May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1865 - Chapter 1865, Gong Mou 65

Chapter 1865: Chapter 1865, Gong Mou 65

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"sister, you're finally here. Mom and dad were worried about you. The Middle East is too lively, " Nangong Ye said.

The Middle East was in a heated discussion, even though the people outside didn't know what was happening in the Middle East Even the people in the Middle East didn't know what was happening in the palace?

However, this couldn't be hidden from Nangong Ye's spies. He would know every move the Middle East made.

He knew that Lian Lian had run away, and he also knew that Lian Lian was being chased by many people on the way. Now that he saw his sister sitting there peacefully eating lobster, his heart was finally at ease.

"It must be lively. I also feel that the Middle East is very lively, " Lian Lian said indifferently.

"Don't leave this time since you're here. Mom and dad want to bring you back, " Nangong Ye said.

"That won't do. I still have things to do. Tell Mom and dad that I'll go home once I've settled everything, " Lian Lian said to Nangong Ye.

"Sis, can you not be so big-hearted? Don't you know that you're about to give birth? " Nangong ye said.

"I know. That's why I came to this island. Otherwise, I would have gone straight to the Royal Palace of Switzerland, " Lian Lian said.

Nangong ye's forehead darkened. He was really speechless when it came to his sister. He had never seen a woman who could go through so much trouble with his sister.

"What my parents mean is that they don't want you to interfere in the matters of the Royal Palace of Switzerland and the Royal Palace of the Middle East anymore. " Nangong ye had no choice but to bring up his parents.

"I know. I don't want to interfere in the matters of their two countries, but I want to bring my son back. So, let my parents wait for me for a few more months. When I bring my son back, I won't set foot in those two countries again, " Lian Lian said.

"If you want to bring Xin Ba back, I can send people to rob him, " Nangong Ye said.

"No, you can't Rob Xin Ba. You don't understand William's personality. If you take your son away like this, he will search the entire Earth for Xin Ba. I want to take Xin Ba away in a proper way, " Lian Lian said.

Nangong ye fell into silence. If he robbed Xin Ba, Willam would definitely not let them go. The Third World War was probably about to start.

He was not afraid of Willam, nor was he afraid of fighting with Willam, but he was afraid of hurting the innocent.

"You should stay here and recuperate. We will discuss the rest after you give birth. " Nangong ye used a delaying tactic.

For the time being, he would let Lian Lian give birth here and recuperate. As for the other matters, he wanted to wait until after her baby was born.

"Alright, alright. I am going to enjoy the delicious food now. Stop talking. You are disturbing my meal. " Lian Lian waved her hand at the screen. She was not in the mood to continue talking to Nangong ye.

Her mind was on the table of delicacies.

Very quickly, he finished a large lobster. She picked up a bowl of tiger fish soup and started to taste it.

The Tiger Fish's body was full of thorns, but its skin was particularly rich in gum.

If one had the patience to remove all the thorns on the tiger fish and use its skin to make soup, the thick collagen would be a natural skin care product. Drinking a bowl every day was especially good for the skin.

Lian Lian drank a bowl of soup and was finally full. She looked up at Owen, who hadn't eaten much.

"Owen, why aren't you eating? Is there anything on this table that you like to eat? Or do you not like seafood? " Lian Lian asked.

Owen shook his head. "I quite like seafood. It's just that the way you eat reminds me of Yun Xi. She also likes to eat lobster and tiger fish soup. "

The Lian Lian in front of him always reminded him of his lover, Yun Xi. His mind was filled with memories of their past.

Lian Lian's heart and mouth were in sync. She almost choked on her own saliva.

Every time she thought about it, Owen was her son-in-law. This kind of character setting made her feel bad. This feeling was too awkward.

"then eat more. After all, it's Yun Xi's favorite food. Eat more. She'll be happy, " Lian Lian said.

"okay, I'll eat more, " Owen said.

Lian Lian looked at the extremely obedient owen and her forehead darkened. This man was too easy to talk to. She was a little envious of her own daughter. Before she was even born, she was already so deeply loved by a boy.

She could already foresee her daughter's future. She could live a happy life.

It had to be said that even she envied her own daughter.

After he had dinner with Owen, he went back to his room to sleep.

There were no obvious buildings on the island. All the rooms were in the mountains of the island.

Such buildings could not only play a hidden role, but they could also be warm in winter and cool in summer. All the rooms did not need air-conditioning. The temperature was always the most suitable temperature for the human body.

Lian Lian brought Owen into the room. She walked to the window and pressed the button on the window frame. The window suddenly fell outwards. A large number of windows fell just like that, turning into a balcony.

Lian Lian lifted her foot. Under the Glass Balcony was a rolling sea. Standing on the balcony felt very good.

Owen was so shocked that his eyes almost fell out. How did this window turn into a balcony?

"This is also Nangong Ye's black technology? " He asked.

"Yes, this is also my brother's black technology. Your Room also has this button. When you go back, you can also turn it into a balcony and stand on it to look at the stars, " Lian Lian said.

Owen scratched his hair. "Are there other black technologies in the room? "

"Yes, there is. You can turn the SOFA into a small golf course by pressing the button. There is a button in the middle of the living room. If you press it, it will turn into a pool. There is a button above the bed. If you press it, the ceiling will turn into glass. You can lie down and look at the stars,"Lian Lian introduced her brother's black technology.

After Nangong ye finished designing the small island, he showed her the entire plan. So he knew clearly where each black technology was?

Owen was convinced. He didn't expect Nangong Ye's black technology to be so powerful.

Lian Lian saw that it was too late, so she urged Owen to go back to sleep. He also went to take a bath and have a good rest.

She didn't know if she had finally settled down, but Yunxi was going to be born early.

In the middle of the night, Lian Lian felt a stomachache. She knew that Yunxi was going to be born, so she pressed the emergency button on the traditional cabinet and asked the two women to come in and help her deliver the baby.

The men in black in boss Sun's shop searched all the cities in Myanmar, but they couldn't find Lian Lian. They had to call their master.

"Your Majesty, we did not catch Miss Lian Lian, " the leader of the men in Black said helplessly.

The man's furious voice came from his phone, "trash, I sent so many of you, but you still couldn't bring her back. "