May The Rest Of My Life Be Sweet To You ( Machine Translation )

Chapter 116 - Chapter 116: innocent and adorable

Chapter 116: Chapter 116: innocent and adorable

Author: The first love of a rainy day Machine Translation

Gong Mochen laughed coldly. "When the incident happened, I had Nie Feng get someone from the hotel to seal off all the surveillance cameras. How long do you think it will take for my people to find the person who secretly planted the poison on Ye Wei?

"Wait until I find the video and catch your people. Will Your people be able to survive my interrogation "His medicine was given by His Highness Yu. I don't mind exposing their identity."

Li Ang's lips twitched. Gong Mochen was indeed ruthless. He wasn't afraid that his men would be caught, but the identity of His Highness couldn't be exposed.

That was their agreement from the beginning...

When he thought of that agreement, he instantly felt a pain in his balls.

No... he didn't want to think about the agreement! That gave him a feeling of troubled. He pushed those thoughts to the back of his mind.

"You want him, right? However, I can only give him to you to take the blame for Ye Wei's actions." He bit the bullet.

He could ask for someone to take the blame for Ye Wei, but he couldn't implicate others.

"Sure, I'm only looking for you to calm things down. I don't want to implicate others. Otherwise, do you think you can still sleep so beautifully?" Gong Mochen said.

Li Ang's anger rushed straight to his forehead. What kind of tone was that? A threat? If he handed over the person, should he still thank Gong Mochen?

"Get out of my room. In half an hour, the person will come to the Public Security Bureau and you and your people can do as you please," he roared angrily.

"Tell your people to hurry up. I'm afraid that my people are too capable. It won't take me long to find out who the person who secretly released the poison is! When that time comes, I'll be very conflicted. Should I reveal the identity of Highness Yu or not?"

"Gong Mochen, are you done grovelling? Why are you showing off in front of me? If you don't leave now, I'll make you regret it!" Li Ang shouted.

"And just so that we're clear, my Qin Sheng will never listen to your provocations! What a joke!" Gong Mochen wanted Li Ang to die of anger.

He turned around and walked out of the room, returning to Qin Sheng's room.

Li Ang was about ready to explode with anger. Even if he knew that Gong Mochen couldn't really do anything to Qin Sheng, he was still angry. He felt that the girl was kind of like a Voodoo doll, making him only want to control her.

In Qin Sheng's room, the lights were still on, and the little girl's head was exposed under the blanket. She looked very sweet when she was sleeping soundly.

Gong Mochen's fingers gently brushed the girl's messy hair off her forehead, and he lowered his head to kiss the top of her head.

The corners of his lips unconsciously revealed a gentle smile. There was nothing that made him happier than looking at her sweet smile.

He knew that she would fall asleep when the time came, so he left. He didn't know that the little girl would be so angry when she woke up the next day.

The smile on his lips grew wider. Then there was a crashing sound. He turned his head and saw the little hamster running around in the cage. He glared at the little thing, and the little thing blinked its eyes at him, looking innocent and cute.

Gong Mochen chuckled. Little Aoi was as cute as her master. He walked over to pick up the hamster and spider cages and put them in the bathroom. He was afraid that the noise made by the two little things would disturb his girl's sleep.

After that, he turned on the night light and turned off the big light. He took another look at the little woman before leaving her bedroom.

At the police station, Ye Wei was released. It seemed that the person who'd framed her had been found.

Ye Wei walked out of the police station quickly. Her eyes fell on Nie Feng in disappointment. She thought Gong Mochen would come.

"Miss Ye, the president asked me to take you home," Nie Feng said.

Ye Wei walked past. "Thank you."

She followed Nie Feng into the car. Her brows were furrowed. Although this matter had been settled by Gong Mochen, she had offended His Highness Yu... How could she get the antidote from Yu now?


The next day, Qin Sheng woke up. She rubbed her eyes and thought about what had happened last night.

Gong Mochen had lied to her. He had run away!

The alarm clock on her phone rang, and she saw the news on it.

Ye Wei had been framed for jealousy and the poisoning Qin Zixian. The real culprit was caught and Ye Wei was released.

She got out of bed angrily and went to the bathroom to wash up. She was so angry that Ye Wei was rescued!

When she washed up and opened the door, she bumped into a man who was coming into her room.

"Why are you in such a hurry? Are you hurt?" Gong Mochen raised his hand to touch the girl's forehead.

Qin Sheng pushed the man's hand away. She didn't want him to touch her!

She looked at the man angrily and said, "You lied to me!"

Gong Mochen looked at the little woman's angry face and smiled. She looked so good when she was angry.

"Who lied to you? When I came back, you were asleep!"

He lowered his head and whispered in the girl's ear.

Qin Sheng pushed the man away. She was asleep, but why hadn't he woken her up? He was obviously lying to her!

"I don't believe you! Do you think I'm a child?"

Did he really think she hadn't grown up? Did he think she would believe him just because he said it?

"You don't believe me?" Gong Mochen's fingers gently lifted the girl's chin.

Qin Sheng's temper flared up. "I don't believe you!"

She roared angrily. Regardless of whether her requests were reasonable or unreasonable, he would unconditionally agree to them. Only when it involved Ye Wei, it seemed like the law between them had to be broken!

She had a feeling that Ye Wei and Gong Mochen must be hiding something from her. And this time, the man had saved Ye Wei, which further proved Ye Wei's position in his heart. If she didn't figure out their relationship, she wouldn't be with Gong Mochen!

She pried open the man's fingers that held her chin, walked around the man, and went straight downstairs.

Gong mochen turned around to chase after her, but he saw Li Ang leaning against the wall in the corridor like a monster.

"Tsk, tsk, didn't you say that your Qin Sheng wouldn't be provoked by me? Looks like your relationship is on thin ice..." Li Ang stood up straight and walked past the man proudly.

"Li Ang, you should be more understanding. Qin Sheng is angry because she can't wait for it," Gong Mochen warned Li Ang. He couldn't let this man take advantage of the situation.

"Let's wait and see. If we don't make it to the next moment, who will know the ending? This game is getting more and more interesting. I'm looking forward to the ending!" Li Ang walked down the stairs, his footsteps echoing.

Gong Mochen's brow was deeply creased. What would be his ending?

As Qin Sheng's exam was approaching, his time was getting shorter and shorter. He didn't try to coax the little woman anymore. She was distancing herself from him, and the poison in his body was getting stronger and stronger. He was afraid that he would hurt her. The distance was probably a good thing.

"Nie Feng, take Qin Sheng to school today. I'll go look for Sikong Jue," Gong mochen instructed.