May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 230 - Chapter 230 she's back love is no longer 20

Chapter 230: Chapter 230 she's back love is no longer 20

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Even in the middle of the night, the Qin family had been bombarded by the news. Many reporters were outside the Qin family mansion, taking photos of the Qin family's movements and waiting for an interview with Qin Zixian.

Many people didn't understand why Qin Zixian drugged Yun Sheng.

It seemed that there was no connection between them at all...

Qin Zixian was frightened when she saw the news. She pushed her wheelchair to look for her father to ask for his help.

"Father, you have to save me! I don't want to go to jail!"

The two key people, Dong Yu and Wang Yu, had both been captured by Gong Mochen. If they insisted that she was the one who asked them to do it, she couldn't even deny it!

Qin Ze snorted coldly and said, "You deserve it. You haven't learned your lesson yet!"

Qin Zixian was stunned by her father's words. "But I'm your daughter! After such a thing happened, do you still want to scold me and say you won't help me?"

She only felt that her father was being too cold-blooded and heartless!

"You're my daughter, so you should learn to be smarter! You two siblings only know how to cause trouble for me! You can't be domineering, so you have to learn how to hide and lurk. If you don't even know how to hide and lurk, you're courting death!

"Most of the time, those who show off their strength aren't really powerful, but real heroes who know how to show weakness... I've taught you so much. If you still don't understand, I'll just pretend that I didn't give birth to you!" Qin Ze strode past Qin Zixian.

Qin Zixian stared at her father's back in a daze. She had always blamed her father for being too obedient to Gong Mochen. It seemed that only today did she realize that her father was far from as simple as he looked!

Hide and show weakness... Wasn't this her father?

Was he teaching her the way to survive? Unfortunately, at this time, how could she show weakness to save herself?

Her mind worked hard, and an idea flashed in her mind.

Even in the middle of the night, the court didn't dare to not accept Li Ang's lawsuit. They sent a summons to the Qin family overnight, informing Qin Zixian to appear in court tomorrow.

The bailiff walked into the Qin family's mansion. "Miss Qin Zixian, we inform you to appear in court tomorrow. Because this case is very important, from now on, we will put you under twelve hour custody."

Qin Zixian sat in her wheelchair and elegantly picked up a pen to sign the subpoena. "I know. I've accepted the subpoena. Please take a seat. Someone, make some tea for the bailiffs and serve them supper."

The bailiffs were stunned by the virtuous woman. Would such a gentle woman really do something like drugging people?

Qin Zixian didn't defend herself. She pressed the wheelchair and went back to her room to rest. Custody? Were they afraid that she would run over and stare at Yun Sheng?

Why would she? A good show had just begun!

She made a phone call. "Senior, you're in Europe, right? Can you do me a favor? Just help me send a video to your news website!"

Her eyes flashed with a sinister light...


In the morning, Ye Wei pushed Qin Zixian out to the car and they soon arrived at the entrance of the court. She was surrounded by reporters.

"Miss Qin, Duke Li Ang went to the court to sue you for drugging his girlfriend, Miss Yun Sheng. What do you have to say?"

"Yes, did you drug her?"

"Yes, and the Duke is suing President Gong for rape! Miss Qin, what do you think to your fiancé's rape of Miss Yun Sheng?"

The reporters flocked to Qin Zixian to ask questions.

Qin Zixian's eyes turned red. Tears were in her eyes, and she looked like she had been wronged.

She clenched her handkerchief tightly and sobbed, "Do you think it's logical for me to drug another woman and make my fiancé sleep with her? Besides, they have known each other for a long time."

As if she was on the verge of breaking down, she burst into tears.

The woman was crying so hard that no one could bear to suspect her. Moreover, she was right. Which woman was crazy enough to drug another woman and make her man sleep with her?

A red sports car suddenly stopped at the entrance of the court. The reporters immediately had a new target and surrounded Yun Sheng and Li Ang as they got out of the car.

"Duke, Miss Qin denied drugging Miss Yun Sheng. Is there any misunderstanding between you two?"

"Yes, Miss Qin said that Miss Yun and CEO Gong have known each other for a long time. Is this true?"

"Oh my God! Look, there's another piece of news! Isn't this CEO Gong and Miss Yun Sheng? They're kissing!"

A reporter said on his phone.

Following the reporter's words, everyone looked at their phones. The photo in the news was of Gong Mochen and Yun Sheng. The man was pressing the woman against his car and kissing her passionately.

This was too explosive. If Yun Sheng and Gong Mochen had known each other for a long time and were so close that they were kissing, would Qin Zixian really need to drug her to get her into bed?

Qin Sheng's heart was suffocating. The photo was of her being pressed against the car by Gong Mochen and being kissed. If it was a video, it could be seen that Gong Mochen had forced her. However, it was impossible to tell who was forcing whom with just a photo.

If this photo proved the intimate relationship between Qin Sheng and Gong Mochen, it meant that the rape crime wasn't committed!

Qin Zixian pressed the button on her wheelchair and rolled towards Qin Sheng. "Miss Yun, I'll admit to any crime, but please don't hurt my fiancé!"

Qin Sheng's hands moved behind her to prevent Qin Zixian from touching her.

However, their hands still almost touched. At that moment, Qin Zixian fell down from the wheelchair, as if she was brought down by the strength of Qin Sheng's hands.

Qin Zixian reached out and grabbed Qin Sheng's ankle. "Miss Yun, I beg you, don't sue Gong Mochen. I'd rather break off the engagement with him!"

Qin Sheng pulled back her foot, but Qin Zixian took the opportunity to grab her foot and knock it on her face.

The people present were in an uproar. She was actually publicly kicking Qin Zixian!

"How can you kick people?"

"Yeah, whether Qin Zixian drugged you or not, you shouldn't kick people, right?"

"Maybe Qin Zixian was framed by someone with ulterior motives and that person wanted to force her to break off the engagement with CEO Gong!"

"What do you mean by drugged? I think the mistress wants to take her position!"

"Yes, I've never seen such a scheming b*tch! She pulled her out of the wheelchair and even kicked her!"

"Duke, I think you should keep your eyes open. This woman is too devious!"

Qin Sheng's ears were filled with fire. They were all sympathizing with Qin Zixian, who had faked being pulled to the ground and kicked in the face!

She was so anxious that she wanted to pull her leg back, but Qin Zixian had grabbed her tightly.

"I didn't pull her down!" she hurriedly explained. Their hands had only brushed past each other, and they hadn't even fully touched. How could she throw Qin Zixian out of the wheelchair?

Li Ang reached out to pull Qin Zixian's arm. "Qin Zixian, what are you pretending for? Qin Sheng didn't pull you down!"

The man's cold voice made Qin Zixian let go. Her face was covered in dirt, making it looked like she had really been kicked.

She cried, "My leg was injured and I can't move. Yun Sheng didn't pull me down? Did I fall down myself then? Everyone saw it. Everyone, testify for me!"