Love Dependency Disease

708 Chapter 708

After the fourth dragon, Liu Yi\'s strength has reached the level of the initial 18 stars!

So Liu Yi was able to kill those so-called masters in seconds.

But with only fifteen stars, it is truly invincible!Liu Yi looked at their feelings, and suddenly there was a feeling that the Great God taught the Lord to look at himself.

Probably this is the power gap.

A huge hole appeared on the ground, but Liu Yi\'s brow did not loosen.

Because the white mask was not shot to death, I didn\'t know where I went!

At this time, an arm caught the edge of the hole, and then slowly crawled out.

Behind this figure were a pair of white wings, naked, but they couldn\'t attract Liu Yi\'s attention.

Because this man is a man, Liu Yi has no interest in men\'s bare ass!

This rogue is not someone else, it is the red-haired boy who screamed repeatedly.

Liu Yi couldn\'t help but frown gently, this buddy seems to have evolved again!

Good fellow, this buddy is also pretty miserable, with two consecutive days of pitting rhythm.

But with the pain, he did gain strength.

"Kill you... I must kill you this time..."

A red-haired teenager with a pair of white wings looked at Liu Yi floating in the air with murderous air.

Despite the angel wings, the young man\'s half face became extremely strange.The half of the face was like a mask, hard skin, crimson eyes, very terrible!

A young boy who was pretty, but now like a ghost!

"It turned out to be... the power of angels!"

The angel god would lie on the ground and saw the look of the red-haired boy, but couldn\'t help but be surprised.

"How could... how could this be! Why a mortal can possess the divine power of an angel!"

There is no doubt that something like Shengli is a special product of angels!

It is a gift from God to angels, and a symbol of angels performing power in place of God!

Only noble angels can possess and use such power!Why does a common human being have divine power?

Angel God will really not understand!

"I am so sad……"

The red-haired boy grasped his half of his face with one hand, and there was a painful look in his eyes, "I\'m so sad... I... I want to kill you..."

"How do you feel sad about me?"

Liu Yi looked at the young man coldly, without any mercy on his face, "You become like this, it is all caused by yourself! Blind pursuit of power will become such a fate!"

"I am...very powerful now..."

The red-haired boy gasped and whispered, "I can kill you... definitely..."

With that said, the wings behind him suddenly startled, the whole person opened his arms, and then began to growl loudly!

"Ah ah ah ah ah!"

His roaring sound was like a thunder, and the artificial island shook continuously!

"God... what kind of power is this..."

"Monster, this is a monster!"

The people hiding on the stage were terrified in their hearts, and their faces were blue.

I have to say that after the red-haired teenager mutated, they really terrified them.

They were all frightened today, first zombies, then these monsters...

Even the angels came out, and they are all such mutated angels...

Is it possible for my island country to die?

Many people have begun to pray silently, praying that the gods they believe in can save them.

Only Wang Yuzheng knows that there is only one person who can really save them, that is Liu Yi!

"Da Bosang...what the hell are you..."

The fairy crane Chunshui stood on the side, his eyes kept looking at Liu Yi in the air, somewhat confused.

Wang Yuzheng saw the eyes of Xianhe Chunshui and couldn\'t help being jealous.

When she saw Yin Qianxi, who was standing in the distance and worried, she was even stronger.

This guy Liu Yi... How can I recruit girls everywhere?

Really...If you don’t watch one day, you will lead many girls back home...

It seems that sooner or later, the harem is huge... Hey, I wanted to stay with a boy for life, but now it is like this.

Is it also destined to be different...

Wang Yuzheng\'s last look fell on the blue sword floating beside him. Was that sword really pulled out of his body?

Sometimes she always feels like she is dreaming. At that time, Liu Yi, who was not very good at studying, was now a heroic character...

It\'s changing so fast...

I have grown from a good student who loves learning to a singing artist.

Probably, this is destiny...


At the same time, the red-haired boy standing on the ground roared a few more times, and began to radiate a slightly silvery white light, as if wearing a silver coat.

The pair of wings behind continually flapped, exuding some kind of sacred breath.


He suddenly bulged his mouth, took a deep breath, and his abdomen swelled quickly.

Liu Yi frowned, feeling awkward.


The red-haired boy opened his mouth at this time, and a silver-white beam of light spewed out of his mouth!

The position of the light column in the mouth is very narrow and thin, but after coming out, in front of Liu Yi, it was more than two meters thick!

"vacuum cleaner!"

