May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 1686 - Chapter 1686 this man belongs to me

Chapter 1686: Chapter 1686 this man belongs to me

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

"Okay, let's go back to the hotel to rest. We'll come back to see Yan Wei tomorrow, " Du Rui said.

He brought his father out of the ward and took a car back to the hotel.

Du can had a victorious smile on his face. If not for the fact that he was afraid of being seen by Mu duo and Mu Zeyu in the ward just now, he would have laughed out loud.

"Hahaha, how is it The older the wiser, right Once your father makes a move, not only will you have a daughter, you'll also have a son You better learn from him. If you want to achieve your goal, when necessary, you have to use some necessary means. With my many years of experience playing with women, when dealing with creatures like women, not only do you have to coax them, but you also have to scare them. You have to use both kindness and power to make them obedient!"He looked at Du Rui proudly.

Du Rui's eyebrows sank. "Dad, I haven't played with women for a long time. I only want to treat Yan Wei wholeheartedly. I love her as my wife. "

"Forget it if you are stupid Isn't a wife also a woman Could it be that your wife is a man In the end, she's still not playing with women Let me tell you, don't think that playing with women is a derogatory term. A Happy Woman must find a man who knows how to play with women. Only then will her life be exciting. Of course, unfortunately, some women are only played with for a while and not for a lifetime.

Haven't you heard of it A Happy Woman is a woman who meets a man who lies to her for a lifetime. An unfortunate woman is a woman who meets a man who lies to her for a while.

I know that you still don't understand what I'm saying. You think that I'm just playing around with women, which is ridiculous. In fact, the way men and women get along is just like this. I'll play with you, you'll play with me, and we'll play together for the rest of our lives.

You can put your true feelings into it and play with it properly, or you can not put your true feelings into it. Anyway, life is just so long. When the music ends, the people will disperse. Eventually, there will be an end to it. Why do you have to be so serious about living As long as everyone is happy,"Du can said.

"You have this kind of mentality. Until now, you still can't find a woman who is sincere to you! " Du Rui ridiculed his father.

"I didn't meet a good person. All the women I met are scheming girls! " Du Can said.

"If you don't treat a girl with your true feelings, the girl won't treat you with her true feelings No one is a fool. Only the true feelings can be exchanged for the true feelings You have a cynical attitude, so the women you find are also cynical. You can't find a person who has true feelings for you,"Du Rui said.

"Don't lecture me. You've given your true feelings. So what? You still can't even get your daughter back. If it weren't for me, you would have already lost an 'an!

That child is really cute. Unfortunately, she's still in the warm box. I can't hug her "Oh right, find me a sister-in-law training class. I want to go to class, " Du can instructed Du Rui.

Du Rui was stunned. "You want to go to sister-in-law training class? Dad, you don't have a fever, do you? "

He reached out to touch his father's forehead.

"GET LOST! You're the one with a fever! I don't know how to take care of children. I didn't take care of any of you when you were young. This time, I'm going to take an 'an back personally. What servant? I'm worried! " Du Can said.

Du Rui looked at his father like he was looking at a monster. This was his father When did his father change his personality?

"What are you looking at? I'm fine. I'm not a pervert! " Du can instantly understood his son's gaze.

"Okay, you're not a pervert. I'll arrange a training class for you later. " Du Rui had no choice but to agree.

"Oh right, we need to buy things at home too. We need to build something like a crib, a children's room, and an amusement park. Let's build it in our yard. What about a slide swing or a small train? Do you think an 'an would like a jungle mouse "should we get a jungle mouse? " Du Can said.

A black line appeared on du Rui's forehead. "Dad, only big kids can play with jungle mice. An 'an hasn't even been born for a month, so why would she get a jungle mouse? "

However, Du can acted as if he was living in his own world. He completely ignored Du Rui's words. He just kept thinking to himself "No, no, the yard at home is too small "How can it be enough to build an amusement park "Sikong Jue is the most generous one. He bought his daughter an amusement park. I want to buy a Disney for an 'an too "In the future, if our little princess wants to go to an amusement park, we will close the door and let an 'an play by herself. "

Du Rui laughed speechlessly. He and his sister had never been doted on by their parents since they were young. He thought that DU can was the kind of person who could not love without love. Who knew that when DU can doted on people, he was also like a normal person. No, it should be said that he was crazier than a normal person doting on a child!

"okay, when an 'an comes back, we'll buy one, " he replied.

To buy a Disney, he still had to manage it. Did he have so much free time When an 'an wanted to go, he could just buy Disney for a day.

Du Can and Du Rui returned to the hotel to rest in their respective thoughts.

In the ward, Mu Zeyu found that Yan Wei had not spoken. She just sat on the hospital bed and hugged him like an abandoned cat.

"Yan Wei, what's wrong? You don't have to be afraid. What do you want? We will respect your wishes, " Mu Zeyu said.

"Wei Wei, if you want an 'An's well-being, you can let du Rui take an 'an away. An 'an has been a rich young lady since she was young. How wonderful! In the future, you and Mu Zeyu's children can also inherit our family business.

It's not that daddy is scaring you. If you forcefully hold an 'an away from Du Rui, the Du family will see that they have no children and will let du Rui marry another woman. When du Rui has another child, an 'an will not be able to inherit the DU family business!

If you agree to give it to the DU family now, we can get them to sign the will and write down who will inherit the DU family's property. Then, we can ask the notary to notarize it. That way, the Du family will belong to an 'an!

"Father, this is all for an 'An's sake. help an 'an get the DU family's property! " Mu Duo said.

Yan Wei looked at her father timidly. "You're doing this for an 'An's sake? "

"That's right. Otherwise, why would I help her fight for the DU family's property In this way, an 'an will be grateful to me when she grows up. If you keep an 'An and don't give it to the DU family, if she loses her inheritance rights, she will resent you when she grows up Don't you understand?"Mu duo misled Yan Wei He persuaded Yan Wei to hand an 'an over.

A look of disappointment flashed across Yan Wei's eyes. Everyone was doing this for an 'An. Everyone wanted an 'an to inherit the DU family's property. Only she was harming an 'An.

"Yan Wei, don't think about it. You should rest first. We can discuss this later. " Mu Zeyu noticed that there was something wrong with Yan Wei's gaze. It was that kind of ethereal gaze, as if there was no soul in it.

He didn't dare to let Yan Wei think about it anymore and urged Yan Wei to sleep.

Yan Wei obediently lay down to sleep. Mu Zeyu's brows furrowed. "Dad, I have something to say to you. I see that Yan Wei's expression isn't right. "