Magic Swordsman's Wise Dimension Shop

Book 2 Chapter - 25 Magician's Wise Dimension Store- Vol. 2 Episode 25 Episode 50

"It's really big."

Hunter Association.

This place wasn't originally this big.

In the early days when gates were just beginning to appear.

Even if the hunters had stopped the monster by throwing punches and started attacking the gates.

By the way, the number of spotting sites is increasing, and by the time you acquire valuable side products from the gate.

Hunter's Association, including the Guild, began to grow as rapidly as this building.

Thanks to this, a building that is high enough to hurt your throat has been completed to be approached like this.

"Is this your second time?"

Since it turned out to be talented in dimensional magic.

I've interviewed a lot of reporters here in front of the Hunter Society.

Come to think of it, the president of the association may have encountered it once if it were the same as before.

Of course, I don't remember faces at all.


The automatic door opens.

As I went inside, I saw an interior that looked more sophisticated than what I saw from the outside.

A man who came to test his talent to be a hunter.

The person who came to sell the by-products from the gate.And the Hunter Association staff dealing with them.

I ignored them and headed straight for the counter.

Because the person I'm looking for couldn't have been on the first floor.

"Come on, come on! Are you working for the Hunter Association?"

"I'm here to pick up the president of the association."

"You mean the president of the president of the association? Um, do you happen to have an appointment? The president of the association can easily meet...…”

Well, we can't just meet this simple.

I tried to take out my student ID thinking so.

With the intention of proving to be the winner of the Academy.

Just before my student ID came into the light.

"Oh, isn't that him?"

"Oh, yes. It's Jung Woo-hyuk...….”

"Open confession!"

"Right, so, what happened?After that, no matter how many times I searched, I could only see the brain special and didn't see the proper results!

Is this the power of broadcasting?

He's the winner of another individual competition, and he has a stronger image of 'open torture'.

When I thought about how I was seen on the show, my eyes went blank.

I can't make excuses one by one.

But I can't reveal my ability conditions through interviews.I'm so frustrated.

As I let out a sigh, the staff then bowed their upper body and offered an apology, apparently noticing their mistake.

"I'm sorry, I'm so curious.I'm sure you're Jung Woo-hyuk Hunter, right?"

"Yes, it's not a formal place yet.

"Hey, you're graduating from the Academy soon! It's like a full-time hunter!”

"Oh, yes, more than that, the president of the association...…."

"Woo Hyuk Hyun-teo told me to call him as soon as I arrived! Could you wait a minute?"


An employee who says that and then calls somewhere.

Fortunately, my ID seems to have gone over well.Thanks to this, I could feel the way people look at me.

And after a while.

"I want you to come right up! I'll show you around!"

"Thank you."The staff guided me with a bright smile. Are you finally seeing the president of the association, and while riding the elevator, she smiled and spoke softly. Jesse, by Cha Seoyeon Hunty, "It was a car."

d*mn it. "Jung Woo-hyuk, nice to meet you! I'm Park Sang-hyun, the president of the Korea Hunter Association!"

"I'm Jung Woo-hyuk."

"Oh, you turned it on so I don't recognize it! Oh, it's hard for you to remember me, right?"

"Maybe I was a little absent in an interview before I entered the Phoenix Academy.”

"Oh, you remember! I can't believe you've grown up so much. I'm so surprised."

Hot talk and tall.

A neatly dressed conquest.

Seeing that reminds me of my memories.

When I was young, the man who was watching me in the back during the interview.

Well, even so, that's all I remember saying.

"In my last battle with Ha Gang-seok, I was really touched!What a splendid swordplay you showed me at the last moment!""Thanks to you, I'm in a bad shape."

"That's great, too! The student in the lower class has just come to his senses, and he's already up! All the foreign media are focusing on Woohyuk."

"That's the most troublesome thing."

"Haha, is it because of a public confession?Don't be so angry. It's all going to be solved in time anyway."

"You don't seem to be curious, do you?"

"Well, wasn't it because of your ability? I understand. Haha."

"How can I..."

"But he's the president of the association.That's how much you need to be aware of course.”

"That's an enviable.

If I had that wit, I would have said no before Cha Seoyeon opened me up.

It is truly an enviable ability.

"What's the reward?"

"Haha, you're impatient. Let's not go this way."The place where the president of the association guided me was a fluffy-looking sofa.

Is it because he's the president of the Hunter Association?

As soon as I sat on the sofa, I felt so comfortable that my body was fully relaxed.

"You can also eat what you see in front of you. Oh, you don't like snacks?"

"Not really, but I've never seen a snack like this before."

Snacks that all look luxurious.I don't know, but just one chocolate mixed between them would cost tens of thousands of won.

