May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 159 - Chapter 159: Dowry

Chapter 159: Chapter 159: Dowry

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Qin Sheng left the Tao family and went to Ye Wei's clinic. What made her curious was that she didn't see Gong Mochen's car in the courtyard. If his car wasn't parked up, it meant that he wasn't here.

Where had Gong Mochen gone? She took out her phone and dialed a familiar number, but she was met with the message that signified the phone was turned off.

Her heart twitched. Gong Mochen still didn't pick up her call. She turned around and ran to Gong Mochen's company. She had to ask him face to face!

But she didn't find the man at the company, and instead saw the aunt that she didn't want to see.

Qin Zixian crossed her arms and looked at the girl who came to find Gong Mochen. Her eyes were locked in a vicious expression.

"What are you doing here? You can't hook up with Gong Mochen at home, so you come to the company to hook up with him?"

Her voice was harsh, and it could definitely be heard by the people around her.

Qin Sheng's face turned red and then white. "I want to see my uncle. What does it have to do with you? Get out of my way!"

"You forgot that Third Brother ordered you not to enter the company!" Qin Zixian said coldly, and then she lowered her voice.

"Don't think that Third Brother loves you just because he organized a banquet for you! Can't you see? He was just being responsible. After the mission was completed, he threw you away!

"Oh and I forgot to tell you that the Ha family has officially proposed marriage. Third Brother asked Nie Feng to send a message back, and he has already agreed. Do you understand? He doesn't want you anymore!"

Qin Zixian spoke sinisterly, but she was telling the truth. He Fen called her and said that the Ha family had come to officially propose marriage. Qin Ze had already agreed, and Gong Mochen had also asked Nie Feng to send a message to agree. He even asked Nie Feng to bring the dowry prepared for Qin Sheng.

Qin Sheng's heart felt empty. Gong Mochen had said that if she wanted to get married, he had to agree, because she was raised by him.

And now, he agreed...

"Where is he? I want to see him." There was only one thought in her dazed mind, and that was to see him.

"Qin Sheng, just how lowly are you? That man doesn't want you anymore, and you still come to the company to pester me? Men, throw Qin Sheng out! You're truly as lowly as your mother!" Qin Zixian snapped.

Following her instructions, a few bodyguards walked over, picked up Qin Sheng and threw her out. They threw her directly onto the street.

Qin Sheng's legs and buttocks were hurting from the impact. There were many people watching around her, pointing and calling her a slut.

"How old are you? You only know how to pester men!"

"Yeah, even men don't want her! She even came to the company to cause trouble. How shameless"

"Some people are vile, regardless of age! Don't you know? Her mother was the princess of a hotel!"

"Yeah? No wonder the Qin family didn't raise her properly. They wanted an uncle who wasn't related by blood to raise her."

A few female employees of the company stood at the entrance of the offices and scolded Qin Sheng. The people on the street heard this and formed a circle. They looked at Qin Sheng in disdain and scolded her with righteous indignation.

Qin Zixian walked toward Qin Sheng and looked at her arrogantly. "Get lost! Your mother dirtied the Qin family. Do you want to dirty the Gong family too?"

Qin Sheng climbed up from the ground in a sorry state. She could feel that everyone was focussed on her.

She raised her gazed and glared at the arrogant Qin Zixian. She slapped Qin Zixian and said, "Don't insult my mother!"

Qin Zixian grabbed Qin Sheng's wrist and slapped Qin Sheng's face with her other hand. Gong Mochen wasn't here, and neither was Nie Feng. She could finally take her revenge!

The crisp sound of the slap echoed through the air. She had never vented her anger before!

"Do you still need me to insult the princess of the nightclub? You're really your mother's good daughter. You just turned 18, and you're already lacking a man. You're so lacking that you want to crawl into a man's bed! I feel disgusted just by looking at you!"

Qin Sheng's face was burning with pain from the slap. She felt that her face was swollen. She wanted to hit back, but before she could do so, a few of Qin Zixian's bodyguards grabbed her and pushed her to the ground.

Qin Zixian walked over and grasped Qin Sheng's wrist. "You think you can hit me? Without Third Brother spoiling you, who do you think you are?" She lowered her body and looked down at the girl.

"Don't say that Auntie doesn't love you... I'll tell you where Third Brother is. But I don't think you'll be able to crawl into the man's bed! He's in his own villa now. If you have the ability, go look for him there!"

Qin Zixian raised her foot. A female employee ran over and immediately knelt on the ground to wipe the soles of her shoes.

"Fourth miss, the soles of your shoes are dirty. I'll wipe them clean for you." The female employee took out her handkerchief and carefully wiped Qin Zixian's shoes.

Qin Zixian looked at the female employee very pleasantly. "Du Fang, you've been with me for quite a few years. I'll promote you to be the deputy manager of the office."

"Thank you, Fourth Miss!" Du Fang stood up gracefully. After following Qin Zixian for so many years, she had finally been rewarded!

Qin Sheng got up from the ground. It was a humiliation she had never experienced before. Qin Zixian had hurt her wrist and actually felt that the soles of her shoes were dirty, because she'd stepped where Qin Sheng had been.

She glared fiercely at the two women. She decided now was the time to leave to look for Gong Mochen. When she returned, she would settle the score with them properly!

"Qin Sheng ran away! Fourth Miss is mighty! Fourth Miss, why did you tell her where CEO Gong is? What if Qin Sheng succeeds?" Du Fang asked Qin Zixian.

Qin Zixian curled the corners of her lips and her gaze landed on Qin Sheng's back. "Why wouldn't I tell her? If she goes, I can witness the disappointment on her face and watch her crumble!"

He Fen had called Qin Zixian earlier. Not only did she tell her that the Ha family had come to propose marriage, but she also told her that Gong Mochen had stayed at Ye Wei's clinic, and had even brought Ye Wei back to his villa that morning.

This news was far more exciting to her than Qin Sheng's banquet. Now that Qin Sheng was definitely going to marry into the Ha family, she was no longer a threat to her. However, what the hell was going on with this Ye Wei? She had come out of nowhere! And, she was actually staying in Gong Mochen's villa!

She couldn't go and cause a trouble with Gong Mochen because she didn't have the status to do that. However, Qin Sheng could go and cause a trouble on her behalf!

Whether it was Qin Sheng fighting with Ye Wei, or Ye Wei fighting with Qin Sheng, she was the beneficiary here!

Du Fang suddenly understood Qin Zixian's plan. "Fourth Miss is very shrewd and cleaver. I wish Fourth Miss will become the female lead of the Gong family soon!"

Qin Zixian smiled coldly. She wasn't far from that goal!


Qin Sheng went to Gong Mochen's villa, her heart throbbing with pain. This place was filled with too much of her and Gong Mochen's sweetness. Every sweet moment turned into a sharp knife that pierced her heart.

Because she saw the car of Ye Wei's clinic parked up by the door...

Why had Gong Mochen brought Ye Wei back here? Why would he do this to her? She was so angry that he would bring another woman to THEIR home!

She didn't use the main door. Instead, she climbed into the courtyard through the iron fence at the back.

Entering the villa was very smooth. She walked around the villa, looking for her man and Ye Wei. Suddenly, she heard a low voice coming from the hot spring room. She walked towards the hot spring room and looked inside.

Under the cover of the banana leaves, she saw...