May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 847 - Chapter 847 habits of love

Chapter 847: Chapter 847 habits of love

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng placed her hand between the two of them, increasing the distance between her and the man. "I can't do it today! "

"Why not today? " Nangong Mochen lowered his head and pressed it against the little woman's earring. He lowered his voice and said, "It's not your period today. "

Qin Sheng's face turned pale in embarrassment. "I know it's not, but I have something to do today. "

"something to do? Baby, do you know what time it is now? " Nangong Mochen questioned the little woman. He did not believe that anything could happen to her in the middle of the night.

"Li Ang and LE LE are together. I have to arrange for someone to catch the adulterer! Otherwise, what if Li Ang doesn't admit his debt after eating? " Qin Sheng quickly said.

"That's right. This time, Le Le must achieve her wish! Li Ang's character is not bad, but he is a little stubborn. WE HAVE TO HELP HIM ACCEPT LE LE! " Chuxia followed up.

"If a man wants to accept, he has to accept it himself. If he doesn't accept, it's useless no matter who helps him. You guys should not get involved! " Nangong mochen reprimanded Chuxia.

"Damn, what do you mean by getting involved? We are helping our sisters! Anyway, we can't let Li Ang admit his debt after eating! " Chuxia retorted.

"That's right, we can't leave tonight. I have to arrange for the reporters and catch the adulterer tomorrow. You should go home and rest! " Qin Sheng pushed the man.

Nangong MOCHEN's lips twitched violently. He had planned so many things, but he didn't expect to be disturbed by the matter between Le Le and Li Ang!

He was simply drunk. Tonight, he had helped Li Ang and le LE. Who did he want to help?

"Then I will wait for you to make the arrangements before we leave! " He said quickly.

"Not good. What if Li Ang runs away? Who Should we catch tomorrow? " Qin Sheng gave a reason.

"That's right, that's right. We can't let Li Ang off so easily, " Chu Xia said.

Nangong MOCHEN's face darkened. He really wanted to kidnap the little woman.

Mou Ran's phone rang, and he answered the call.

"What's the matter? " He asked coldly. The call was from Lei Bao. He had been arranging for Lei Bao to find Gong Mochen's whereabouts.

"My people seem to have found Gong Mochen, " Lei Bao said.

"What? where? " Nangong Mochen consciously took a few steps forward to avoid Qin Sheng. He didn't dare to let Qin Sheng hear him.

"In the suburbs, someone saw a man wearing a mask and a black robe. His clothes are the same as yours. I suspect it's him! " Lei Bao was not sure, because he did not see Gong Mochen's face.

Nangong MOCHEN's face twitched. "CATCH HIM! I'LL BE THERE SOON! "

He ordered in a low voice. This time, he did not dare to waste any more time with the little woman.

He turned to look at Qin Sheng. "Then you arrange things for Le Le here. I have something to do, so I'll leave first. "

Qin Sheng nodded. "Okay, do your thing! "

She waved at the man and finally sent one of them off.

Some of the other guests were willing to stay and help to catch the adulterer in the next day, while others were worried that it would be too late and did not want to join in the fun. Everyone took what they needed and left or stayed.

Qin Sheng and Chu Xia called their own company's people over and pulled up the surveillance video from the hotel. They intercepted a video and uploaded it to the Internet.

They used the Paparazzi to capture the footage and leaked it, saying that the Paparazzi had caught the Grand Duke of Europe secretly meeting a woman in h nation. As for who the woman was, the Paparazzi said that they had not found out yet.

This kind of gossip had always been the hottest news on the Internet. Moreover, they did not know who the female lead was. The News that was full of suspense instantly aroused the interest of the public. Once the news was published, it became the headline of the front page, a big news with an explosive number of hits!

Moreover, the entire H nation's people were guessing who this mysterious girl was She could make the Grand Duke take a flight for more than ten hours to come to a private meeting?

Qin Sheng looked at the news that was hotly discussed by the masses and curled the corners of her lips in satisfaction. "Let's see how Li Ang will deny it tomorrow! "

"But, is it really okay for us to do this? If we force Li Ang to take Le Le, I'm afraid that it will make Li Ang feel disgusted. " A trace of uneasiness flashed across Chu Xia's heart.

"But we still have to give it a try to find out, right? No matter what the outcome is, Le Le will know the answer. What do you think? " Qin Sheng said.

"Yeah, that makes sense. No matter what the outcome is, at least Le Le will know the answer, " Chu Xia said.

Qin Sheng looked at the time on her phone. "It's getting late. You should go and rest. "

Chu Xia realized the problem with the time and said, "Damn, it's really late. I'm going to sleep for two hours and then GET UP TO CATCH THE ADULTERER! "

She yawned and walked to her room.

Qin Sheng also went back to her room. She couldn't fall asleep at all, not because of Li Ang, but because of Nangong Mochen's sudden departure.

This wasn't Nangong Mochen's doing at all, and she vaguely heard the word "catch" , which was enough to make her heart jump!

Who else would Nangong Mochen catch now?

Other than Gong Mochen, he couldn't think of anyone else that Nangong mochen would catch.

Her heart tightened. Could it be that Nangong Mochen had discovered Gong Mochen?

She was worried, so she held her phone and wanted to call Ye Wei, but her hand stopped when she was about to press the call button.

If Gong Mochen came out, would he tell Ye Wei?

She had never thought so much, so much!

In the end, she decided not to call anyone. She believed in her man's ability.

A gamble was all about psychology and trust in the other party!

After a long time, she finally Fell Asleep on the Sofa.

A figure entered the room from the balcony. The silver mask was especially terrifying under the moonlight. He was wearing a black robe, blocking his body which was not very convenient.

He strode towards the girl on the Sofa and looked at her quietly as if he was admiring a piece of art.

He lowered his head and kissed the top of the girl's forehead. He kissed her deeply and twisted his dark eyes. No one could understand his feelings.

A moment later, he carried the girl horizontally and placed her on the big bed. He covered her with the quilt before reluctantly looking away.

He turned around and ran to the balcony. His figure moved from the balcony to the other balconies and disappeared into the night

Only the wind could hear his whisper. Happy Birthday, my girl!


The next morning, Le Le Woke up reflexively. Her biological clock was very accurate. She would wake up at this time because she had to make breakfast for the Li Ang family.

Oh my God It seemed to be too late She saw the sunlight through the gap in the curtain.

She rubbed her hair and got up to sit up, but she found that her body ached terribly when she moved!

What was going on?

Hot scenes flooded her mind, and she felt as if she had been struck by lightning.

Her small face was stiff, and she even looked like a robot when she turned her head

She did not know how much time had passed before she turned her head to the side and saw the man lying next to her!

She was so close to catching her breath. She had really slept with her prince charming!

Her hands trembled as she pulled off her quilt. That's right, she was naked As for the man, she secretly glanced at him, and her small face immediately turned red to the Max.

He was also naked.

What was this rhythm called One-night stand Or drunken sex?

Before she could react, the man's voice came from behind her. "Have you seen enough? Do you like him that much? "