Lord of Riding and Slashing

Chapter 250

"What\'s going on at isaacburg fair?"

Nord looked at the report in his hand, and then asked scholar hill with a frown. Although the market has become more prosperous, Nord doesn\'t know how many stores can survive. Nord doesn\'t know how long the enthusiasm of civilians can last. If the market in isaacburg is gradually saturated, it may bankrupt a group of people.

Although pigs can take off when standing at the tuyere, once the tuyere passes, some pigs may fall down. Nord has to consider this problem. Although the minds of these civilians are overheated, as their Lord, Nord must look at the problem calmly and have a long-term vision.

Hill learned what Nord meant when he heard this question, and his face was very serious. Obviously, he also found this problem. After all, as an administrator who has always led the development of isaacburg, he knows these things more clearly than Nord.

"Now all the shops have been sold, but they can\'t meet the enthusiasm of those civilians. Many craftsmen with some family background hope to have a shop in the market. Although they can also do business in their own home, the efficiency is not very high, which can\'t be compared with the shops in the market."

Hill scholar\'s eyes are deep and calm. Instead of being dazzled by his achievements, he is extremely cautious, because from his previous use of wealth circulation, Hill scholar should know some previous financial knowledge, which is very different from scholars of this era. He is sure to see the hidden dangers of this phenomenon.

"All the shops have benefited a lot during this period. Some civilians have proposed that I expand the scale of the market. They also want to enter the market and have a share, but I refused because the situation of the market is abnormal. Especially after the completion of the construction of the town, many villagers have lost much income and their purchasing power has decreased a lot. I think so For some time, there may be a crisis in the shops in the market. "

As Nord thought, Hill scholar can\'t blindly expand the scale of the market. Although the life and death of these shops are the choice of the market, Nord can\'t watch them pick into the fire pit. This is an irresponsible behavior. Nord should be responsible for every civilian in his territory.

"Is there any way to keep the purchasing power of civilians? For example, help them find a stable job."

After this sentence, Nord smiled, because it is very difficult to do so. Not to mention this era, it is very difficult to have a stable job in the previous life. It is rare that there are so many workshops in Tami town that can provide job opportunities, and it is difficult to copy in Isaac castle.

Because each workshop needs a professional master to take care of, but the key problem is that these people are systematically presented to Nord\'s scarce talents. There is only one in each workshop. Now it is impossible to take into account the situation of two workshops, unless these apprentices have reached the standard of graduation and can complete their work independently.

Nord estimates that it will take at least half a year to wait for this situation. In addition, there are many handicraftsmen in isaacburg. Although the quality of their products is not as good as that produced in Tami Town, they still have a certain market because of their cheap price.

Nord also wanted to recruit people from these craftsmen to the workshop for training, but they did not want to continue to become an apprentice in the workshop. They thought their skills were excellent and there was nothing to learn. None of so many people wanted to go. Nord was angry at that time, and half a bottle of water was there.

"It\'s hard. Half of the civilians in isaacburg and the villagers in the three villages don\'t have any skills. What they can do, apart from farming and hunting, is what they learned when building towns some time ago. Unless they can keep building all the time, they will lose their jobs."

Hill scholars are also worried about this problem. These villagers have experienced profitable work, and it is impossible for them to live a poor life as before, but there is no other place to build isaacburg. Another more key problem is that isaacburg has not enough funds.

After all the shops have been sold, the income of isaacburg is only tax, but it is impossible to fill the construction pit of the territory by relying on the tax of this month. Although the situation of isaacburg market is very hot during this period, the tax is only a small part. It is impossible to support the next construction task of isaacburg.

"Can the construction task of Bligh village begin?"

Nord suddenly thought of the upgrading of Bligh village to a small town. Nord was very optimistic about the village because it was the outpost of isaacburg and later upgraded to a small town. Nord is also preparing to build some fortifications in the village of Bligh, and a force will be stationed here to guard it.

"Not yet. The financial problems of isaacburg can\'t support it. I just want to mention this to you. If you want to build Bligh village, you need at least 20 Kinser coins."

Hill scholar shook his head. There is no way to be short of money. A penny can\'t defeat hero Han, and hill scholar can\'t change money out of thin air, so he had to ask Nord for help. A clever woman can\'t make bricks without rice. Hill scholar has used a means before, and there\'s really no way this time.

"I\'ll ask Abbot to distribute the funds for you immediately. The construction of Bulei village can begin. In particular, the fortification is the top priority. At least four watchtowers must be built on the road to the outside world."

"No problem. The preparatory work has actually been done, but I didn\'t start it due to lack of funds. I will start the construction task tomorrow. The village head of Blair village has been waiting for a long time. I believe he will be very happy to hear this news."

Scholar Hill smiled, which finally helped him solve a problem. Instead of directly asking Abbot for money, scholar Hill applied to Nord. He knew the process very well and would not make such a mistake at all.

"It\'s been a hard time for you. If you need help, you can directly mention it now. I\'ll try my best to help you coordinate, although I can\'t do much."

"In addition to funds, there are too few people. Now many things are simply too busy. Fortunately, reed and the students can help me deal with some government affairs, otherwise I will be very busy."

Scholar Hill smiled bitterly at the corners of his mouth. He knew what happened to Nord\'s men. He didn\'t have much to help himself. Fortunately, isaacburg has survived the most difficult period. It will be much easier in the future, and everything is difficult at the beginning.

It\'s just that there is a shortage of talents. It\'s an old problem that has not been solved. It\'s often used to make do with it. Just like scholar hill, who has no experience in managing the territory before, Nord can only appoint him, because there is no one, and Nord doesn\'t know when he can solve the problem.