Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v4 Chapter 113: Technology is not a casual transfer

"I thought their courage will be a little bigger." Xu also smiled and shook his head. "I am well prepared, they will require the transfer of military technology mechanical aspects of magic, can not think of them has not even mentioned."

Kennard raised his head, lost smiles:.. "President adults, do you think this is too much of it military magic mechanical aspects of technology transfer do not say, even if you are white to them, they did not dare to ah kind of thing they What do you want to do? Do you want to rebel? Don't forget, the Kingdom of Lampari has just experienced a civil war, but it is highly valued in this respect. They dare to ask you to transfer the technology of military magic machinery. Believe it or not tomorrow will be taken away palace Guard? "

Xu Yi haha ​​laughed: "So, I can only wait for the ...... The Queen kneels down and asks me this request?"

"Almost." Kennard thought for a moment and frowned slightly. "When I was still in Anweimar City during the New Year, the military had actually sent people to contact me and mentioned this. The president, no one came to ask you for advice?"

"Not yet, even the c... cough, the Queen has not mentioned it to me." Xu also shook his head.

"This is strange. It is said that the Queen of the Civil War has fully realized the powerful power of military magic machinery. How can it not be tempted by this technology?" Kennard was somewhat puzzled.

"I'm sure they are tempted. The reason why they haven't mentioned it yet, the only possibility is that they are not ready yet." Xu Yidao.

“Not ready? What do you need to prepare?” Kennard wondered.

Xu also smiled and thought that he had to prepare for it.

The first is the technical level.

The military magic machine may seem to be just an individual, but wants to make a shaped military magic machine. Even now it is relatively simple for the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. There is not much technical content of magic. It is not that easy.

Because any military magic machine is a complete mechanical structure, the various components contained in it need a complete industrial system to support.

Do not say anything else, if there is no support from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce, the current state of Lampari seems to have developed quite well in the magic industry, but in fact many of the most basic things can not be produced.

For example... steel.

The ten chambers of commerce designated by the Magic Industry Management Agency have acquired a lot of home magic machinery technology from the New Flying Chamber of Commerce. However, they have not been interested in the magic machine tools because their profits are relatively low.

In addition, Xu also intends to conceal, so the technology and foundation in this regard. In fact, the Kingdom of Lampari has never been.

Although the former ten chambers of commerce claimed to have mastered the production technology of almost all the new Feishang Chambers, but in the actual production process, there are many places that must rely on the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce.

In the first two years, although the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce was nominally out of the Lanpari Kingdom because of the ban by the Magic Industry Management Agency and the Commercial Department, there are actually many products that are still flowing into the Kingdom of Lampari.

A large amount of steel is one of them, and most importantly, even the Department of Commerce and the Magic Industry Management Agency are listed separately. It is one of the reasons why the fertilizer is not included in the ban.

It can be said that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has been lost. The so-called magic industry in the Kingdom of Lampari is simply a castle in the air, meaningless.

Now the Kingdom of Lampari may be very interested in the military magic machinery related technology mastered by the new Feishang Association. But before this, the Kingdom of Lampari must first establish the industrial foundation that is truly its own.

From this point of view, those merchants hope that the new Feishang will transfer the relevant technology of magic machine tools to them, which is actually a very pragmatic idea.

Xu also does not intend to fully control the magical industrial industry in the Kingdom of Lampari, and this also makes things impossible.

Even if the relationship between Servini and his personal relationship is good, the Kingdom of Lampari will never allow this to happen.

Therefore, under the controllable circumstances, Xu also decided to open a part of the Magic Machine Tool technology to the Kingdom of Lampari, and help and promote the relatively complete magic industry foundation of the Kingdom of Lampari.

At the very least... not to produce a magical company, you must also look for a new flyer to buy a lot of necessities.

So when those merchants proposed to transfer the technology related to the magic machine tool, Xu also revealed a hint of loose mouth, and those merchants were keenly sniffed out the meaning of this, and they all went to the sharks who smelled the blood. Come up.

After a brief discussion, Xu also announced to these merchants that he would transfer to them the production technology of some magic machine tools that process and produce parts.

Specifically, taking the example of the Irish Chamber of Commerce, which is currently doing the best in the parts and components industry, they are extremely excellent in the processing of parts and components, and even in some places and the parts produced by the new Flying Chamber of Commerce itself, the gap is very small. But in fact, all of their magic machine tools used to produce and process parts are purchased from the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce.

If the new flying company will cut off the follow-up repair and supply of their magic machine tools, the Irish Chamber of Commerce will be directly paralyzed.

Xu Yi’s intention to transfer other chambers of commerce is to directly produce the technology of these magic machine tools.

