Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 162: Wu 3gui's ambition

The battle in Yangdu County lasted for a long time and ended. The coalition forces were assaulted by heavy cavalry led by Xue Rengui and defeated. Chu Tian took the opportunity to chase and kill more than 3,000 coalition forces, and more than 4,000 were captured. Other soldiers and horses All fled.

   "Xu Sheng could not be caught, but a lord of Xihai County was captured."

   Zhou Yafu commanded the pawns, and unexpectedly captured a lord who had participated in the anti-chutian alliance alive.

The lord of    usually commanded from the rear, and the lord of Xihai County was unlucky before he was captured by Zhou Yafu.

   The ordinary lord Chu Tian didn\'t care much, and there were countless lords caught by Chu Tian in the past year. Chutian\'s territory is as big as it is today, and it was not sent for phone bills.

   This lord is from Xihai County.

  Xihai County is located in the eastern part of Langya Country, with an excellent outlet to the sea.

   If Xihai County is occupied, Chutian will be able to cook the sea as salt, and at the same time carry out overseas trade. In the future, it will even be possible to form a real navy—an invincible navy across the East China Sea to conquer Korea and the Warring States of Dongying.

   "I heard that you formed an alliance against me?"

   Chu Tian specially ordered Zhou Yafu to bring this lord over.

   The captured lord bowed his head down: "You are expanding too fast, no one wants to sit back and watch your power grow, otherwise we small and medium lords have no chance of development. If you are in my position, we will do the same."

   "You lead the territory of Xihai County to surrender to me. I can forgive you and at least be a mayor for you in the future."

   Chutian intends to incorporate a lord of Xihai County, expand his power to Xihai County, compete for the exit to the sea, and pave the way for the future.

   "Lord" is more than a civilization in the Eastern Han Dynasty. If it was the end of Han Dynasty, the outlet to the sea is not important at all, because the economically developed place is Central Plains.

   But there are other civilizations in "Lord". Opposite Xuzhou is the Goryeo Kingdom and Dongying Warring States Period, where you can dump goods.

   There is also sea salt, which is also a profitable specialty that can be dumped in the mainland.

   "I am willing to surrender."

   The lord of Xihai County heard that there is a chance to survive. No matter what happens in the future, he will save his life first.

   "You can leave now."

   After Chutian finished speaking, let Zhou Yafu let him go.

   The lord of Xihai County felt incredible: "I can leave? You won\'t imprison or execute me?"

   "You go back and seize Xihai County for me. When I hit Xihai County, you plan to resist, there is no such good thing."

   Chutian releases a lord.

   Executing a lord will not benefit him much, it will only attract more lord resistance.

   Xihai County is not only this one lord, there are other lords. Executing him, his territory will be occupied or partitioned by other lords, and then a great lord of a county will be formed.

   In order to avoid the unification of Xihai County, Chutian let him go back to check and balance.

   "If you enter Xihai County in the future, I would like to be a pioneer!"

   The lord of Xihai County made a promise to Chu Tian.

   Chutian didn\'t believe it very much, he just released people for his own benefit, and didn\'t want to cause a larger-scale resistance from other lords.

   After the lord of Xihai County was defeated and captured, he escaped from Chutian\'s camp. He couldn\'t believe it. Chu Tian let him go easily and promised that if he surrendered, he would become the mayor in the future.

   As long as he is the mayor for a period of time, he may be promoted to county magistrate, and he is already a master. And there is no need to worry about defeat and capture in the future.

   There are not many lords who are qualified to compete in the Central Plains. More lords are just stepping stones.

   "I have lost the battle and decided to withdraw from the alliance."

   A lord of Xihai County took the lead to withdraw from the alliance of 17 lords of Langya Kingdom.

   "Stupid! Withdraw now, we will not be able to stop the momentum of Xiacheng\'s unification of Langya country!"

   Qi Xiaobai learned that the 29,000 people commanded by Xu Sheng had been defeated, and a lord withdrew from the alliance, anxious.

