Magic Industry Empire (Magic Industrial Empire)

v3 Chapter 80: Attitude towards competitors

There is no need to guess at all, and now you can have up to twenty cargo magic locomotives to form a fleet to transport the goods, except for the Philsons. . .

Since the Finson Motorsports Company announced the formation of a freight fleet consisting entirely of freight magic locomotives, it has almost completely covered all the cargo business in Bangta City in less than a month.

Sakchi was able to receive the delivery to the city of Karamay from the Irish Chamber of Commerce, except that because there were not many goods and there was no need to hand it over to the Flemish car, the most important reason was because he passed Canton. Nai, who met the president of the Irish Chamber of Commerce, received this job with this relationship.

Of course, his offer price is lower than the Philippine car and horse is also a very important reason.

However, in any case, Sakchi, a new small freight forwarder with only one cargo magic locomotive in the district, is still far from being comparable to the Philson car.

Like the bulk cargo transported by this train team, only the Philsons can only take the next step.

Sackic looked enviously at the mighty team and drove past. A slap in the shoulders of Batru, who was still in a daze, Shen Sheng said: "Go, don't look. Batru, You will join me in the future to do a good job. After working hard for a few years, we will buy another cargo magic locomotive, so that we can earn more. After a car smashing up, maybe we can also open A decent logistics business association."

Bartrou nodded silently, took another look at the far-away team, and suddenly noticed that the goods behind the **** of the last cargo magic locomotive were engraved with a familiar mark.

"Hey? The things on this team seem to be all from the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Can it be said that the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce will finally run to Karamay City to invest and build the factory?"

Sarkozy glanced back. But there is no such eyesight as Batru. I can't see anything, I thought about it: "There is nothing unusual about it. The Xinfei Chamber of Commerce did not announce that it would vigorously promote the development of the magic industry at the press conference a few days ago, and prepare to invest in more places in the kingdom. They have already started to build production bases in Norton City and Canberra City, and it is not surprising that they are coming to Karamay."

"Well, I just think that this speed is a bit too fast. This new Feishang Chamber of Commerce only built a branch factory in Kalma City a few years ago. Now it is expanding to the outside and it is running in so many cities to invest and build. Is this appetite too big?" Bart Ludao.

"Turn off your ass." Sacchi glanced at him. "What kind of big person like Xu Huichang is thinking. How can we know. Anyway, you know that he is definitely smarter than us. What kind of heart is chastity? With this leisure time, you might as well think about what you want to eat for a while, I can already It’s not hunger.”

Bart Luhaha smiled and thought that Sakchi was right. This is really not something he should care about. He shook his head and stopped thinking about these problems. And Sakchi re-boarded the cargo magic locomotive to the distant Karamay city. Drive away.

The two did not know that at this time in the past train team. On a cargo magic locomotive in the middle, two people are just talking about Sakchi.

"Is there a cargo magic locomotive that stops at the door of the Fit Chamber of Commerce? Did you guess it? It should be the car called Sakchi in the village of Mexico." Pompeii pointed to the far away from the window. Cargo magic machine lane.

Ankato glanced in that direction and asked in some doubts: "President Pompeii, should he also be delivered from Bangta City? So, should he be a competitor of your Chamber of Commerce?"

"Competitor?" President Pompeii smiled proudly and waved his hand: "He is still far away. Just like this, he just bought a small driver of a cargo magic locomotive. What is the qualification to be a competitor of our chamber of commerce. It’s just to pick up some leftovers from our mouths.”

Ankato smiled softly, thinking that this Pompeii president was arrogant.

However, he is right. Compared with the one-hundred-cargo magic locomotive, he has almost monopolized the Pfeiffer car business in Bangta City. This small driver with only one car is certainly not qualified to be Competitor.

Another glance at the two people in the distance, Ankato put down the problem, looked at the front of the road and asked: "Is it coming soon?"

President Pompeii turned his head and glanced. Nod, "Well, you can see it in the corner before you turn it on. Say, Ankato, why did the president of this time put you in this home magic machinery department? The manager sent it? I don’t think there are some non-ferrous metal smelting equipments for this shipment. It has nothing to do with you."

"I asked for it myself." Ankato smiled. "I mainly want to see if there is room for further expansion of the home magic machinery market here. Then I heard that there are several chambers of commerce that produce magic fans. Recently, a breakthrough has been made in the research of magic fans. The magic fan produced. There are some unique things, so let's learn by the way."

President Pompeii suddenly smiled and said: "Just kidding, do you need to learn from other chambers that produce magic machinery? The magic fan they produce can have half of the new flying magic fan. It's good, how can it still be Better than you."

