Love at First Sight With Doctor He

Chapter 251: You are my frequent visitor

Chapter 251:

Instead of going to the vegetable market, they went to a private restaurant and ordered a table of dishes.

In the private room that He Yan specifically requested, you can see the bright and moving night view outside the window, and avoid some troubles.

After all, she is also a passionate artist now, and there are more places to pay attention to than ordinary people.

When the steaming food was on the table, Liang Yisheng’s hot water was poking out against the lid of the pot.

I saw this scene as soon as I entered the kitchen, and hurriedly ran over to turn off the natural gas, but accidentally scalded my hands, and turned to shower under the faucet.

This was relieved.

After coming back from country Y, she had nothing to do. She occasionally participated in some activities that lasted several hours and had no other work.

Originally, she expected that in addition to recording the show, she would also consider filming when she saw a good script, but what Mugane said before was not a suggestion, but a notice—

All the scripts that came to her have been rejected by the agent, saying that she would not film in the first half of the year.

People who have long been used to being busy suddenly become idle, and boredom becomes the worst enemy.

On this day, she has been lying in this apartment for a whole day, either watching a drama or reading a book.

Although I had a lot of time to sleep, I couldn't fall asleep because my biological clock had already been set.

So, at five o'clock in the afternoon, she found something to spend her time-cooking.

After studying the recipe for half an hour, she began to learn to cook.

Maybe it's because I don't have talent, and the two dishes I have been busy with for a long time are not appetizing. It is not unpalatable, but it is definitely not tasty.

No way, she finally chose instant noodles.

When the water was ready, she opened the cabinet to find instant noodles, empty.

"What's the matter, when I left last time there were three packs, who had eaten it?" she muttered, she suddenly remembered that the agent had come to live for a few days some time ago.

She must have eaten it.

No way, she can only go downstairs to buy.

Just after she went out with her wallet, the mobile phone left at home suddenly rang.


The phone rang for a long time and was finally hung up by the system.

Five minutes later, Mugane called again, but still no one answered.

At this time, Liang Yisheng was shopping for food in the supermarket. In addition to instant noodles, he also chose a lot of things.

She hasn't eaten presumptuously for a long time, so take advantage of this time to enjoy it.

Ten minutes later, she walked out of the supermarket with two bags of things with little effort.

A man wearing a backpack and dressed up as a mountain climber entered the elevator with her.

Liang Yisheng didn't move when he saw that he pressed the same floor as her.

The man turned around and asked her enthusiastically, "What floor?"

"Same." Liang Yisheng smiled slightly.

"It's the same, it's a coincidence. I'm a new one, just call me Mu Quan."

"Liang Yisheng." Thinking of being a neighbor, she was not too cold.

Mu Quan smiled, "I know you, celebrity."

When the words fell, her eyes suddenly fell on her hands, and she suddenly stretched out her hands, "I'll help you hold it, it looks very heavy."

"No thanks."

While speaking, the elevator also opened.

The two walked out of the elevator and entered their houses.

Liang Yisheng put down his things and took out the instant noodles into the kitchen to cook, without looking at the phone.

As soon as the instant noodles were brought out, the doorbell rang.

She put down the instant noodles and went to open the door, and saw Mu Quan standing at the door holding something.

"Hello, this is a gift, please take care of it in the future."

His smile was friendly and warm, and it was impossible to refuse.

Liang Yisheng accepted his kind intentions.

Mu Quan sniffed suddenly, "Are you going to eat instant noodles?"

Liang Yisheng glanced at the steaming instant noodles on the table, "Uh, I just want to eat."

Mu Quan smiled suddenly, "I can't cook, right? I've watched a variety show. The actress in it is usually too busy to cook."

Liang Yisheng was a strong person in his bones, and his desire to win was suddenly inspired by him.

"Um, I can actually do it, but I'm tired of it."

Mu Quan put his hands in his pockets, under his middle black hair, a skeptical smile appeared on his brows, "Is it the two?"

"Mind if I go in and try it?"

Liang Yisheng frowned, not knowing whether to refuse or agree.

She doesn't understand this new neighbor at all, what if she "leads the wolf into the house"?

Mu Quan seemed to see her concerns and smiled, "Don't worry, I am a chef, so I am very interested in food, but since you don't want to, just forget it."

Liang Yisheng took a bold bet and let him in.

Mu Quan is a self-acquaintance, and he tells his story endlessly as soon as he enters the door.

Home is in Kyoto, because I love cooking, I gave up on inheriting the family business and opened a western restaurant alone.

"My shop is near this community, you should have seen it, "FallinLove"."

Liang Yisheng has lived here for several years and naturally knows the surrounding facilities. The restaurant he said she often orders food there. Basically every dish has been ordered and the taste is very good.

Unexpectedly, he was the manager and chef there.

"Before, I lived on the opposite side, here, right there. I moved here because it was too noisy because of renovations next to it these two days.

He smiled, "I didn't expect to meet a regular customer in the store."

Liang Yisheng slightly let go of the guard in his heart. They probably have known each other like this.

At least, she has eaten his cooking many times.

Mu Quan took a bite of her cooking, his expression elusive.

A reluctant smile suddenly appeared, "I have ingredients over there, but the cooking utensils haven't arrived yet. Can you make a meal with your pot?"

Liang Yisheng agreed, and he also had selfish intentions-to learn the chef's craft.

Mu Quan returned to the next door to get the ingredients and cut vegetables.

Liang Yisheng sat at the small bar, fixedly watching him in the kitchen, his eyes were serious, and he secretly wrote down every detail.

"If I remember correctly, steak likes half-ripe, mushroom soup is light, and I like soft-boiled eggs.

Liang Yisheng nodded, he really understood.

"As a chef, you should remember the preferences of every regular customer by heart."

Mu Quan cooked the dishes skillfully, and did not forget to answer her, "Not really, I am not the only chef in the shop, I am the chef, and only cook a few dishes."

Liang Yisheng's eyes rolled around. Then the food she ordered before was so good, he did it all?

Naixiang made her unable to think anymore, and she looked straight into the pot.

It would be good if he could learn some fur in his cooking skills.

I turned around and looked at the instant noodles I just made.

In less than twenty minutes, a few top-quality dishes were freshly baked, and Liang Yisheng stunned slightly.

Mu Quan put them on the table and stood by, "If the guests eat well, they can help with the promotion."

His tone was half joking, with a smile in his eyes.

Liang Yisheng washed his hands and walked over, "I'll talk about it after you taste it."

Mu Quan stood by and watched expectantly as she cut the steak and brought it to his mouth.

About to be put in the mouth, the doorbell rang suddenly.

"It seems there are still guests." Mu Quan said.

He turned and walked to the door, "I'm going to drive, you don't need to get up."

Liang Yisheng put down his knife and fork and got up and walked over.

As soon as the door opened, the man who came with a chill stood at the door, his amber eyes shrinking slightly the second he saw Mu Quan.

His eyes darkened.

[Seeking monthly pass]