   There are rumors that Wu Dun, the Taishan thief in Qiu County, was defeated by the defenders of Xiacheng.

  The people in Battle Spirit Town are panicked.

   "President, let\'s surrender."

   "All reinforcements have been defeated by half. Taishan thief Changyu and Wu Dun have failed. If we continue to fight, we will be wiped out."

  The players who played for Qi Xiaobai came to force the palace, exerted pressure and asked Qi Xiaobai to surrender.

   Judging from Chutian\'s deeds, the opponent can release even the lords who participated in the Anti-Chutian Alliance, so their group of subordinates must be safe and sound, and there is really no need to continue to resist.

   Qi Xiaobai\'s face was gloomy.

   Anyone can surrender, but he cannot surrender.

   Chutian can let others go, but it is impossible to let Qi Xiaobai who organized the anti-Chutian alliance.

   If even the lord is let go, there will be an alliance with lord to besiege Chutian every few months.

   Just when Qi Xiaobai was forced into the palace by his subordinates, Wu Sangui and a group of soldiers rushed in and surrounded Qi Xiaobai and the players who played for Qi Xiaobai!

   Qi Xiaobai said in horror: "General Wu, why are you?"

   "These people will shake the military\'s mind, and they should be killed! As long as the lord you order, the swordsman will kill them and stabilize the military\'s mind!"

  Phi insistent Wu Sangui pointed a knife at the main descendant faction.

   "Don\'t do this, the spirits of war can\'t be guarded, let them surrender, we can break through."

   Qi Xiaobai found that Wu Sangui\'s loyalty had declined rapidly recently, and he had gradually become uncontrollable.

   Although Qi Xiaobai is often an enemy of Chu Tian, ​​he knows the impact of mass killing players. He will become the public enemy of all players in the Eastern Han Dynasty, and it will be difficult to move.

   Wu Sangui looked uncertain, as if he was hesitating to kill these strangers.

   In the end, Wu Sangui considered the influence of the foreigner, but still did not start, walked to Qi Xiaobai, and whispered: "Master, if you want to leave War Soul Town, you can go to Yangdu City to join with Changyu."

   "Everything listens to the general."

   Qi Xiaobai nodded.

   He also had to nod his head, because Wu Sangui had already controlled the soldiers and horses of War Soul Town.

   Chutian defeated Xu Sheng and regretted not being able to capture Xu Sheng alive.

   Xu Sheng is very likely to gather the defeated soldiers, or return to Ju County, or wait and see nearby.

   Fang Xuanling counted the losses in this battle. The heavy cavalry lost 87 people, the light cavalry lost 421 people, and the infantry archers lost more than a thousand.

   This is the first time that Chutian has lost so many soldiers and horses.

   Fortunately, he won the battle, and the captured prisoners can make up for the loss.

   Fang Xuanling suggested to Chutian before taking a break: "The subordinates concluded that the defenders will abandon War Soul Town and escape from the North Gate when they know that the reinforcements are defeated. The lord can set up an ambush, and maybe he will get something."

   "Reasonable. Li Guang, this time you take the archer battalion and cavalry to ambush on the trail north to see if you can capture the other\'s big shots."

   Chutian sent Li Guang, who was not lucky enough, to give Li Guang a chance to do meritorious service.

   Li Guang\'s performance is quite satisfactory, but he is very brutal in shooting the opponent\'s generals.

   In order to give Li Guang some credit, Chu Tian sent him to ambush the enemy who might escape.

   Li Guangda replied: "In the end, you will definitely catch Qi Xiaobai and Wu Sangui alive!"

   Li Guang\'s voice was loud and loud, which made Chu Tian startled, thinking that Zhou Yafu and Hua Mulan were still better off.

   "You don\'t need to catch it alive, just kill it."

   Chutian already knew that Qi Xiaobai\'s general was Wu Sangui.

   For Wu Sangui, Chutian had no idea of ​​soliciting.

   A military commander who might betray him at any time is uncomfortable.

   "I will do it at the end!"

