May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 432 - Chapter 432 could not escape from his grasp

Chapter 432: Chapter 432 could not escape from his grasp

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"How do we make Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen fight each other to the death?" Qin Zirui asked.

"It's not easy. Come here!" He Fen whispered into Qin Zirui's ear.

Qin Zirui nodded and immediately walked out of He Fen's room.

Qin Sheng returned home and went straight to Qin Ze's study. She closed the wooden door of the study behind her.

"You want to see me?" asked Qin Ze.

Qin Sheng walked into the room. "Grandpa, there's something I need to report to you about Second Uncle's management of the overseas company."

She placed her computer on Qin Ze's desk and told Qin Ze about Qin Zirui's accounts.

It seemed that Qin Ze's attention wasn't on Qin Sheng's computer, or perhaps he already knew what his son had done.

He waited until Qin Sheng finished speaking before he said, "What do you plan to do?"

"Second Uncle misappropriated the company's money to run the business illegally. He should be relieved of all his duties, and we can ask him to return all the misappropriated money. As for the amount of punishment, it depends on the court's decision," Qin Sheng said methodically.

Misappropriating the company's money to illegally lend money was illegal. It could definitely result in a prison sentence.

Qin Ze's old eyes closed for a moment. "Ask him to return the money first. Then, you can do whatever you want."

"Of course I'll make him to return the money!" Qin Sheng said. She wasn't that stupid. Qin Zirui misappropriated a huge amount of money. They needed to get that money back! Now she was in charge, she wouldn't deal with this matter lightly.

It was her company that was scammed!

"Well, go. I want some quiet time." Qin Ze's tone was weak with exhaustion. It seemed that he had held on for too long. He pressed his hand on his temple.

Qin Sheng picked up the computer and got up to leave Qin Ze's office. "Grandpa, you already knew, didn't you? In order to control Uncle's power, you always tolerated him. In the end, not only did you fail to protect Second Uncle, but you also harmed the company!"

This was the last sentence she said. She didn't believe that Qin Ze didn't understand this logic. If Qin Ze had started to interfere or removed Qin Zirui's authority when he found out what Qin Zirui did, things wouldn't have developed like this!

It was Qin Ze's indulgence that made Qin Zirui what he was today!

Qin Ze looked at Qin Sheng's back as she walked out and sighed deeply. In the end, she was too clever! His son would be harmed whatever happened. He could no longer protect him...


In Li Ang's room, Qin Zirui talked to Li Ang in a low voice.

"When will the matter you said be done? This is my last 50 million. You have to be quick. Qin Sheng has checked the accounts. I don't know when she will find out!

"I have to do this before she finds out! I need to become the president of the Qin Group!" Qin Zirui showed the transfer record on his phone to Li Ang.

Li Ang looked at the transaction records. "Are you kidding me? You just gave me money, and you want me to settle it? It's not easy to report fake news! It'll take at least half a month!"

Qin Zirui calculated the time. "Half a month? That means I have to delay Qin Sheng for a month! It seems that listening to my mother is the right thing to do... Maybe that matter really can delay Qin Sheng..."

Li Ang was stunned. "What did you say?"

Qin Zirui, who was immersed in his own thoughts, shook his head. "Nothing, I didn't say anything! Hurry up and do what needs to be done! It's better if it's one day earlier!"

Li Ang frowned. Qin Zirui's words clearly meant something. He could feel that Qin Zirui must have done something related to Qin Sheng!

However, Qin Zirui was already alert, so he couldn't ask any further.

"Well, I will urge my contacts to hurry up with the investigation report. You wait for my news," Li Ang said.

"Okay, then I'll leave now," Qin Zirui said as she walked out of Li Ang's room.


Qin Sheng, who was walking in the corridor, was about to go back to the company, but she saw a figure flash past the door leading to the back garden. She stared in that direction in surprise. The figure didn't look like a male servant, nor did it look like a female servant.

Every servant in their family wore a uniform, and no servant dared to walk around the villa without wearing the uniform.

She hurried over, wanting to see who the person was.

After running out of the door, she saw the figure running towards the side building.

Qin Sheng's brows lowered. No was was allowed to enter the side building, especially after the fire. She had ordered that no one was allowed to enter again.

Why did that person go to the side building?

She chased after the figure and ran towards the side building. The afternoon sun's rays shone through the window of the side building. Her footsteps fell gently. She didn't dare to make any noise to alarm the person.

The person had already run to the second floor!

On the second floor, Qin Sheng's heart tightened. The second floor was her father's room!

She ran up the stairs in large strides. What was that person doing in her father's room?

The door to the room on the second floor was closed, but it was too quiet. She listened carefully and could hear sounds coming from inside. She pushed open the door and saw a masked man prying open the wooden floor.

"Stop! Who are you?"

Qin Sheng's voice suddenly startled the person in the room. The person got up and rushed towards Qin Sheng. He pushed her over and escaped through the door.

Qin Sheng staggered and was almost hit by the man. She clenched the computer in her hands and slashed at the man's back!

The man who was running wildly didn't expect Qin Sheng to use such a trick. He heard a whistling sound behind him. He suddenly turned his head and the computer hit his forehead.

"Ah!" the man shouted. Blood flowed down his forehead.

"D*mn it!" the man cursed. He covered his head and turned to run.

Qin Sheng picked up the computer and hit the man's head again!

The computer was made in China. It could withstand a hit and a fall. Its outer shell was barely dinted or scratched.

The man, who had been trying to escape, was angered by Qin Sheng. He didn't want to escape anymore. Instead, he wanted to beat Qin Sheng in retaliation.

"D*mn woman, go to hell!" The man was furious. He flew up and kicked Qin Sheng's lower abdomen.

Qin Sheng used the computer to block the man's kick. The man's strength was too strong. She was kicked back a few steps.

Suddenly remembering the pepper spray in her bag, she took it out and sprayed it into the man's eyes!

"Ah!" the man screamed and covered his eyes with his hands. It was so hot that he couldn't open his eyes!

Qin Sheng's lips curled into a victorious smile. 'You still dare to fight with me?' she silently thought.

While the man covered his eyes, she used the thin strap of her bag as a rope to wrap around his neck, strangling him.

"Tell me! Who are you? What are you doing in my father's room?" she hissed, squeezing the rope tighter.

The man grabbed the strap of the leather bag and pulled it forward and backward.

The immense force meant Qin Sheng was unable to hold on to the leather strap. The strap was pulled out of her hand and the skin on her palm was torn...

The man shook off the leather bag and grabbed Qin Sheng's neck with his big hand. He pulled his fingers together and said, "Got to hell!"