Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 76: Loot Loot

"Ding! Your subordinate Yafu led the Han army to repel the Yellow Turban army\'s counterattack next week, and you won 5000 points of military merit."

   "Ding! Your subordinate Hua Mulan killed Zhang Liang, the hero of the Yellow Turban Army, and you have won 3000 points."

   "Ding! Julu County Battlefield Notice: The Yellow Turban Hero Zhang Liang is killed in battle, he will join the Eastern Han Dynasty National War hero pool, clear his memories, and the lord player may recruit Zhang Liang in the national war reward!"

   Another Yellow Turban hero died in action!

  The three Zhangjiao brothers, only Zhang Bao is still alive.

   Hua Mulan led a wave of Han cavalry assault, Zhang Liang died on the spot.

   Hua Mulan used a Han knife to provoke a red spear used by Zhang Liang, and this weapon became her trophy.


   Some players in the vicinity seem to be crazy, robbing Zhang Liang\'s equipment or other items.

   Everyone knows that Zhang Liang is one of the three leaders of the Yellow Turban Army, and the props on him are definitely valuable.

   All the props on Zhang Liang\'s body were swept away.

   "Go find Zhang Jiao!"

   Chutian wanted to find the special props that Zhang Jiao had-Taiping Yaoshu.

   Zhang Jiao was in the county office of Guangzong County, but when Chu Tian and Zhou Yafu found Zhang Jiao, Zhang Jiao had no props.

   "It must be taken away by a player from the Yellow Turban camp!"

   "No wonder some players choose the Yellow Turban camp, it must be a prop for gluttonous horns!"

  The players of the Han camp came back to their senses, thinking that after Zhang Jiao died of illness, the props were likely to be taken away by the players of the Yellow Turban camp, yelling at a pity.

  Han camp players can only loot supplies from the Yellow Turban Army and Guangzong County.

   Trophy is also one of the rewards of the winner.

   The Han soldiers temporarily led by Zhou Yafu did not belong to Xiazhen, and the spoils they looted were also divided among themselves.

   The trophies that really belong to Xia Zhen still have to be grabbed by Xia Zhen\'s own soldiers.

   "Don\'t grab heavy weapons and food, give priority to war horses, gold and silver, and prisoners!"

   Chutian is particularly eager for war horses, money, and labor.

   Food is also very important, but there is an upper limit on the weight of items that each soldier can carry. Basically, there is no need to do anything else when carrying a bag of food.

After    captured Guangzong County, the fighting continued until night fell.

   A large number of Yellow Turban Army and the lords of the Yellow Turban camp fled from other city gates and went to Quyang City to join Zhang Bao.

   The battle for the capture of Guangzong County lasted for a full day, until finally all the lords and soldiers were unable to fight.

   Xia Town plundered a large amount of spoils from Guangzong City. Just gold, silver and copper were worth 1,000 taels of silver.

   Under the instruction of Chutian, the soldiers of Xia Town abandoned some low-value trophies and focused on looting war horses and prisoners. A total of 70 war horses and 800 Yellow Turban soldiers were captured. Many of the Yellow Turbans surrendered in batches after seeing the bad situation.

   plus the rewards obtained by breaking the Yellow Turban Barracks, there are a total of 100 horses and 1,300 prisoners. The captured prisoners were more than the soldiers brought by Xia Town. Many lords have not realized the importance of captive labor. As for free players, there is no need for captives as a burden.

   It\'s a pity that I didn\'t get the treasures of Zhang Jiao or Zhang Liang.


   When Chu Tian was secretly crying out that it’s a pity, Hua Mulan stuffed Chu Tian a bunch of trophies: "A diamond-level weapon, an architectural drawing, two skill books, a book that I don’t know what it is..."

   Chu Tian was stunned, it seems that Hua Mulan has searched a lot of good things.

   A red spear, this is Zhang Liang’s weapon.

   [Name]: Ying Long Spear

  【Class】: Diamond

   [Effect]: Attack power +12, Dragon Soul (small) can be triggered when injured, it will not be affected by the negative effects caused by the injury in a short time, and increase attack power and defense power.

   Chutian\'s eyes lit up. This weapon is an out-and-out good thing, its effect is amazing, and it can kill the enemy when injured. If you put it out for auction, I don\'t know how many general professional free players are willing to go bankrupt and buy.

   There is a drawing in the trophy. This time it was not a barracks building, but a building related to population and territorial influence.

   [Name]: Le Shan Tang

   [Class of Grade]: Level 5 Cultural Building

  【Description】: Disaster relief and welfare institutions used to relieve the poor.

   [Effect]: The scope of the territory\'s influence is slightly expanded, the attraction to the refugees is slightly increased, and the negative impact caused by various disasters is slightly reduced.

   This drawing is also a good thing.

   It is estimated that it is a blueprint dropped by Zhang Liang, and it is a five-level building like Chung Yi Shrine.

   Buildings that have a bonus to the territory are very rare. Grade 5 building drawings are worth at least a thousand taels of silver, and they are priceless. The auction houses in Langya City cannot buy the drawings.

   The common architectural drawings of auction houses are generally below level three, which are only for the transitional use of novice lords.

   Two skill books, one is advanced marksmanship "Pear Flower Spear Technique", the other is special skill book "Huang Tian Jue".

  The exercises of the Lord’s World are not magical exercises. They are just used to strengthen the body, improve basic strength, or dodge more flexibly.

   Chutian rewarded Hua Mulan with Yinglong Spear and "Pear Flower Spear Method". As for the reward for Zhou Yafu, it is to count military merits and increase salary~www.novelhall.com~ Zhou Yafu’s military strength is not high, he is a commander-in-chief hero, and basically won’t rush to the forefront like a small soldier, so he doesn’t need many good weapons. , Not as real as gold and silver.

   Chutian\'s own force is not to mention, even Liu Sandao\'s level is not enough, and the use of diamond-level weapons is to conquer heavenly objects.

   But "Huang Tian Jue" is very suitable for Chu Tian.

   [Name]: Huang Tianjue

   [grade]: special grade technique

   [Effect]: Experience gain +10%, which slightly improves the owner\'s hidden attributes such as attack, defense, dodge, and life, divided into 10 layers.

   [Description]: The sky is dead, the yellow sky should stand!

   This special-grade exercise method is a sacred book for Chu Tian, ​​who is not high in level and low in force.

   10% experience bonus, and various basic attribute bonuses.

In addition to the force on the panel,    military commanders also have some basic hidden attributes.

   If Zhang Fei and Zhao Yun\'s strength are equal, Zhang Fei\'s hidden strength is greater, and Zhao Yun\'s body skills are more flexible. This is the difference in their hidden attributes. Hidden attributes cannot be viewed, only the lord can get along with the heroes and gradually become familiar with their style.

   Players wanting to catch up with the historical generals, not only need to use good weapons and skills, but also have a good exercise technique to improve their basic attributes.

   Although Chutian is still a scum of military force, what is the difference between being a man without a dream and salted fish?

  As a lord, you don’t have to sit in the back. Cao Cao, Li Shimin, and Zhu Yuanzhang are all able to fight. Liu Bang, Liu Bei, and Sun Quan have also fought on the battlefield many times. It is said that Zhao Kuangyin also left Taizu Changquan.

   There is also an odd book among the spoils, and Chu Tian was stunned when he saw the cover.

   This turned out to be the ground scroll of "Tai Ping Yao Shu", a special item dropped by Zhang Liang!