If it wasn't for this event, I would have eaten it in a hurry, saying, "Is this a well-made rice cake?"

However, it was different now.

Rather than those snacks, the files arranged right next to them caught my attention more.

"What is this more than that? I think it has something to do with me."

"You've seen it well. What's this? Fluttering.

Dozens of papers.

When I opened them, papers written in foreign languages poured out from inside.English, Chinese, and Japanese, of course.

Even the odd languages I've never seen before.

The president of the association picked up a document in English among them.

"Athene guild. It's one of the three largest guilds in the United States. Of course, at world level, it'll be within ten fingers.""No way, scout?"

"That's correct. All we have here is the basic contract, but Woo-hyuk said he would send a scout right away if he wanted to.”

"Do other countries usually come up with this kind of overtly?"

"No way. It's because of Woo Hyuk's special talent and the rejection of the Samjok five guild."

"Then other things...…."

"Yes, the largest known Chinese guild in the world. Japan's Yacha Guild and France's... became famous for targeting the fifth-class dungeon.…,"

The president of the association began reading the documents that had been arranged on the desk one by one.

It is surprising that scouting offers have been made from such guilds, but the head of the association who reads those numerous languages are also great.

Does that mean that not everyone can sit in a seat like that?

At least 5 languages.

"Hom, this is from Algeria. I'm not familiar with Arabic, but I can do this. Let's see... "No, more than six languages.

"What do we have to decide right now, Adi7?"

"Haha, I don't disagree. I think Woohyuk has already made up his mind in the first place."

"Is that also a sign?"

"It's a prediction that we've got from the information."


It hasn't been confirmed yet, but I was thinking about guilds that I wanted to go after graduating from the academy.Well, of course I didn't mean to light it up here.

He smiled and rearranged the papers, apparently noticing my feelings.

"But I'll keep these just in case. If you need it, feel free to come and see me."

"I didn't expect you to be so free."

"Haha, the position of president of the association is more static than I thought. Of course, it's because I did a good job."No way, what you just did wasn't a reward, was it?""

"No way. This way, please.”

That's a relief.

These useless papers are not a reward.

Well, to be honest, if it's a guild contract like this, the terms of the contract will open the eyes of quite a few Academy students.

But it's something I've won for myself.

If this had been offered as a reward, I might have protested immediately.

"There are a total of three rewards for the fight against the Academy."

"I hope that Potion is not one of them."

"Huh? Oh, Woohyuk said he's talented in alchemy."

"There's that, too, but our Academy's top graduating benefit was potion."

"Haha, you don't have to worry.Of course, there's a potion."Toothpaste - walked behind the chairman of the association. Then let's get rid of the huge frame hanging on the wall.

Mana was a little woozy, and a door appeared on the wall that seemed distant.

This must be the secret warehouse I've only heard of.

"Is it okay to show it like this?”

"Haha, I don't think Woo-hyuk's mouth is going to be light, and even if he knows where he is, it's not a sloppy facility to be stolen." Literally.

There was another door in the door, recognizing the president of the association.

When I entered the password, another door came out.

Triple security facilities.

Moreover, the location is the room of the president of the Chungin Association at the top of the Hunter Association.

Even if you use the dimensional rock "Arsene Lupin" again, it won't be easy.

When all the doors open like that.

"What's all this...…."Haha, welcome. Welcome to our Hunter Association's Class V secret warehouse."

A lot of items caught my eye.

The dark energy is smoldering.

A shield shining in gold.

A jewel that shines brightly.

I felt as if I had seen Dragon Rare in a book.

"This is the first reward given to the winner of the competition.""That's more than I thought. I thought it would be like a prize money at the most."

"Oh, of course there's prize money. This is the second reward I'll introduce later.”

"……how much is it?"

"One hundred million."


"Haha, is it a little less? As the association, capital management is more difficult than I thought. Still, you'll love this first reward."

What do you mean.

I never meant it like that.Ten million won at the most.

I thought it wouldn't exceed 50 million won at the most.

Hunter Association, it's bigger than you think.

Well, is it natural that all hunters in Korea receive commissions?


[Lack of ability makes it impossible for the child team to feel emotional]

When I tried to identify one of the equipment in front of me, it was a visible message.

I can't even feel it because it's such a great item.

"You can choose any of the 01s."

"……Do you have any item information?"

"There are some, but most of them are unsentimental. But they're all from dungeons of grade 등급 and above, so you'll be satisfied."

That's amazing.

It's obviously a great reward.

If you choose well here, you'll be able to sell it to the cashiers for more than a billion won.

The value of the items Hunter uses is that great.

The question is which item to choose.

-You have a lot of points, but you're doing a lot of things.

Seeing that Monas' voice was heard, it must have been a fanatic worry.