"You can't say that." Ankato smiled and shook his head. “Our new flyers have developed their magic fans for a relatively long time, but they can’t say that they will always lead. For example, the Fit Chamber of Commerce that you just mentioned, they have a magic fan that has a new concept on the external structure. Let us The researchers at the Chamber of Commerce feel great, so I may have to go to the Chamber of Commerce for a while."

It is obvious that Ankato is not kidding. President Pompeii can't help but admire: "Your new flyer will lead so many other chambers of commerce, but still so humbly and cautious, it is really admirable. But what are you going to do? I think at the very least, I have to get this structure in hand. It’s not good. It’s not bad to buy the entire Fit Chamber of Commerce directly.”

"No, learning is ok, but I don't know what to do with the Fit Chamber of Commerce. On the contrary, before this time, the president of the president gave me a special explanation. I would like to encourage and praise the Fit Chamber of Commerce and support them to continue to study these new types. The structure of the president. The president even said that if the Fitters would be interested, we could consider transferring them to a production technology of home magic machinery to help them develop rapidly."

"Is this really what Xu Huichang said?" President Pompeii said: "He won't do anything about this Fit Chamber of Commerce. He still has to help them develop. He is not afraid that this Fit Chamber of Commerce will really become stronger." Will there be a threat to your new flyer?"

Ankato shrugged: "If this Fit Chamber of Commerce is really strong enough to even threaten our Chamber of Commerce, then I think the grown-up may only be happy, and there will be no other ideas."

President Pompei was speechless, silent for a while, and slowly shook his head and sighed: "I really don't understand Xu. I have advised me before. I can't do all the business at a chamber." When I finished, I had to leave some room for development for others, so I didn’t intervene in the current taxi business in Bangta City, and I also let the small cargo driver like Sakoqi survive. But for example, President Xu This is even special to promote the development of my opponents... I really can't understand."

"I don't understand the idea of ​​the president." Ankato smiled. "But it doesn't matter. Anyway, I just have to do what the president says. I believe that he will not be wrong in the eyes of the president."

President Pompeii shook his head gently, and it seemed that he did not agree with Ankato, but he did not say so.

After chatting for a while, the team had already drove more than ten kilometers on the road, and turned the corner of the mountain that was seen far away, and there was a deep valley in front.

In the huge valley surrounded by several mountains, on the left is a mine that has been hollowed out at the foot of the mountain. From a distance, you can see a series of carts carrying colorful ore from the foot of the mountain and sending it to On the right side of the valley is a huge factory that takes up almost half of the valley.

From the outside, this factory is similar to the steelworks in the Rain Valley, and it is known to be used to smelt ore.

That's right, here is the non-ferrous metal mine and the supporting smelting plant jointly built by the Xinfei Chamber of Commerce and the Falcon Chamber of Commerce.

The factory began planning for a meeting with the Duke of Joseph in Anweimar City last year. After eight months of preparation, it was completely completed last month and officially put into production.

Because of the experience of establishing a non-ferrous metal smelting plant next to the Wooler Werewolf Tribe, this factory has just been built, and the efficiency of non-ferrous metal smelting is already very high.

Just less than 20 days in the last month, this small factory has produced 73 tons of pure copper, 32 tons of tungsten wire, 230,000 tons of lead ingots, and others. The various non-ferrous metals of the experimental nature are each about one ton.

The non-ferrous metal veins outside the city of Karamay are extremely rich in content and rich in species. The reason for smelting pure copper is to meet the coinage requirements of the Kingdom of Lampari.

In addition to pure copper, which has a special role in non-ferrous metals, most of the other non-ferrous metals are the needs of the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce. Only a small amount has been adopted by the Falcon Chamber of Commerce and is ready to be used to build various appliances.

Now the output of this non-ferrous metal smelting plant is actually much lower than that of the factory near the Wooler Werewolf Tribe. For the new Feishang Chamber of Commerce, the significance of the current factory is mainly to reflect the cooperation with the Joseph Chamber of Commerce. The new Feishang Chamber of Commerce has an opportunity to enter the mineral industry of the Kingdom of Lampari.

Therefore, the new Feishang Association's investment in this non-ferrous metallurgical metal factory is very high, but in addition to being responsible for production, it basically does not intervene in management.

Ankato’s coming here is just to take a look at it, reflecting the importance that the new Feishang will pay attention to here, so it’s actually just a walk-through.

However, when Ankato entered the smelting factory and turned around, he found that his trip was not bad. (To be continued.)