May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 393 - Chapter 393 jealous men are not allowed to flirt with men

Chapter 393: Chapter 393 jealous men are not allowed to flirt with men

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia looked at Ming Tai in surprise. "I, um..."

She didn't expect Ming Tai to come. For a moment, she didn't know how to explain what happened between her and Sikong Jue in the room.

Ming Tai saw Sikong Jue from the crack of the door, which hadn't been closed in time. Sikong Jue's upper body was naked.

Ming Tai's eyes turned fierce. He pushed the woman aside. "He bullied you! Just you wait, I'll beat him to death!"

Chu Xia had run out crying, and Sikong Jue wasn't even wearing his shirt. It was obvious what had happened!

Sikong Jue dared to bully Chu Xia... He wanted to kill Sikong Jue!

He strode into the room and punched Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue went up to Ming Tai without hesitation and raised his hand to block his punch. His wound was torn open because of the force, and the white bandage was dyed red with blood.

Chu Xia ran over quickly and grabbed Ming Tai's arm before he could strike Sikong Jue again. "Stop hitting him. He didn't bully me, it's not what you think!"

Ming Tai pushed Chu Xia away. "You don't have to be afraid of him with me around!"

Chu Xia was pushed by Ming Tai. She tilted backwards and almost fell to the ground.

"Chu Xia!" Sikong Jue reached out to help Chu Xia. His hand had just touched Chu Xia, but Ming Tai blocked his arm.

"You're not allowed to touch Chu Xia!" Ming Tai said angrily.

"She would've fallen if I didn't touch her! She's pregnant, don't you know?" Sikong Jue scolded Ming Tai.

Chu Xia was so embarrassed. She hadn't even told Ming Tai about this before Sikong Jue had said it!

"Ming Tai, don't misunderstand. I pushed Sikong Jue before and he said that his wound hurt. I was afraid that his wound had burst open, so I asked him to take off his clothes so I could check it. He didn't bully me."

She tried her best to explain. She wanted to let the matter rest and not let the two men fight anymore.

However, Ming Tai's mind was completely focused on the matter of Chu Xia being pregnant. "You're pregnant?"

He was stunned. Chu Xia was pregnant... But whose child was it?

Chu Xia's face was stiff. "Err, yes..."

"Ming Tai, what do you mean? Do you want to deny it?" Sikong Jue roared.

Chu Xia turned to look at Sikong Jue. "Ming Tai and I were planning to get married after the movie was released. How could he deny it? Sikong Jue, not all men are like you! Can you leave now?"

She was conflicted. She knew that if she told Ming Tai about the pregnancy, they would definitely get married. Perhaps it was because she was against marriage that she did not tell Ming Tai about it.

However, the secret that she had worked so hard to keep was revealed by Sikong Jue just like that. She didn't have the chance to hide it anymore. Her anger was directed at Sikong Jue.

Sikong Jue's eyes dimmed. It was as if he had become an unnecessary person here. He walked to the door of the room dejectedly. Since they had already decided to get married, having a baby would be a joyous occasion. Ming Tai would probably be happy about it.

His heart was aching. He walked out of the door and left the resort without looking back.

Chu Xia watched as Sikong Jue walked out of the room. She lowered her head and explained to Ming Tai, "It was during our night at the Moonlight Club. I thought I wouldn't get pregnant during the safe period, so I didn't take the birth control pills. But, if you don't want the baby, I can get rid of it."

Ming Tai grabbed Chu Xia's hand. "Silly girl, how could I not want the baby? Rest assured I will take care of the baby. We'll announce our engagement tomorrow. We'll get married after the movie is released."

His heart was in a mess. There was one thing that he knew very well. On the night they were at the Moonlight Club, someone took advantage of Chu Xia's drunkenness and raped her, and Chu Xia thought that the man was him!

He blamed himself deeply. He should have stayed with Chu Xia the whole time. He knew that she was drunk, but he still left her alone...

It was his fault. He didn't protect Chu Xia well. If she thought that the man was him, then he would let her feel that way. This was the only way to minimize the harm to her!

Chu Xia's face was pale. In the end, she was going to get married. It seemed like she was destined to be with Ming Tai.

She nodded. If this was God's will, she didn't want to resist. After all, she didn't want her second child to have no father!

"Okay, I'll listen to you. But will it affect your box office?" she asked.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of it. Tomorrow, we can use Qin Sheng's press conference to announce our engagement. Trust me, I'll give you happiness!" Ming Tai said.

However, he wouldn't let go of the man who had raped Chu Xia! He would find them and make them pay...


After a night of rest, Qin Sheng felt much better. Her stomach no longer hurt, and her period had completely disappeared.

"Come here, and drink the tonic soup." Gong Mochen walked over with a bowl of tonic soup.

Qin Sheng felt like throwing up at the sight of the soup. "I drank too much yesterday! My stomach doesn't hurt anymore, so I don't want to drink anymore!"

"If your stomach doesn't hurt anymore, that means that the soup is effective. Drink more and disperse the cold!" Gong Mochen ordered.

The corner of Qin Sheng's lips twitched. How much warmer did she have to be? The man had hugged her for the whole night, saying that he wanted to make her sweat.

She'd been sweating too much in her opinion. She was sweating all over from the heat, and this man wasn't done yet! He still wanted her to drink hot soup.

"I've sweated enough! I won't have time for a press conference. Uncle, it's been hard on you all night, you drink a bowl of soup!" she said and bypassed the man. She certainly didn't want to drink it!

Gong Mochen grabbed the little woman's arm. This soup was specifically for a woman, and she wanted him to drink it?

"You want me to drink? Do you think my body needs to be replenished? Do you want me to prove how long my body can last?" He withdrew his long arm and held the little woman in his arms.

He could only sleep next to her and couldn't sleep with her. He was almost driven mad from holding it in. His desires had reached boiling point.

Qin Sheng was so scared that she wanted to hide. "No need to prove it. I know you're a durable type."

"Of course. You can exercise for two hours after charging for one minute. How long have you let me charge for?" Gong Mochen lowered his head and whispered into the little woman's ear.

As long as her body recovered, he promised to make her unable to get out of bed for three days and three nights! He would ravish her!

Qin Sheng's face was red from the man's moist and hot breath. "I'll drink the soup. Wait for me outside the door. We'll leave after I finish it."

She quickly changed the dangerous topic and promised not to give the man a chance to ravish her. After all, her stomach had only just recovered.

She picked up the bowl in the man's hand and gulped down the tonic soup, not giving him any more time to talk nonsense.

Gong Mochen watched the little woman finish the soup with satisfaction. He held her hand and walked out of the room.

Qin Sheng's stomach started churning so much that she wanted to throw up. Perhaps she had drunk too much soup?

"Stop the car!" she shouted and covered her mouth with her hand.

Gong Mochen hurriedly parked the car by the roadside and watched as Qin Sheng rushed out to throw up. His eyes darkened...