This aspect of technology is not as simple as the production technology of some home magic machines, because the main problem in this respect is not technical reasons, but the problem of skilled workers.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has a large number of dwarf artisans, and with the talent of the dwarf craftsmen in forging cast iron, and these dwarf artisans have grown up with the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, so the new Feishang Chamber did not show this aspect. problem.

However, if a new chamber of commerce wants to produce a magic machine tool, the most important skilled workers are difficult to solve in addition to the hard indicators of technical parameters.

Xu also clearly explained this problem to the merchants who need the technology related to the magic machine tool. The answer to him is all helpless.

Although the dwarves on the continent of Sainz are not as rare as the elves, they are willing to work for humanity. And the dwarf craftsmen who have been going on. But it is rare.

The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has these short craftsmen for its effectiveness. It’s a coincidence.

It is obviously impossible for other chambers of commerce to follow suit.

However, Xu also prepared for this, and he also provided two solutions to these businessmen.

The first option was to find dwarf craftsmen from the Kingdom of Lampari and even elsewhere on the mainland, and strive to recruit them.

This point also means that you can help.

Because there are a lot of dwarf craftsmen in the new Feishang Association, let these dwarves persuade their compatriots, the possibility of being approved will be much higher.

But this solution can only solve the urgency. Because the number of dwarves is limited, it is impossible to meet a large number of manpower needs.

Therefore, Xu also proposed a second plan, which is also a program he strongly recommended.

This plan is a plan of vocational skills training that was forced to suspend according to Xu’s previous planning and later because of changes in the internal situation of the Lampari Kingdom.

The content of this program is to create a large number of vocational skills training colleges in the Kingdom of Lampari to teach vocational skills to students.

For example, in the vocational skills training college that Xu also established in the Kingdom of Lampari, a variety of detailed training branches, such as the Milling Institute and the School of Vehicle Engineering, were opened.

After sufficient basic skills training in these colleges, after entering the Chamber of Commerce for a period of practical operations, sufficient skilled workers will be generated.

The most important thing about this program is that it is a mechanism that can continue to develop in the long run. Over time, a batch of skilled workers are constantly emerging. And the workers' skills will grow over time.

After insisting on this system for a period of time, the Kingdom of Lampari has really had enough human resource base, and it has the possibility to rely solely on itself to produce and even develop magic machine tools.

Of course, if other chambers of commerce still want to try to produce magic machine tools before, then it is not impossible.

For example, the production technology of the small-sized magic smashing machine, which is the most important machine for producing screws, is a price of 800,000 gold coins.

Unexpectedly, even though I heard the price of 800,000 gold coins, almost all the merchants changed their colors, but eventually they told him that the businessmen who needed this part of the technology transfer still had a full 37 people. There are many.

In other words, just transfer the production technology of the small magic smashing machine, the new Feishang will even get the horror of more than 20 million gold coins!

And if Xu is willing to transfer all the magic machine tools related technology, this benefit... I can’t imagine it.

Of course... this is also impossible.

It is no problem to transfer the technology of some magical machine tools, but if it is all transferred, it is equal to self-destruction, and Xu is naturally unable to do such stupid things.

Shaking his head and smashing these unrealistic fantasies, Xu also revisited Kenner, who is burying himself in a pile of documents, and Sebas, who is constantly calculating.

"How is it? How is the harvest today?"

Sebass looked up, his face flushed and his expression excited.

"The president, as of now, this is just a time to go up, we have received 7393 copies of the magic air conditioner, 8349 orders for the magic refrigerator, 23,235 magic stove orders, 15978 magic kettle Order, 48,323 magic lights..."

"Tell the total amount." Xu also waved his hand and interrupted him.

Sebaston paused and looked down and swallowed a spurt. Then he replied: "The president, just this morning, our sales exceeded one million coins!"

Even though this number has already been psychologically prepared, but after actually hearing it, Kennard and the finance staff of several other new flying chambers in the room could not help but take a breath.

For most of the Chamber of Commerce in the Kingdom of Lampari, one year of sales can reach one million gold coins, it can already be regarded as a big chamber of commerce.

Now, the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has only used one morning time to achieve such sales!

Although the overall profit has declined slightly due to the special price, the products of Xinfei Chamber of Commerce have always had a very high profit margin. Therefore, in the sales of this million gold coins, the new Feishang Association can have at least 300,000 gold coins. Net profit.

It’s a terrible concept to earn more than 300,000 gold coins in a morning time skill!

Looking at including Kennard and Sebastian, everyone showed an uncontrollable excitement, and Xu smiled a little. Although he was equally happy, he was not very excited.

On the earth, there was a horrific record of selling 10 billion soft sisters a day.

One billion yuan of soft sister money is roughly equivalent to 100 million gold coins, and the new flying business will be far from this goal. (To be continued...)