Liu Yi didn\'t dare to hesitate, and quickly turned on the power of the vacuum cleaner. The dark attributes condensed in front of him, forming a huge shield that blocked the beam of light!


The impact of the power on the shield made Liu Yi feel some pressure!

Good guy, what kind of angel is this guy? It is a monster that has received the Holy Power!

Angels will not be so brutal attack!


And just as Liu Yi struggled to resist the light column attack, he suddenly felt a little numb behind him.

The red-haired teenager didn\'t know when he was behind him, and he couldn\'t slow down even the black and white world!


The red-haired boy put his hands together and smashed it heavily on Liu Yi’s back, turning Liu Yi directly into a black light and then smashing it into the ground!


The artificial island kept shaking, and the seawater began to fill up.

Liu Yi smashed the ground into a huge pit, showing how huge the power of the red-haired boy!


Because of the protection of Dragon King Armor, Liu Yi did not suffer much damage.The only internal injury, because of the relationship between the half-dragon body, healed quickly.

"This guy is now a beast who only knows about fighting!"

Liu Yi thinks of himself as the first Hualong Yi, it seems no difference!

And got the angel\'s gene, this guy\'s power has also risen to the basic level of eighteen stars, comparable to himself!


The red-haired boy once again bulged his mouth, took a deep breath, and then sprayed a silver-white beam of light towards Liu Yi below!

He wanted to strike the iron while the heat was hot and kill Liu Yi!


Liu Yi took a deep breath, switched to Pikachu\'s possessive state, and then aimed at the red-haired boy in the air, spitting out the thunder dragon breath!

A black tornado collided with a beam of light falling in the sky!

The two forces are a little bit like each other, constantly clashed with each other!

And Liu Yi\'s move is not just this!

He stood there, while blowing the dragon\'s breath, while using both heart and soul, his right hand pointed at the red-haired boy in the air!


The five swords flew out in an instant, and punctured continuously from the body of the red-haired boy, bringing out silver-white flesh and blood!


The red-haired teenager could not support his strength because of his injury, and was sprayed with a grand slam by Liu Yi, a black dragon breath!

His body was engulfed in an instant, and then his strength was tearing his flesh wildly, making him wail!


Liu Yi sprayed for a long time, and finally recovered his dragon\'s breath.

The red-haired boy\'s body was torn, and finally fell with a thud, and fell to the ground.

"Fortunately, I will not only be a little brute force."

Liu Yi breathed a sigh of relief when he looked at the red-haired boy who had lost his ability to act.

"It was defeated..."

Angel God will lie on the side, staring blankly at this scene, "As a guy with the power of the God King... it was also defeated... God, my Father, tell me, this Chinese is What\'s the point!"

An Qi also stayed in the invisible place, watching Liu Yi\'s back speechless.

This Chinese is really terrible... He said that he has the power of the god king, really it is not a lie...

"Okay, the obnoxious people seem to have solved it."

After Liu Yi finished speaking, his body flashed and appeared directly in front of the girl who was kneeling on the ground.

The girl looked dull at this moment, and found Liu Yi appeared in front of her, her eyes immediately sober, and then she became afraid.

"No... don\'t kill me... don\'t... I don\'t want to die..."

"You wouldn\'t die."

Liu Yi looked at this young girl who was constantly begging for mercy, and sighed, "But you are the mother of the virus. If you don\'t kill you, I can\'t be at ease, nor can the entire China be at ease."

Let yourself bear the crime of murder, as long as Hua Xia can continue to exist, as long as his parents can live a healthy life.

The island country is really too much, especially the Yin Qiandashi and the emperor hiding in the corner.

It was they who planned this dragon-cutting operation!After he killed Yin Qiandashi himself, he went to do the emperor too.

Everything, all right-wingers, damn it!

Whoever offends China\'s supernatural powers, although far away, will be punished!

Thinking of this, Liu Yi no longer hesitated and reached out to the girl.

"Why, don\'t you like me? Why kill me!"

The girl suddenly shouted, making Liu Yi frown.

"When did I like you?"

"Do you like her, don\'t you?"

The girl reached out and pointed at Yin Qianxi who was standing on the side, "She is a fake, you will like her! I am genuine, I am the authentic Yin Qianxi, you should like me more, like me 10,000 times !"

"You are wrong, I don\'t like the name Yin Qianxi."

Looking at the froze girl in front of her, Liu Yi said slowly, "I love her soul."