May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 680 - Chapter 680 true and false husband 20

Chapter 680: Chapter 680 true and false husband 20

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation


The man was like a devil, walking towards her step by step!

Dai Yuyan pulled Lian Lian behind her, protecting Lian Lian.

Xi Si's lips twitched violently. He really wanted to shoot this woman to death, but he couldn't control himself and came out to see her!

"You don't think that I can let you go so easily, do you? " His voice was cold.

"I, I know you hate me, but this has nothing to do with Lian Lian. You want me, don't you? I can go with you, but you have to let Lian Lian Go! " Dai Yuyan negotiated with the man.

She looked around. Yun Teng and Nangong Mochen were still behind her and the people who were blocking Willam. No one could help her now, and in front of her were XI SI and his guards!

"You still dare to negotiate with me? Do you think you have the right to negotiate with me? " Xi Si asked.

He clenched his fists. How Daring was this woman? Did she think she could run away from here?

He would not let either Lian Lian or her go!

Dai Yuyan curled her lips coldly. "You want me. I don't have the right to negotiate with you. How can I dare to negotiate with you? My conditions are my life! "

She took out a dagger and placed it on her neck. No matter what the ending between her and this man was, she did not want to implicate Lian Lian. After all, she had chosen the path from the start. If she had not sold herself to this man.. This would not have been the end.

Therefore, she would bear all the suffering and treat it as punishment for betraying herself.

However, Lian Lian was innocent. She could not let Lian Lian suffer any harm.

Xi Si's brows sank. "threaten me with your life? Hehe, do you think I care about your life? Didn't you think that I brought you back so that you could continue to be my woman and enjoy your wealth? "

"Of course not. Of course you wouldn't bring me back. Besides, you don't love me. If I betray you, you will only want to kill me. However, whether you kill me or I kill myself is completely different.

You should want to kill me with your own hands, right If I kill myself in front of you, how incompetent would you, King Xi Si, be You can't even kill a woman?"Dai Yuyan probably stimulated XI SI's nerves, hoping to force him to release Lian Lian!

Xi Si's brows furrowed into a knot. Dai Yuyan's words stabbed into his heart. He was indeed incompetent for not being able to kill this woman with his own hands.

"Do you think I will fall for your trick? You only want to save Lian Lian. This little girl is Yun Teng's niece, and you can use your life to protect her? I don't mind letting you watch her die! "

He said sarcastically, testing the woman. He did not believe that he could not let the woman kneel and BEG FOR MERCY!

Just because this little girl had some relationship with Yun Teng, she could use her life to protect him. It seemed that her love for Yun Teng once again refreshed his understanding, causing his heart to be filled with sharp pain!

"You! Good! " Dai Yuyan was choked by the man until she could not say a word. Her Dagger, mou ran, cut the artery in her neck!

Blood instantly splattered out from the cut on her neck.

Xi Si's eyes widened to the maximum. "No! "

He ran over and hugged the woman into his arms. The woman's blood splattered on his clothes. He pressed his hand on her wound to stop the bleeding.

"YOU'RE CRAZY! You've cut your blood vessels! " He roared angrily.

His heart seemed to have been broken, and he could no longer take it back!

There was no hospital here. It was deep in the mountains. This kind of severing of an artery was enough to kill a person, because there was no hospital that could perform surgery!

Dai Yuyan's neck was covered by the man's hand. His hand was very strong, and she struggled to make a sound. "Didn't you want me to die? "

A layer of mist appeared in Xi Si's cold eyes. His lips trembled, and he could not say a word.

"heartless woman, you want to leave me so badly. I won't let you go! " His arm hugged the woman tightly. He could not say anything about love, nor could he ask for her forgiveness, but he knew that he would not let her die!

He would not let her die either!

"cough cough, it's a pity that you don't have a choice this time! " Dai Yuyan's neck was gripped too tightly by the man's hand, causing her throat to feel uncomfortable. She coughed lightly, "I want to die. If I die, I won't have to suffer your torture anymore, and I won't have to implicate so many people. I'll never be able to repay what I owe them in this lifetime. "

"I said, I won't let you die! Don't you understand? You B * Stard woman, if you sell it to me, it will be mine! " Xi Si cursed.

Dai Yuyan smiled bitterly, "if there is a next life, I will definitely avoid the path of meeting you and won't let myself meet you. "

"If there is a next life, I will look for you and won't let you walk out of my hands. " Xi Si said in a low voice.

Dai Yuyan's gaze looked at the man in front of her, "Xi Si, just how much do you hate me? You won't even let me go in the next life! "

Xi Si's ice-glass-like eyes cracked with fine lines, "I won't let you go. I can't live without you. The first time I saw you, you entered my eyes. Sleeping with you was like being poisoned by you.

"I wanted to keep you by my side, but you refused. "Dai Yuyan, you touched my heart. How do you want me to let you go? "

His voice was abnormally hoarse, coming out from his deep throat. He was a king, a high and mighty king, a cold and heartless king. He would not admit that he had fallen in love with anyone, but she had touched his heart and branded her mark on the bottom of his heart, making him unable to tolerate another woman!

Dai Yuyan stared at the man in surprise, "I touched your heart? "

"Don't talk, I'll find a doctor to save you! Someone, find a doctor! Quick! Find a car! " Xi Si shouted crazily. The woman's blood was getting more and more uncontrollable. He only felt that his life was flowing along with her blood!


On the other side of the mountain stream, there was suddenly the sound of gunshots. Gong Mochen knew that the troops had already taken over Xi SI's hiding place.

Those who attacked them left them behind and ran in the direction of the hiding place, trying to protect their own hiding place.

Gong Mochen's deep eyes looked coldly at the retreating people. "We can leave now. "

Li Ang was surprised. "It's your people? You've already arranged for your people to come? How did you know that Xi SI's hiding place is here? "

It seemed that no one had discovered this, right?

"What nonsense? Are we going or not? " Gong Mochen pulled his little woman and walked towards the mountain stream.

Li Ang's eyes widened. "You're going in the wrong direction, that's the mountain stream! "

Dizzy, Gong Mochen was courting death?

Gong Mochen's lips curled coldly. "Go from there, you have to take a detour to reach the other side of the mountain stream. Feiying and Yun Teng need support. Come closer here. "

"Damn. Don't you understand that this is a mountain stream? Are you going to jump into the mountain stream with Qin Sheng? " Li Ang questioned.

Gong Mochen brought Qin Sheng to the side of the mountain stream, his eyes locked on Qin Sheng's eyes. "If I let you jump into the mountain stream with me, are you willing to believe that I can protect you? "