Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 9: Level 2 villages and special buildings

On the seventh day of Chutian in the world of "Lord", Xia Village finally met the population requirement for upgrading a first-level village to a second-level village, that is, 240 villagers.

   "Upgrade the secondary village."

   Chutian chose to upgrade without hesitation.

   Xia Village shook violently, and the scope of the village extended outward.

   Hua Mulan followed Chu Tian as a guard.

   "Ding! Xia Village is upgraded to a second-level village, and one special building [first-level medical hall] and one [first-level celadon factory] are obtained."

   "Ding! The special talent system is activated. When special talents are stationed in buildings other than residential buildings, the effect of the building can be improved."

   Chutian check information on Xia Village.

   [Territory]: Xia Village (second-level village)

   [Lord]: Chu Tian (first-level official)

   [affiliation]: Langya Country, Xuzhou, Eastern Han District

  【Specialty】: Rough celadon (E-grade specialty)

   [Population]: 241/1000


  [Public Security]: 79

   [Prosperity]: 71/200

   [Administrative efficiency]: 10/100

   [Agricultural efficiency]: 10/100

   [Economic efficiency]: 10/100

   [Cultural efficiency]: 11/100

   [Military Rating]: 562 (a king-level special hero, a bronze hero, 102 courageous)

  【City Defense Fortification】: Wooden Fence

   [New buildings]: First-level medical hall, first-level celadon factory


   "A new medical hall and a celadon factory have been added. This should be a random reward for upgrading the village. What does the special talent system mean?"

   Chutian found that the second-level village had a lot of content, because the special building [Celadon Factory] appeared, the first special product appeared in Xia Village.

  Special products are special products. The types can be diverse, and can be divided into special crops, special weapons, and so on.

   These special products can bring extra income to the territory, and they bring higher taxes.

   As for the special talents... Chu Tian discovered that among the 241 villagers in Xia Village, there are 11 special talents, including a doctor.

   [Name]: Li Lan

  [Age]: 27

  [Level]: 35

   [Commander]: 5 [Strength]: 7 [Intelligence]: 37 [Politics]: 10 [Charm]: 75

   [Occupation]: Low-level physician (when resident in the medical hall, the medical hall effect +3%)

  【Skills】: Little rejuvenation, low-level medicine collection...

   [Experience]: The daughter of Elder Li Xia Village, has a certain talent for herbs, and is striving to become an intermediate doctor.

   Chutian instantly understood what special talents are all about.

  Special talents are to architecture, which are equivalent to military commanders.

   "I didn\'t expect Elder Li to have a girl with a special talent..."

   What Chutian thinks now is to try to drain the surplus labor value of Elder Li\'s family so that they can shine for the development of Xia Village.

   In addition to a low-level physician, there are two low-level blacksmiths, two low-level miners, one low-level cook, one low-level potter, three low-level woodworkers, and one low-level bricklayer.

  Special talents are similar to players who take the life career route. They are divided into low level, intermediate level, high level, special level, and holy level, and they bring different bonuses.

   There are a lot of players who choose to go to life careers, because they can get a fixed economic income through life skills, and then exchange them into real earth coins. But now that all players are trapped in the world of "Lord", Earth Coins can no longer affect this world. All players can only live in this world by their own ability, and can only use the currency produced by this world.

  Life professional players, like these NPC special talents, provide services to various princes and lords.

   Chutian recruited these special talents from Xia Village and appointed them to manage different buildings. Low-level doctors went to the medical hall, low-level kiln workers to the celadon factory, and of course the miners went to mine...

   Elder Li’s daughter Li Lan is a weak-looking woman, but she is the only low-level physician in the village. In addition to low-level physicians, two villagers also learned from Li Lan\'s teacher and became physician apprentices.

   Physician apprentices entering the medical hall will not increase the attributes of the medical hall, but they have changed from [Refugee] to [Physician Apprentice]. They have actually completed their career choices and can be advanced to low-level physicians in the future.

   [Name]: First-level Medical Center

  [Everyone]: Chu Tian

  【Physician】: 1/2

  【Apprentice】: 2/5

   [Operation efficiency]: 45%

   [Additional]: 3%

   [Effect]: Provide a certain income every month, which is related to the village population. The recovery rate of wounded soldiers is +5%, the death rate of wounded soldiers is -1%, and the unnatural death rate of the territory population is -0.5%.

  The role of the medical hall is not small. It can not only bring economic income, but also reduce the mortality rate. It can be described as a very important building and can save a lot of people and soldiers for the village in the future.

   The prosperity of Summer Village has become 71. One of the conditions for upgrading Xia Village to a level 3 village is 200 prosperity.

   Prosperity comes from all aspects of the village. If you want to promote the development of the village, you can only rely on natural growth and upgrade slowly.

   Therefore, Chutian planned to go to the nearby large city, Langya City, the governing office of Langya Kingdom in Xuzhou.

   Zhuge Liang was born in a famous family in Langya country. At this time, I don’t know if he is still in Langya country. Chu Tian doesn’t know, and Zhuge Liang is still a few years old.

   "Purchase architectural drawings, especially drawings for infantry battalions, as well as drawings for private schools, drawings for secondary mines, etc.... There are still a lot of buildings missing in the village. Look at how other players are, maybe you can form alliances with some players."

   Chutian got more than 60 taels of silver for destroying a small group of yellow turban soldiers. UU reading www.uukanshu.com plus Xia Cun\'s initial capital of 50 taels, a total of 110 taels of silver, should be able to buy a few drawings.

   "Lord" does not have its own auction house system, otherwise players can replenish resources at any time without leaving the territory, which is extremely disruptive, and even the transport team is not needed. Therefore, if you want to purchase important materials, you need to trade at the physical auction house in the city, or set up an auction house in the territory to allow NPC caravans and player caravans to station.

   There is no auction house in Xia Village. Even if there is an auction house, with the current prosperity of Xia Village, there is no NPC caravan or player caravan willing to stay in the small Xia Village.

   "Hua Mulan, you lead two courageous villagers to Langya City with me. For the courageous villagers, Zhao Qi will be the commander in command to protect the village."

   "Elder Li, you continue to recruit the refugees, among them, those who practice martial arts are incorporated into the hometown brave team. Pay special attention to recruiting heroes.

   "Before the harvest in June, I will definitely be able to return to the village."

   Chutian carefully calculated the itinerary and arranged it before leaving the village.

   In the world of "Lord", different places have different types of food, growing time, and irrigation requirements.

   The place where Xia Village is located is equivalent to the area of ​​Linyi, Shandong, near the Yi River. In the game setting, the main crop in Xia Village is winter wheat, which is sown from late September to early October, and matures in early June. Villagers need to weed, cultivate soil, and remove insects...

   The game started on May 1, and it is now May 7, which is very close to the time of the first grain harvest. If the harvest time is insufficient and labor is not enough, the yield will fall.

   In ancient times when the grain was harvested, war was generally not started. In any case, Chutian must come back before the harvest in June to ensure that he can harvest the grain.