Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 115: Go or stay

In the recent period of time, Afalia’s father has always been very contradictory.

It is reasonable to say that he is a native of Bangta City. Even if he is working for the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in the Principality of Standin, he will eventually return to the city of Bang Ta City for the rest of his life.

This kind of thinking seemed unrealistic when the situation in the former Kingdom of Lampari was chaotic, so the old Afalia has always pushed this idea to the bottom of his heart.

But since the resurrection of Her Majesty the Queen of Severni last year, the situation in the entire Lampari Kingdom has turned better day by day, and the news from Bangta City has become better every day, so the old Alferia’s old man is already dead. Once again, get active.

He was born in Bangta City and lived in Bangta City for nearly 50 years. If he died in other places, he always felt a little uncomfortable.

Now that the situation in Bangta City is good, the New Flyers Chamber of Commerce and other large chambers of commerce that have been evacuated from Bangta City have all returned to Bangta City, and reopened various factory shops in Bangta City to make Bangta City a little bit renewed. It has become prosperous and it is very likely to reproduce the kind of extreme prosperity that used to be.

There are also many job opportunities in Bangta City. If you go back, finding a suitable job is definitely not a problem.

Although the benefits of this job may not be as good as here, but it is homeland after all, there are many relatives and friends to stay there.

But both his wife and his son, Aki and his daughter, have raised objections to his idea.

According to his wife, their family has lived here for several years and has adapted to life here. And I really like the relaxed and happy life here.

And live here. Their family currently have their own jobs in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. Alferia and his wife jointly contracted up to 100 acres of farmland under the name of Xinfei Farm. Every year, they rely on farming for the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, and the net income can reach as many as 300 gold coins.

If you return to Bangta City, the two of them have no special skills other than farming. Even in the current Bangta City, you should be able to find a job easily. At most, you can only find one of the simplest jobs. The salary of one month is absolutely No more than ten gold coins, compared to now. Every year, you can earn less than 100 gold coins.

In addition, Yaqi and Leiya are now technical workers in the factories of the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. After hard work, Yaqi has already obtained the second-level lathe and the second-level milling workers. It is regarded as a senior technology in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce bicycle manufacturing factory. Workers, the monthly salary of up to 23 gold coins per month, plus various bonus benefits, the annual income can even reach three hundred gold coins.

Although Lei Ya is a little worse than him, she has also achieved the head of the home magic mechanical assembly workshop under the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce. The monthly salary is 20 gold coins per month, plus bonus benefits. The annual income also exceeds 200 gold coins.

If they abandon their current life and return to Bangta City. Although it is possible to find a good job with technical skills and work experience, and even the salary may be higher, Aceh and Reya agree that it is better to get a higher salary than those in the unknown small chambers of commerce. Continue to work in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

Compared with other chambers of commerce, the development prospects of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce are undoubtedly the best.

Moreover, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce has a very clear promotion system within the ranks. As long as you are willing to work hard, as the working hours in the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce grows, the salary will definitely increase.

Moreover, the new Feishang will have a little advantage that other chambers of commerce can't match. It is a variety of welfare policies.

The simplest one, if the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce retires to retirement age, it will receive the corresponding pension according to the working age!

This pension system, except for the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce, has no semicolon.

Coupled with other enviable benefits, such as the delivery of very practical daily necessities every holiday season, there is a fixed paid travel leave reimbursed by the union every year, and the annual free treatment amount per employee...

If it is the same salary, then there is no doubt that it is much more beneficial to work at the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

Even when many workers of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce discussed in private, they claimed that even if other chambers would give themselves double the salary, he would not consider changing jobs.

Working at the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce is much more comfortable and comfortable than working at other chambers of commerce.

Therefore, based on the considerations of reality and long-term planning, both Aki and Lei Ya did not consider leaving the New Flying Chamber of Commerce and returning to Bangta City to find work.

When the old princes of Afalia couldn’t convince them, they persuaded them that after the return of the New Flying Chamber of Commerce to the Kingdom of Lampari, they would certainly re-establish many factories in the Kingdom of Lampari, and they would recruit a large number of workers.

But the facts ruthlessly shattered the illusion of the old Afalia.

According to the "Lampari Weekly" and "Bangta Daily" reports, the New Flyer Chamber of Commerce and the Lampari Kingdom signed a comprehensive cooperation agreement, and the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will invest in a large number of magic machinery factories in the Kingdom of Lampari.

This is not surprising.

Surprisingly, according to the information disclosed, the new joint venture between the New Flyer and the Kingdom of Lampari has become the dominant position in the Kingdom of Lampari. The New Flyer Association is only providing technical support and access. The benefits are divided.

