May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 184 - Chapter 184 gives you a surprise

Chapter 184: Chapter 184 gives you a surprise

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Chu Xia was in a difficult position. She didn't know Shen Tong's boyfriend, so how would she know what that man liked?

"Does he have any special preferences?" Chu Xia asked.

Shen Tong shook her head. "No, he doesn't have any special preferences. But he does like medicine!"

Chu Xia's lips twitched. What kind of person liked medicine? Weird...

"Why don't we get him something that he can use, such as cufflinks, tie clips, and so on?"

Shen Tong shook her head. "He doesn't use those things every day. Is there anything that we could buy him that he'd use all the time? I want him to have something from me that he'll always want to use."

Sikong Jue had to wear a white coat to make medicine, so he couldn't wear tie clips or cufflinks.

"So, something that he'll always want to use..." Chu Xia tapped her chin. "Why don't we get him a belt? A belt is something that people often need at all times!"

Shen Tong smiled. "That's a good one!"

Qin Sheng felt a headache coming on. The two women, who didn't each other, were having a good conversation, unaware of the situation. It was hard for her, as she knew the truth. She didn't even know what kind of expression to put on!

"The belt area is over there. If you want to buy one, hurry up and buy one!" Qin Sheng snapped.

It seemed that she couldn't stop Chu Xia from helping Shen Tong to choose a gift. Therefore, she could only urge them to hurry up, and then they could leave. She was afraid that they might accidentally reveal their identities to each other by chatting about something. That really would cause a lot of heartache!

Fortunately, the two women were quite obedient to Qin Sheng's demands. They followed her to the belt area. However, when Shen Tong was choosing the belt buckle, she was put in a difficult position again.

"Chu Xia, can you help me see what color is the best?"

Chu Xia's gaze swept across the belt buckles on the counter. They were all real gold and silver belt buckles with diamonds embedded in them. Each belt buckle cost more than a million dollars.

A belt buckle with green gemstones and diamonds embedded in it caught Chu Xia's eye. The belt buckle was very simple. It had a white gold base and the diamonds were wrapped around it. The green gemstones were in the shape of a flame. She didn't know why, but she thought of Sikong Jue when she saw the belt buckle.

Shen Tong looked at the belt buckle that Chu Xia was staring at. "Do you think this one looks good?"

Chu Xia's mind was pulled back by Shen Tong's question. She said reluctantly, "Yes, yes, this one looks very good!"

"I like this one too. Let's get it!" Shen Tong called out to the cashier and pointed to the belt buckle in question.

Qin Sheng heaved a sigh of relief. Fortunately, they were done buying and they could finally leave.

"We're leaving now!" She pulled Chu Xia away.

"What do you want to buy? I'll help you now!" Shen Tong said quickly.

"We want to buy..."

"We're not buying anything. We're just looking around!"

Before Chu Xia could finish, Qin Sheng stopped her. She was so scared that she broke out in a cold sweat. If Shen Tong knew that Chu Xia was pregnant, wouldn't Sikong Jue find out?

She grabbed Chu Xia tightly. This careless girl almost let the cat out of the bag!

Chu Xia's hand hurt from Qin Sheng's grip. She understood Qin Sheng's intention. "Yes, yes, we're just looking around..."

"Then I'll accompany you guys, okay? Please don't think I'm annoying. I've spent the past few years in a hospital bed. Other than my boyfriend, I don't have any friends!" Shen Tong said.

Chu Xia looked at Shen Tong in surprise. "How old are you? Your boyfriend has been taking care of you for the past few years? Are you in a loving relationship then?"

Shen Tong's face blushed in embarrassment. "We've been engaged since we were young, so he's always been my boyfriend."

"Engaged since you were young... Wow. So you guys are childhood sweethearts? I really envy you guys for having such a relationship!" Chu Xia said.

"Yes, we're childhood sweethearts. He's been taking care of me since we were young. He even cooked for me when I was sick. He fed me, changed my clothes, and helped me to bathe. I don't think I'll ever find such a good man in my life!" Shen Tong's small face was filled with a happy smile.

Qin Sheng was so nervous that her nerves were about to snap. She was afraid that Shen Tong would say her boyfriend's name.

"Chu Xia, we're leaving. I still have something to do. Have you forgotten?" she urged Chu Xia.

"You have something to do? Then let's go! Shen Tong..." Before Chu Xia could finish her words, a man's voice rushed from behind them.

"Shen Tong! Why did you run off?"

"Brother Jue! I'm here. I wanted to buy you a present!" Shen Tong looked at the man who was walking over and smiled.

Chu Xia turned around to look at the man behind her.

Qin Sheng was so anxious that she wanted to stop her friend, but there was no chance at all. Even if she wanted to take Chu Xia away, she didn't have the time!

Chu Xia's gaze landed on the man and woman, and she instantly froze.

The woman's petite frame was snug in the man's arms, docile and nimble like a little bird. The man's hand gently stroked the woman's short hair. Even if he'd used a reproachful tone, it could be heard that he truly cared.

"Why did you run out of the hospital on your own? You've been a little disobedient..."

"I'm not disobedient. My body has really recovered. Tomorrow is your birthday, so I ran out to buy you a present and give you a surprise!"

Shen Tong smiled. "I also made two good friends today! One is called Chu Xia, and the other is called Qin Sheng. Chu Xia helped me choose the present. You have to thank her too!" She pulled Sikong Jue and walked towards Chu Xia.

Chu Xia felt like her head was about to explode. The gentle man, the good man who never left his sick girlfriend, was actually Sikong Jue!

For a moment, her heart forgot to beat. Scenes flashed through her mind. The gentle hands that took care of the sick girl... The man who'd grabbed her neck and poured abortion medicine into her throat...

So, he was not completely cold-blooded and heartless... But still, she could never forgive him for what he had done to her.

Qin Sheng held Chu Xia's hand. She could feel that Chu Xia's hand was getting colder.

She stepped in front of Chu Xia and looked at Sikong Jue. "Shen Tong's boyfriend, right? You came at the right time. Your girlfriend is still sick. You should take her back to recover! Running around like this isn't good for her body!"

She didn't know what else to say. She could only ask Sikong Jue to take Shen Tong away as soon as possible!

Obviously, Shen Tong was the only one among the four who didn't know the situation.

Shen Tong held onto Sikong Jue's arm and said coquettishly, "Brother Jue, I don't want to go back to the hospital so soon. You're treating my good friends to lunch today! I want to thank them for accompanying me for the whole morning!"

Chu Xia felt suffocated. She tried her best to force herself to breathe in air and regain all her rationality. At that moment, she couldn't let anyone see the defeat in her eyes!

She opened her mouth and was about to say something when the man spoke first.

"Tong Tong, you just recovered from your illness. Society is very complicated, and so are people. It's not what you think it is. Don't just make friends with anyone, do you understand?" Sikong Jue reprimanded Shen Tong.

Chu Zia was about to say something, but the man made her gasp. A cold glint flashed across her eyes. "What do you mean by people are complicated and don't just make friends? Mr. Sikong, tell me clearly!"