Lord of the People of Online Games (Lord of the Gaming World)

Chapter 130: Return to Langya

The Luoyang Conference ended smoothly, and soon news spread about the temporary formation of ten Marine Corps and three Marine Corps in the Eastern Han District.

   The three navy regiments are divided into the Jingzhou regiment, the Yangzhou regiment, and the Jiaozhou regiment.

   There are too many people participating in the war, there are one hundred lords, one hundred guilds, and the number of free players is as many as 50,000. As long as there is one spy, there is no way to hide it.

   The only secret is that the players at the bottom can\'t know the tactics and the specific organization of the top.

   The Korean players and Dongying players bought in the East Han District also sent back rough information.

   Goryeo District formed four army regiments, the Northern Territory Corps, the Xijing Corps, the Kaijing Corps, and the Jeonju Corps.

   Toyo area formed five legions, Kyushu legion, Shikoku legion, Kansai legion, Kanto legion, Ou legion.

   The civilized areas are basically divided into the regiments participating in the national war according to the region, and the same is true for the water war regiments in the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   The only difference is the Marine Corps in the Eastern Han District.

  The territory of the Eastern Han Dynasty was too large. The lords of Yizhou, Yuzhou and other places lacked war horses, so they could not be divided simply by region. All lords were disrupted and divided by numbers.

   At least for now, the lords of the Eastern Han Region united as never before during the national war, and assigned tasks by strength. No one has any objection.

   "We\'ll see you on the battlefield then."

   Prince Yan took Di Qing away.

   "I took all the heavy infantry with me, but unfortunately I don\'t have a high-level barracks. Otherwise, if there are two thousand soldiers, I will definitely drive the Korean stick back."

   Gongziwen took Pang Juan to bid farewell to Chutian, who was the temporary commander of the army.

   Only Xueyue of the Wolf Walk Guild is still here, because Xueyue is the guild president of Langya Country in Xuzhou.

  Wolf\'s Guild has developed into a large-scale guild. It has nothing to do with recruiting free players in the name of Chutian. Chutian also wants to use the Wolf\'s Guild.

   "Being a legion commander is not an easy task. Victory is a matter of course. If you fail, you will lose your prestige in the eyes of players in the Eastern Han Dynasty."

   "Everyone is responsible for the rise and fall of the world. In his place, seek his own duties. If you don\'t work, you can get it."

   Chutian clenched his fists.

   The ten army commanders and three naval captains in the Eastern Han District were under great pressure.

   lost, and returned to the East Han District, unable to raise his head in front of the players.

"Farming, I got information from the Lord of Goryeo here. According to my judgment, 80% of the information is correct. The Lord of Goryeo recruited the Goguryeo military commander Ulji Mundeok who defeated the Sui army. That military commander is a ruthless character, the battle of Sashui , And drowned many Sui troops with water attack."

"There are no holy heroes in Goryeo District, so Eulji Mundeok may be one of the few royal heroes in Goryeo District. His lord is Choi Jae-sun, the lord of Uiju, the first city of Goryeo. It is said that Choi Jae-sun is also a ruthless man. A group of lords who disobeyed him were imprisoned and secretly executed. During the battle of Anshicheng, we must pay attention to his movements."

"I understand."

   Chutian was reminded by the leader, Lao Qin.

  赳赳 Lao Qin estimated that he was a leader in reality, otherwise it would be impossible to run the Luoyang Conference on his own.

   Chutian is also studying Old Qin. He is twenty years younger than Old Qin. His age and luck are also part of his strength.

   Then Chu Tian informed his temporary subordinates of this information.

   Everyone looked solemn.

   Although the country of Goryeo is small, its population is one-twentieth that of the Eastern Han Dynasty, and the number of imperial heroes has shrunk twenty times, and there are still a few that can be selected.

   "The opponent can be underestimated strategically, but the opponent must be valued tactically."

   Chutian asked the players of the Second Legion to pay more attention, and was not so scared.

   Isn\'t that a royal hero... There are three under Chu Tian.

  Although Hua Mulan and Zhou Yafu are king-level heroes, they are not much worse than royal-level heroes. The distinction between royal heroes is only based on the level of individual attributes.

   The opponent\'s Ulchi Wende is already one of the top heroes in their Goryeo area, and the four famous generals of the Warring States Period, Wei Qing and Huo Qubing in the Eastern Han Dynasty have not yet come out.

Xueyue said: "You overlooked a little. We also have Li Shimin, Xue Rengui, Li Shiji, and Changsun Wuji. They must be imperial heroes. Although Tang Jun is not controlled by players, we have to be commanded by Li Shimin, but they are more The Ulchi Wende is much more powerful. What Ulchi Wende has to face is not the Sui army, but the Tang army at its peak!"

   "It makes sense."

   Chu Tian almost forgot that Tang Jun was the main force in the attack on Anshi City. Tang Jun\'s lineup was exaggerated compared to any lord\'s lineup.

   "To fight against Goryeo used the power of our 13 states in the Eastern Han Dynasty. Only the lords of three states were used to deal with Dongying. I don\'t know if such a deployment is feasible...but you must trust the lords of Jingzhou, Jiaozhou, and Yangzhou..."

   The two battlefields are going on at the same time. Chutian chose the battle of Anshicheng, so the battle of Baijiangkou can only be seen by the performance of the lord of the southern three states.

   In theory, the population of the Eastern Han District should be concentrated in the Central Plains, but this is not the case.

   There are many lords who choose to establish villages south of the Yangtze River.

   An initial population and refugees will appear when a village is established, which leads to a large population in the south of the Yangtze River.

  The population of Jingzhou, Yangzhou, and Jiaozhou is much larger than in history, and while the lords are upgrading their territories, they are actually moving their economic center of gravity to the south...

   The Eastern Han District of "Lord" faced not only the internal separatism of the princes~www.novelhall.com~, but also the threat from Southeast Asian civilization. The lords of Yangzhou and Jiaozhou were under tremendous pressure.

   After the Luoyang meeting ended, Chu Tian took Hua Mulan, Li Guang, Xueyue and other members of the Wolf Guild back to Langya.

   There is still some time before August, and the first batch of archers in the archery battalion can just finish training before the Battle of Anshicheng.

   Although it is only a level 10 sound shooter, it can already be used as an elite team. They will experience the flames of war and gradually grow into an army of hundreds of battles.

   Chutian\'s horses are placed in Langya City.

   He returned to Langya City through Luoyang\'s teleportation formation, and took advantage of this opportunity to stroll around the city with the senior guild forces represented by Xueyue, pointing and whispering from time to time.

   Hua Mulan and Li Guang acted as guards. When they saw the lord and Xueyue, they didn’t know what they were plotting, so they couldn’t help being curious.

   Chutian walked around the wall of Langya City, and also specifically checked the location of the barracks, and finally Xueyue handed a map to Chutian.

   "Entrusted by you, after the national war is over, if I am still alive, I will definitely complete the task you gave me."

   Xueyue\'s tone is a bit tragic.

   Players who choose to become military commanders more or less have the feelings of gold and iron horses, and the world is responsible for the rise and fall of the world, regardless of men and women.

   The lord may be killed in this national war, but for the future of the Eastern Han Dynasty.

   "Don\'t crow\'s mouth."

   Seeing that she is also a man of temperament, Chutian admires somewhat.

   There are no lords and guilds who are willing to sign up for the national war this time.