Max Leveled Boss is Forced to be Pampered by Others

Chapter 507

The tone was deliberately accentuated, which sounded a little mysterious, but I have to admit that it really aroused the other party\'s curiosity to a certain extent.

Sure enough.

The gossip reporter on the other end of the phone. Interest came all at once, and the tone became polite. However, the politeness still brought some points from the book. After all, this is also a kind of business. If others give you information, you must also give some chips.

"Tell me first. What do you have to report?"

After all, the other party came to the door in the morning, so they naturally want to have the right to speak in their hands.

As for the old lady, she didn\'t want to be on guard at all. After all, this material must be reported, so it doesn\'t need any reward. Just let the ungrateful granddaughter know her mistake.

"Do you feel familiar with my voice?"

The old lady didn\'t say her identity at the first time, but played with Xuanji. Just when he said this, the phone fell into silence. The reporter couldn\'t help scratching her head and was a little speechless, but she quickly gave an answer.

"I don\'t think so."

Old lady:

The old lady pulled at the corners of her mouth. She was a little embarrassed. Before she was finished, she was immediately suppressed by other words the next second.

"There\'s something you can tell us directly, because our work is also very busy. If not, don\'t joke with us."


How can this work?

It is said that this is the largest news agency in China, because all the things that the reporter came up with are true, and there was no failure. Only the things that the reporter said are easy to make everyone believe that it is beneficial and harmless for themselves at the first time.

"Yes, how can I be mysterious? I want to say that I am the professor\'s grandmother, Professor Chi Wei, who just won the grand prize not long ago."

Maybe it was because the old lady\'s voice became more and more excited when she talked about the key point. It was obvious that she was very angry about this matter and completely vented her inner anger in that moment.

Opposite reporter: "...?"

Several colleagues were gathering for a meeting. When they heard this sentence, they were stunned. When they thought about it carefully, it seemed like this voice, because the old lady was interviewed. For a moment, everyone looked at each other and didn\'t know what to do.

On the contrary, the old lady didn\'t feel anything wrong, but talked about it again.

"Although this child has made some achievements in scientific research, he is so ruthless to his family. He even wants to drive his sister out of the institute because he didn\'t make some small mistakes. How can I bear such a thing? Then she has always been indifferent to my grandmother. I hope you can make decisions for me, an old man, and look at me, a poor woman Old man! "


Between three or two sentences, I have complained about the person. The tone is still so cadenced. I don\'t know. I may really think that Chi Wei will do so.

But obviously no one will believe it, because no one is willing to listen to a one-sided word and doubt a professor who has made a lot of contributions.

However, several reporters quickly looked at each other and quickly pressed the recording button.

Then he slowly gave an answer: "I\'m afraid we can\'t disclose this kind of thing..."