   Li Guang heard that there is no need to capture them alive, but just let them kill.

   Li Guang took the shooting battalion and five hundred cavalry to ambush.

   That night, there really was a call for killing in the north of town. Li Guangfu marched around and killed Qi Xiaobai and Wu Sangui\'s army.

   In the dark trail, Qi Xiaobai fled under the cover of Wu Sangui. Li Guang made people raise a torch and shoot at Qi Xiaobai\'s army with a long bow.

   "Damn, we are in the middle!"

   Qi Xiaobai has a gray head and dirt, exhausted.

   Chutian heard the shouts of killing in the northern part of the town, and knew that Li Guang had succeeded, so he sent troops into the war spirit town lacking defenders.

   The original free players of the Battle Soul Guild did not follow Qi Xiaobai\'s desperation, but chose to surrender.

  The southern part of Yangdu County has been controlled by Chutian.

   If Yangdu City is defeated, then the entire Yangdu County will be included in Chutian\'s power.

   Yang is the capital city, and Changzhen is closed for self-defense. News of the defeat of the coalition forces continues to come, making him feel uneasy.

   Chutian\'s goal is not only Qi Xiaobai, but also him.

   "Qi Xiaobai, the lord of War Soul Town, led the remnants to appear under the city, claiming that War Soul Town has been lost and requested to enter the city to rest."

   "I will meet it myself."

   Changpi knows that his lips are dead and his teeth are cold. He can\'t resist Chu Tian alone. He can only turn the tide with the ability of different talents as much as possible.

   Under the city of Yang, Qi Xiaobai and Wu Sangui brought two thousand remnants to see.

   They originally had thousands of soldiers, but they lost a group of soldiers while defending the city. They were ambushed and killed by Li Guang, leaving only two thousand soldiers.

   Qi Xiaobai still had blood stains on his body. It was the wound that was shot by the archer of the Archer Camp and dyed the cloth red.

   "Even if we join hands with Changyu, we are not Chu Zimou\'s opponent..."

   Qi Xiaobai was beaten several times by Chu Tian, ​​and lost the confidence to continue to be an enemy of Chu Tian.

   "At the end there will be a way to strengthen the lord\'s power, wait for whatever happens, please don\'t panic."

   Wu Sangui\'s eyes were cruel, but it wasn\'t because of Qi Xiaobai.

   At least Qi Xiaobai listens to him very much, that\'s enough.

  The gate of Yangdu City opened, and Changzhen came out surrounded by the soldiers.

   When he saw Qi Xiaobai and Wu Sangui, he felt ashamed for not being able to rescue War Soul Town in time: "Two, I brought 30,000 troops to rescue you, but unexpectedly was raided by the opponent\'s cavalry..."

   Wu Sangui said: "There is a way to deal with Chu Zimou."

   Chang Min was surprised: "What can you do?"

   Wu Sangui approached Changxun inadvertently, suddenly pulled out the Yan Ling knife, and shouted: "That\'s using your power!"

  Changyu didn\'t expect that the enemy would betray him, Wu Sangui, who was an ally, had no time to resist, Wu Sangui\'s Yan Ling knife slashed on his throat!

   The big head fell to the ground, and the Taishan thief Changbi was killed by Wu Sangui.

  The Taishan thief\'s soldiers next to Changyu were panicked, and their leader was killed!

   "From now on, you will follow me, and you will have a better future than Changyu!"

   Wu Sangui walked in a tiger step and entered Yangdu City.

   Changxun is dead. This group of Taishan thief lost their leader and was shocked by Wu Sangui. Many people turned to Wu Sangui.

   Take refuge in Wu Sangui, and Wu Sangui can reuse them.

   Otherwise, once caught by Chu Tian who is a county lieutenant, he will probably be sent for mining.

   Qi Xiaobai was completely frightened, he saw Wu Sangui kill Chang Wei with a single knife, and a splash of blood even splashed on Qi Xiaobai.

   Wu Sangui\'s methods are too fierce, Qi Xiaobai can no longer control Wu Sangui.

