdruid in the clan.

Behind her, everyone from the Daru ethnic group dressed up. The little druids of the Akuna group were beating stone drums and dancing wild primitive war dances to greet this most important day. The patriarch deer and a group of elders followed sincerely chanting the prayer mantra handed down.

Su Lun and Mr. Jing were not far away, as the most distinguished guests, watching their sacrificial ceremony.

In a short while, the sacrificial procedure in front of the sacred tree was completed.

The large force began to move toward the depths of the forest, mighty.

There is only one big mountain in the holy land, and there is a snow line above the mountainside.

The holy lake of Gaius is on the mountainside.

There is an altar there, and it is said that only people called by gods can go up.

According to the legend left by the ancestors of the Daru tribe, the druids who were baptized in the holy lake could get the power bestowed by the gods and were inherited by the archdruids.

Youta also received the oracle and will lead the tribe to the holy lake.

For the first time hundreds of years later, the Dalu people embarked on a pilgrimage to the holy mountain.

The mountain road is rugged and the scenery is pleasant. A winding creek flows down from the mountain stream. The more the road goes up, the vegetation gradually becomes scarce. The small road paved with black gravel has been covered with dark green moss because no one has walked for hundreds of years. At intervals along the road, you can see some sacrificial pillars carved with totems.

As distinguished guests, Su Lun and Mr. Jing were at the forefront of the line.

The speed of the team was not fast, and the Dalu people prayed devoutly step by step, very solemnly.

Passing under a rock wall that was almost vertical upwards, the team stopped.

The above is the holy lake.

The cold on the mountain came down from the wind, and Su Lun felt a slight chill. He looked up, his vision was just obscured by the rock wall, and he didn\'t see any sight.

The large group stayed under the pass, and only Uta and the elders walked up. There are also Suren and Mr. Mirror as guests.


The vertical rock wall is about a hundred meters away, and the field of vision suddenly opens up as soon as it goes up.

Su Lun was immediately shocked by the sight in front of him.

Just below the snow line, an emerald green lake came into view.

The lake is not big, but the transpiring air on the lake looks like a fairy air.

Not only did the natural scenery make Su Lun feel unbelievably beautiful, but also the two huge black steles above the holy lake!

Su Lun never thought that there are such magnificent buildings in the Dalu holy land, which can be called the original stone civilization.

Majesty, sacred, majestic, mysterious...complex and indescribable emotions arise from the heart.

What made him even more amazed was the strange scene behind the stone tablet.

The two stone steles are a hundred meters high, like two ruthless giants standing there, forming a "gate" shape.

Su Lun stared at him, and sunlight just shone from behind the "door".

In an instant, the colorful rays of light came into the eyes, and the eyes were full of splendor.

It seems that there is not a real world in front of me, but a colorful heaven in the legend.

At that glance, he saw the most beautiful scene in the world.

Su Lun narrowed his eyes slightly, and was shocked for a long time, and murmured, "Is this the scenery of the high places in the world..."

Mr. Jing beside him saw this, and a strange luster flashed in his crystal eyes. This is the scene that his father once described to him. Under the sun\'s rays, there are thousands of rays of light coming from the kingdom of heaven and going back through the world.

Sure enough.


The Yuta and Dalu people were all very excited when they saw this scene, clasping their hands together, praying devoutly.

Our ancestors have warned for generations that this is the closest place to the gods.

After praying, everyone stayed where they were.

Uta walked to the white stone altar by the lake alone.

She stood on the altar, dancing the bold and rugged sacrificial dance, chanting the mysterious sacrificial curse in her mouth.

The magical scene happened again, and the sound of the altar should not be heard so clearly after the altar was separated by a few hundred meters.

But the curse in Uta\'s mouth became clearer and clearer in everyone\'s ears.

The voice echoed above the holy lake, as if penetrating the "gate of heaven".

In a short while, the colorful glow above the holy lake became more and more intense, and the mysterious aura that made people hard to describe became stronger and stronger.

Everything heralds, as if something is going to happen.

The Daru tribe is looking forward to it and full of expectations.


Religiously, they got a response from the gods.

The miracle appeared.

A ray of god-level light suddenly fell from the kingdom of the day, as if the first ray of sunlight of dawn had fallen into the world, instantly illuminating the entire snow-white mountain peak and spreading to the entire emerald holy land.

The world in front of me instantly became bright, and everything became clear.

Su Lun didn\'t use the omniscient pupil to inquire what that ray of glow was, which was very offensive to a deity.

Although I didn\'t see the deity coming, but the indescribable will in the Xiaguang was clearly felt.

In the next moment, Su Lun once again saw a scene that he will never forget.

This glowing light fell and fell on all the Daru people.

In the next instant, a brilliant colorful luster appeared on their bodies at the same time.

The confusion in their eyes gradually dissipated, as if they were full of wisdom.

They gathered more and more vigorously, reaching a critical point,

Then, all of them are advanced!

Su Lun was stunned by this scene.

He clearly felt that the patriarch deer and the wolf mother beside him, the two of them instantly advanced from the fifth rank to the sixth rank; the other elders also advanced to a major rank. Moreover, the colorful glow that condensed on them still lasted for a long time, as if it contained more natural mysteries.

What Sulun couldn\'t understand even more was Uta on the altar not far away!

At this moment, the red totem on her body was shining brightly, and her breath became more and more illusory.

The Daru tribesmen, who were bestowed by the gods and received a response from the gods, truly revealed their amazing potential.