Marvel: We Are Venom

Chapter 107 - 104 - Sometimes you just need a hug.

The ride home was quiet, Natasha and Adrian didn't say anything the entire way, but it's not like they had a fight or something.

They were just enjoying each other's presence.

Arriving at their home in Queens, Adrian got out of the truck and walked towards their garage.

Realizing that his mother's car was in the garage, Adrian lifted the vehicle and pulled it out of the garage. With his current strength, this kind of feat is quite easy.

Natasha got the truck into the garage and closed the garage, she got out of the truck and walked to the back of the car, then picked up her sister and entered the house.

As soon as she entered the house, she met Leona, who was currently sitting in the living room with a notebook in hand.

Leona looked at Natasha and points up, indicating an empty room on the second floor.

Natasha nodded and walked to the second floor.

Adrian looked up at the sky. With his supernatural vision, he could see Jessica flying while carrying a body on her back

He was surprised that he can see so far clearly, but he decided not to ponder about it too much.

"You took too long," Adrian told Jessica as she landed elegantly a little far from him. He glanced at Kilgrave and saw the bloody state of his guinea pig. It seems that Jessica had fun. "He is dead?"

"No." She replied with dissatisfaction, she wanted to kill the bastard. But she held on, at least she managed to satisfy her d_e_s_i_r_e for revenge by torturing him a little.

Jessica threw Kilgrave to the floor like trash.

Adrian approached Kilgrave and checked his condition, 'he's between life and death, huh?'

Adrian puts a hand on head Kilgrave's, and soon a black slime came out of his body.

'Venom, cure it completely, I can't lose such a good guinea pig, don't take the poison out of his body.'


The black slime-covered body Kilgrave's, and soon his whole body was healed. Adrian felt a massive pain in his body. The moment that pain appeared, it immediately left; this is the privilege of those who have several Symbiote in their body. The Symbiote will do everything to keep their host safe, not to mention that Adrian's regenerative powers are exceptional.

But it is not yet at the level of Deadpool that can regenerate as long as it has a living body cell.

Jessica saw what Adrian was doing, but she said nothing, she just watched him with curiosity.

After healing Kilgrave, Adrian took body Kilgrave's and walked towards the yard.

Jessica followed him behind while looking at Adrian's house. "You live in....." She didn't know what to say, she doesn't want to offend Adrian.

"A normal home?" Adrian continued.


"Well, my mom chose this house to live in, she said it was good for me to live a normal life and socialize."

"..... Does she know that you're not normal?"


Jessica is very curious about something. "How old are you, Adrian?"

Adrian stopped walking and looked at Jessica. "I'm 14 years old."

Jessica opens her mouth in shock, 'He's only 14 years old !?'

Adrian narrows his eyes and speaks in a serious voice. "Don't mistake my age for naivete."

Sensing the pressure emanating from Adrian's body, Jessica swallowed her saliva. "That's not it, I assumed your age since you don't have the body of a 14-year-old boy."

Adrian turned. "As you said earlier, I am not normal." He walked to the door that led to the bas_e_m_e_nt and opened the door.

Jessica sighed when she felt the pressure was gone. She looked at Adrian's back with curiosity, decided she wouldn't judge Adrian until she learned about his life. And knew it was a mistake to judge Adrian by his age.

Adrian went down the bas_e_m_e_nt stairs. The first thing he saw was a typical bas_e_m_e_nt with a yellow light and an ordinary wooden table.

Adrian threw Kilgrave pinned on the wooden table with his webs, he knew he won't be able to move because of the paralyzing poison in his body. Still, he doesn't want to take any chances.

"Leona!" Adrian called his mother.

As soon as Adrian's voice came out. Adrian and Jessica could hear sounds of footsteps coming towards them.

Adrian remembered something and said seriously, "This is a warning. Jessica, my family, is very strange. I suggest that you do not judge us until you understand our situation or will disappear from the map. "

Jessica swallowed and prepared for anything, from Adrian's tone of voice, she knows he's not kidding.

"Adrian !!!" Leona ran into the bas_e_m_e_nt, running and hugged him. She started to smell Adrian's body as if she hadn't seen him in a long time, soon after she started kissing him on the mouth.

Adrian returns Leona's kiss, he didn't stop Leona from grabbing him, but he had things to do first. "Mom!! Wait a minute." He tried to argue, but Leona hugs him again, but this time the hug was kinder.

"Are you alright?" She asked worriedly.

Adrian sighed, he hugged Leona gently and rested his head on her b_r_e_a_s_ts. "Yes, I'm just tired, I think with a little rest, I'll be able to think clearly about what I did today." He answered honestly, he understood that Leona was worried about him.

Jessica looked at the woman who was grabbing and kissing Adrian with a confused expression; Is she his mother !? What's happening!? Isn't that i_n_c_e_s_t!?

Jessica's head was confused by what she was seeing, but even with her head confused, she looked at Leona's body as if she were assessing.

Leona is wearing a blue sweater with short red shorts. She had a curvy toned body, a big, fleshy a_s_s, two big perky b_r_e_a_s_ts, long black hair and sapphire blue eyes, all in all, she is a very hot woman. [N / T: Leona is based on Hanc_o_c_k from One Piece.]

Unconsciously, Jessica compared Leona's body to her body and the result? Jessica lost by a large margin.

Jessica made a bored expression; Why am I bothered by this?

Leona sighed, if possible, she wanted Adrian not to discover how ugly humans were at such a young age. After all, she knew very well that this experience will mark Adrian's life forever. Still, she acknowledged she can't stop him experiencing such experiences, she just has to support him and always be by his side.

Leona took his face with both hands and c_a_r_e_s_sed his face with affection and love. "Remember, Natasha, and I will always be here with you. What you saw today was just the tip of the iceberg; humans are ugly beings. But I hope you don't judge all humans as bad. After all, many humans are just trying to live their lives honestly." She said as she looked at Adrian's neon blue eyes.

Adrian looked into Leona's sapphire blue eyes, and all he saw was love and affection. Slowly, he felt a heatwave surrounding his heart. He slowly felt his heart that was getting cold, slowly melt. With a little tears falling from his face, Adrian nodded in understanding.

Leona smiled lovingly, it seems that she managed to help Adrian in some way, and that made her very happy, she kissed Adrian with love and care. Adrian returned her kiss while hugging her soft body.


Edited By: WS Blvckrvse

Advanced Chapters: Pa