   In other words, Qi Xiaobai is now being held hostage by Wu Sangui...

   "Now you can survive by following me, you know? If Chu Zimou catches us, we will both die!"

   Wu Sangui simply tore his face and threatened his lord.

   He still needs the stranger Qi Xiaobai.

  A stranger can accomplish many things that are difficult for him.

   Qi Xiaobai struggled forward and backward: "You...what do you want?"

   "Abandon Yangducheng."

   "This is a medium-sized city, we can hold it."

"No, we can\'t hold it at all. Chang Mi is a group of rice buckets. We still need more soldiers and horses, do you know? Please contact the lord Ling Feng of Ju County immediately and say that we plan to go to Ju County to join him. Discuss dealing with Chu Zimou. Ju County is a big county second only to Kaiyang County. With Ju County, we occupy the northern part of Langya Country, and we still have the opportunity to compete with Chu Zimou!"

   "I...I don\'t want to hurt others..."

   Qi Xiaobai understood what Wu Sangui meant.

   Wu Sangui wanted to take possession of the magpie\'s nest and use the same method to annex the territory of the lord of Juxian County and conquer his troops.

   "Master, you have no choice. If this matter fails, you can only ask you to die."

   Wu Sangui pressed Qi Xiaobai\'s shoulder, making Qi Xiaobai feel terrified.

   His legs trembled.

   Wu Sangui has been completely out of his control.

   Now Wu Sangui wants to stand on his own and use his own power to deal with Chutian.

   "I will contact him..."

   Facing the threat of death, Qi Xiaobai chose to take it softly.

   "Come here, be optimistic about the lord, and you must ensure the lord\'s safety. Take all the gold and silver in Yangdu County and go to Ju County!"

   Wu Sangui arranged a dozen trusted followers to monitor Qi Xiaobai.

   "Ling Feng, sorry."

   Qi Xiaobai was desperate, but had to contact the lord who owns the general Xu Sheng, Ling Feng of Juxian County.

  Because he decided to abandon Yangdu County, Wu Sangui in order to buy the Taishan thief and prevent Chu Tian from benefiting, he indulged all the soldiers in Yangdu City and robbed him for a day.

  Yang is full of rags and riots. Both civilians and players have suffered. Soldiers and Taishan thieves looted property and food and burned them in this fairly prosperous city.

   Wu Sangui looked at the smoky city with no expression on his face. This city will be Chutian\'s territory, and it is no pity to destroy it.

   Changfeng regards this city as his own territory, so he will not destroy his own city.

  Wu Sangui or not. U U Reading www.uukanshu.com

   Tai Shan thief was indulged and ransacked the city, grabbing a lot of gold and silver, and his loyalty to Wu Sangui rose rapidly.

   "The granary was set on fire. If we can\'t take it, we can\'t just give it to them!"

   The next day, Wu Sangui gathered 2,000 professional soldiers and 30,000 Taishan troops to march in the direction of Juxian, leaving them devastated.

   Chutian didn\'t know that Qi Xiaobai set himself on fire, and Wu Sangui\'s ambitions were rapidly expanding.

   Chutian occupied War Soul Town.

   Occupying War Soul Town did not gain much.

   In order to deal with Chu Tian, ​​Qi Xiaobai went to war and recruited soldiers and horses, but there was not much silver left.

   "There are only 1,253 taels of silver in the warehouse and 3,200 units of military rations."

   Fang Xuanling looked through the terrible account books of Zhanhun Town.

   It seems that the path of brutality is not the right way after all. If the war fails, the economy of the territory will soon collapse.

   "The next step is to attack Yangdu City. Although Chang Xun in Yangdu City still has 30,000, he and his tribe have been beaten by Hua Mulan and Xue Rengui for fear."

   Chutian is 90% sure of taking down Yangducheng.

   "Yangducheng...Yangducheng was ransacked by Mount Tai!"

   When Chutian marched towards the county town, he received a call from Yangdu City players for help.

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