May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 482 - Chapter 482, I want you 2

Chapter 482: Chapter 482, I want you 2

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng looked at Li Ang and said, "I can propose a toast myself. You can take her to change her clothes. "

Li Ang was also helpless and could only leave with Yin Yin.

Qin Sheng went to the table to get the wine.

The ladies were stunned. Li Ang did not accompany his girlfriend but went to change clothes with another woman?

F * CK There was no justice. No matter how stupid that woman was, she was still a woman, right?

Suddenly, the ladies began to envy Yin Yin. This fool was actually lucky enough to share Li Ang with Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng did not care about the woman behind her. She only thought about the toast.

"MOMMY! " A childish voice sounded behind Qin Sheng.

"Jian Jian, you're here! Did you Miss Mommy? " Qin Sheng squatted down and hugged Jian Jian as she asked.

"Yes, Mommy. You don't know how much I miss you. I miss you so much. I think of ice cream when I see you! You love strawberries, don't you? I'LL GET YOU ICE CREAM! " Jian Jian said as he ran from Qin Sheng's arms to the ice cream area.

Qin Sheng was speechless. Did he miss her, or did he miss ice cream She looked around the banquet hall and saw two pairs of people greeting each other. Ming Tai and Chuxia, Shen Tong and Sikong Jue.

She sighed softly. She guessed that the four of them were still in the midst of arguing, so she automatically took over the task of looking after the little boy.

"Jian Jian, don't run. Mommy will take you to eat, " she shouted at the little boy who was running in front.

When she reached the Ice Cream area, the little boy had already successfully eaten two ice cream balls.

"Mommy, I helped you taste two strawberry-flavored ice-cream balls. They're very delicious. You can eat them now! " Jian Jian licked his lips.

"pfft, you ate so much. Does your heart feel uncomfortable now? Tell me quickly! " Qin Sheng was shocked.

"Mommy, you're underestimating me too much. I'm Jian Jian! Shifu and I have been practicing martial arts very hard these days. Look at my muscles. Shifu said that my illness will be cured! " Jian Jian raised his little fist He showed Qin Sheng the muscles on his arms.

Qin Sheng touched the little lump. It was clear that the little thing was really hardworking!

"Jian Jian is awesome, but you have to be careful. When you're cured, Mommy will treat you to a pile of ICE CREAM! "

She touched the little boy's head with her hand. She really hoped that he would recover. Her gaze landed on Jian Jian's little face.

"Look at your face, it's covered in ice cream. I'll bring you to the bathroom. "

She held Jian Jian's hand and led the little boy to the bathroom to wash his face.

"Mommy, I want to go to the men's bathroom, " Jian Jian said.

"Ah? If you go to the men's Washroom, I can't go in to wash your face. Why don't you go to the women's washroom? I'll go in first to take a look. If there are no girls, can you go in? " Qin Sheng was depressed. The little boy was so big, but he actually started to differentiate between men and women!

"No, master said that I'm a man. I can't break into the women's washroom. Otherwise, I won't be a man! " Jian Jian raised his small face and said.

"UGH! " Qin Sheng's forehead drew countless black lines. "Okay, little man, you go into the men's washroom first to see if there are any men. If there aren't any, I'll go into the men's washroom to wash your face. "

She was speechless. For this little thing, she was going to break into the men's room.

Jian Jian ran into the bathroom happily. There was no one in the empty bathroom. "Mommy, there's no one. "

Qin Sheng walked in with peace of mind. This place was separated from the hand-washing area and the convenience area. There was indeed no one here.

"Jian Jian, let's hurry up and go! " She said.

It was her first time breaking into the men's room. She was really embarrassed. From here, she could see the urinal and the cubicle inside.

She lowered her head and used her hands to Wash Jian Jian's face. Mou Ran saw a black shadow on the ground from the corner of her eyes.

Her pupils suddenly shrank. There was someone here!

"I'm sorry! I just brought the child here to wash my face and leave immediately! " She quickly explained. She was so embarrassed that she did not even dare to look up at the person who was walking towards her!

"Hehe, it's okay. You don't have to leave now! " The man's voice came out.

The familiar voice made Qin Sheng look up and see Qin Yunbo's face!

"You, why are you here? " She questioned.

"Of course I have to be here. Otherwise, how can I settle the score with you! I'm being chased by so many people and I have nothing! My grandmother and father are in prison. My mother is crazy. My sister is dead. All of this is because of you! " Qin Yunbo roared angrily!

Qin Sheng pursed her lips into a straight line. "If they didn't harm me, I wouldn't have ended up like this! Qin Yunbo, I advise you to leave. I can pretend that nothing happened! "

"Hehe, pretend that nothing happened? Then what about my money? " Qin Yunbo suddenly stretched out his hand and threw a handful of medicinal powder at Qin Sheng and Jian Jian!

Qin Sheng quickly covered Jian Jian's mouth and nose, picked Jian Jian up, and ran.

Qin Yunbo blocked Qin Sheng's path with one step, not giving Qin Sheng a chance to run away... ...

A moment later, a cleaning car came out of the bathroom. A man wearing a cleaner's clothes and a mask disappeared in the corridor.


In the banquet hall, Le Le Went Crazy. She couldn't find Qin Sheng anywhere!

"CHUXIA! Have you seen Qin Sheng? " She ran to Chuxia.

Chuxia and Ming Tai were entertaining a few bosses, so they didn't see Qin Sheng at all.

"No, is she toasting? This is the time for toasting, " Chuxia said.

She had seen the process of the banquet. Qin Sheng and Li Ang toasted before the banquet officially began. Then, Qin Sheng and Li Ang went up to the stage to give a speech. A bunch of celebrities were also going up to give speeches and accept interviews from the reporters. Finally, Qin Sheng announced the start of the banquet.

"No! I've searched everywhere, but I haven't seen Qin Sheng or Li Ang, " Le Le said.

It was almost time for the speech, but Qin Sheng was nowhere to be found.

"Chu Xia, have you seen Jian Jian? " Sikong jue and Shen Tong walked over.

"Is Jian Jian with Qin Sheng? " Chuxia asked Sikong Jue.

"Jian Jian said he was looking for Qin Sheng. I just saw Qian Chuan and chatted with him, but I didn't see Qin Sheng or Jian Jian, " Sikong jue explained.

"where's Li Ang? Where's Li Ang? " Chuxia thought of Li Ang.

From Afar, she saw Li Ang walking over with Yin Yin, who was wearing new clothes. Le Le immediately ran over to ask Li Ang if she had seen Qin Sheng.

However, Li Ang didn't see Qin Sheng either.

He took out his phone and called Qin Sheng, but no one answered Qin Sheng's call!

"Oh no! Qin Sheng is missing! QUICKLY SPLIT UP AND LOOK for her! Also, don't alert the guests! No matter if you can find her or not, don't tell anyone! " Li Ang instructed.

It was the premiere The boss actually went missing. No one could bear the consequences. The impact was too great!

He watched as everyone split up to look for Qin Sheng. Not Giving up, he called Qin Sheng again. The phone was suddenly picked up, and a man's voice came from it.

"looking for Qin Sheng? "

Li Ang immediately recognized the voice. "Gong Mochen! HAND OVER QIN SHENG! "