May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 442 - Chapter 442 could not escape from his hands

Chapter 442: Chapter 442 could not escape from his hands

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Go and check the ships within a hundred-mile radius!" Gong Mochen ordered.

If someone saved Qin Sheng, then someone must have taken Qin Sheng away. He could only search the nearby ships to find Qin Sheng!

"Yes!" Nie Feng accepted the order.


On the Zunhuang luxury ship, Qin Sheng finally opened her eyes. She struggled to move her body. Her chaotic brain still hadn't settled. She raised her hand and rubbed her dazed head. She saw her wrists and fingers had been bandaged.

Images and scenes crashed into her mind.

She vaguely remembered that Gong Mochen had saved her. She also remembered that he had bandaged her wounds.

"Uncle!" She turned over and got up, ready to go and find the man.

"Miss Yun, you can't move. You're still injured," a woman wearing a maid's uniform said.

Miss Yun? Qin Sheng was stunned for a second. Yes, she was also Yun Sheng.

"Where am I? Where's my uncle?" she immediately asked.

The maid said, "I'm Xiao Tao, and I'm your maid. You can call me Xiao Tao. This is a grand and luxurious ship. As for your uncle, I don't know."

Xiao Tao looked at the girl in front of her with sympathy. She guessed that this girl was probably sold to the ship by her heartless family.

She had been a maid here for a few years and had seen many such things. The women sold here could be sold at a high price. Many orphan girls were sold by their animal relatives. Of course, there were also many celebrities and people with special professions. They were all trying their best to get here and sell themselves.

"You don't know? My uncle is called Gong Mochen, do you know him?" Qin Sheng asked in surprise.

If her uncle was here, how could the people here not know him?

"Gong Mochen? The CEO? He's your uncle?" Xiao Tao's eyes widened.

She knew this name. This name was famous across the world. The financial news all over the world would mention this man!

"Yes, isn't he here?" Qin Sheng asked.

Xiao Tao shook her head. "No, he hasn't been here before. He hasn't been here since I became a maid on the ship."

Qin Sheng was surprised. "Then who brought me here?"

She was sure that her eyes weren't playing tricks on her. Otherwise, who had saved her? Who had bandaged her wound?

"The person who brought you here was a five-star general. I heard that he is a very powerful general. We call him General Feiying! Have you heard about him?" Xiao Tao asked.

The names of the generals of the United Nations special forces were kept confidential. They didn't know his real name. However, when this general came, he always wore a mask, so they called him General Feiying.

Qin Sheng was confused. She didn't know anything about the military. She wasn't interested in those things, and she had never heard of that general.

"No. I don't know him," she said gloomily.

Could it be that General Feiying saved her? But why did she see Gong Mochen's face?

She rubbed her head. The part of her head that was hit by Black Eight's gun was still hurting, so much so that she didn't dare to touch it. Could it be that she was knocked unconscious and had hallucinations?

She couldn't find any other explanation.

"Then, where is General Feiying? I want to see him," she asked.

If she saw this man, she would know if she had remembered wrongly.

"He has already left," Xiao Tao replied.

"Oh, so that's the case. Then will he come back?" Qin Sheng asked.

"He will come back. I heard from the captain that he will be back tomorrow morning. When he comes back, he will come to see you," Xiao Tao said.

Her face couldn't help but turn red. This woman was brought by General Feiying. General Feiying had specifically asked for this woman. After he was done, he would auction her at night.

Although she understood what it meant to play with women, her heart still stirred. Such a handsome man wearing a green camouflage suit. Although she couldn't see his true face, the eagle mask didn't ruin his handsomeness. Instead, it made him even more charming and alluring.

If General Eagle said that he wanted to play with women, countless women would line up at the door of his room, eager to become his woman!

Even if he only played with her once, she would do it willingly!

After all, this prince charming was too handsome!

Be that as it may, she was very clear about her status. She was just a maid, and she didn't even have the right to be played with!

Qin Sheng didn't understand what was going on. All she wanted to do was to hurry home and give Gong Mochen a call!

She didn't want to wait until General Feiying came back!

"I wish I didn't have to wait that long," she muttered to herself, her eyes focused on the view outside the porthole. The blue sea and the setting sun reflected back at her. Did that mean she'd have to wait a full day?

"Do you have a cell phone? Lend it to me. I'll call my family and ask them to come and get me. My uncle will thank General Feiying," she said to Xiao Tao.

Xiao Tao pursed her lips. "As maids, we don't have cell phones. We can't contact the outside world."

Qin Sheng had never heard of such a rule. Couldn't maids call home?

"Then can you find me a cell phone? I just want to make a call," said Qin Sheng.

"Miss Yun, I don't think you know where Zunhuang is, right? Only the captain and guests can use a phone here, and the signal is encrypted. Without the permission of the captain, even if you have a phone, you can't make a call because you need a password," Xiao Tao explained.

"Password? What exactly is Zunhuang?" Qin Sheng realized the difference between this huge ship and other huge ships.

Xiao Tao started to tell Qin Sheng about the background of the Zunhuang.

After Qin Sheng finished listening, her eyes widened in surprise. She didn't expect to come to such a place.

"But I didn't come here voluntarily! I'm not a girl here!" She quickly realized that she would soon become a woman to be auctioned.

"Who cares if you're willing or not? General Feiying asked the captain to auction you, so you're going to be auctioned. The captain and General Feiying will split the money," Xiao Tao said.

Qin Sheng jumped off the bed, pushed Xiao Tao away and ran straight to the door. She raised her hand and twisted the doorknob to open the door, but she was stopped just like that...

Xiao Tao didn't chase after Qin Sheng because she knew what Qin Sheng wouldn't get far.

The women that were going to be auctioned would be guarded by bodyguards. Twenty bodyguards would stand guard outside the door. They weren't afraid of girls escaping. After all, this was a ship. The only place they could run was into the sea... The main reason they guarded the girls was that they were afraid of them jumping into the sea to commit suicide.

All the guests that participated in the auction had to pay a deposit in advance. If they couldn't auction on time and couldn't hand over the women that were to be auctioned off, Zunhuang would have to pay double the deposit to all the guests that had paid the deposit.

Therefore, the ladies that were to be auctioned off couldn't have any accidents.

"With so many bodyguards protecting you, do you think you can run away?"

Qin Sheng's gaze was restrained, and her hand slipped off the door handle. "Contact your captain for me, I want to talk to him!"