For the control of these factories, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has almost no.

In other words, these chambers of commerce, both nominally and in fact, belong to the Kingdom of Lampari, and the relationship with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce is not that great.

If you join the work in these factories, you will enjoy the salary treatment given by the Lampari Chamber of Commerce, which is nominally joint venture with the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. It has nothing to do with the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to these joint venture factories, according to the agreement, Xinfei Chamber of Commerce will not build a factory in the Kingdom of Lampari, so if you return to the Kingdom of Lampari, you can only leave the New Flying Chamber of Commerce anyway. .

Because of this news, the last glimpse of the old lady of Afalia was also ruined.

So the old Affiliate is very contradictory.

He would like to return to Bangta City to settle down.

In his opinion, how much money is actually not so important, and they have worked for the New Flying Chamber of Commerce in recent years. Has made a lot of money.

It’s just two people, he and his wife. Over the past few years, it has accumulated more than five hundred gold coins.

And Yaqi and Lei Ya have given birth to a big fat boy. These years have been relatively expensive, but they still rely on their high salary and high welfare, and they have also smashed at least a thousand gold coins.

With this money, even if they return to Bangta City, they will not do anything, and it will be enough for them to live happily for the rest of their lives.

You know, they used to farm in the rural areas of their hometowns. Every year, their incomes are not even filled in their stomachs. Are they still living the same?

of course. Father Afalia knew that if he said this at home, he would be reluctantly refuted by his wife.

It used to be before! It is now!

Now I am eating well here, sleeping well, dressed well, working well, and earning a lot of money. Why do I have to go back to Bangta City before I used to have a bad life with a stomach?

Looking at the son and daughter-in-law who said that they would not say it clearly, but the expression on their faces revealed obvious meaning, the father of Afalia was speechless.

"Everything is fine here. But there are no loved ones!" Alferia's old man was a little angry.

Although many people in Bangta City had moved to the Principality of Constantine with the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, but a family of Alferia and a family in Bangta City. The only one who came here was his wife and son.

In the past few years, I have met many new friends, but this is different from the blood relatives.

Even if there is a road now, with a magic locomotive, it will take too long to return to Bangta City from here, but after all, it is different from living together.

Because it has passed the busiest time of the spring harvest, there is not much to do in the farmland during this time, and the old Afalia will go out for a few laps every day after lunch.

In addition to digestion, but also in order not to stay at home, and his wife to quarrel again for these problems.

I have to say that after a few years of coming here, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has already rectified the land that was originally very ridiculous but extremely messy and extremely clean and beautiful.

Under the guidance of the beautiful life concept proposed by Xu, the elves have been renovating this land for several years. Now, in addition to the uniform roads, this private territory makes the transportation extremely convenient. It also plans the whole territory to be neat and not a mess.

And because Xu also set up an environmental health department, a large number of local residents of the main country of Standin are employed to take care of the sanitation environment of the entire territory, so the entire territory is extremely neat at all times.

Anyone who comes to this territory will involuntarily give a sigh.

Such a place is like a legendary paradise!

This is also one of the important reasons why his wife and Aki and Lei Ya opposed to leave here.

The living environment here, even if it is impossible to find a better place across the entire Sainz mainland, why should we leave here?

Even if Alferia is an old man, he is very sympathetic to this point, and it is difficult for him to make up his mind to leave this territory.

Looking up at the beautiful and clean environment around, the old Afalia took a deep breath and felt that the air was fresh and charming.

This is also the merit of the elves, but it is because of the insistence of President Xu.

It is said that in order to maintain the existing environment, the initial investment of the new Feishang Association will be as high as one million gold coins, and the subsequent annual investment of up to more than 100,000 gold coins.

Except for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, there is no Chamber of Commerce, or absolutely no aristocratic lord will spend so much money on the environment in his territory.

"The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce is a good chamber of commerce. Xu is the best president and lord of the lord, but there are no relatives here." Afalia smiled and shook his head. "If the relatives of Bangta City can move here, that would be great."

This thought has been turned many times in the mind of the old Afalia, but he is very clear that this is a luxury.

So after this thought came out this time, he still could only helplessly shake his head and sigh.

However, this time, when he finished his head, he found that the number of medium-sized passenger magic locomotives on the distant roads came quickly.

After entering the gate of the new flying farm, these medium-sized passenger magic locomotives slowly stopped.

Jumping from the first medium-sized passenger magic locomotive, the old Afalia glanced over and suddenly saw it.

No way! (To be continued...)
