Lord of Riders

Chapter 281

Just like now, when Dunn attacked rodoc Kingdom, Shaoming kingdom was dishonest.

Shao Yu directly pushed the army near the city of veruga. There were only more than 10000 defenders in the city of veruga. Although there were a lot of people, they didn\'t seem to see enough in front of the army of Shaoming kingdom. Shao Yu directly ordered to attack the city. The garrison had long known that Shao Yu was coming, so they had already made preparations for the battle. However, Shaoming Kingdom did not seriously plan to attack veruga. Shao Yu casually hit veruga twice, which did not cause any casualties to the other party, and immediately retreated back. It looks like a feint, but I don\'t know what Shaoyu wants to do.

Veruga is close to Aaron. One day after Shaoyu retreated, Dunn received the news that Shaoming Kingdom attacked veruga. But before long, Du en received the news that tens of thousands of troops in Shaoming kingdom had withdrawn. I don\'t know what happened.

"Inexplicable!" Dunn said silently after reading two reports.

"Marshal, Griffith\'s head."

After Dunn conquered Aaron, he directly handed over the command to one of his two armies. Let him be responsible for the settlement of the remaining enemy. Soon, the general cut off Griffith\'s head. Throw it in front of Dunn.

The head was cut in half. Dunn had never seen Griffith and didn\'t know what he looked like. However, Dunn believed that the little general didn\'t dare to deceive him, so Dunn didn\'t verify the owner of the head.

"Well, throw it away and withdraw," Dunn nodded and said casually.

Dunn did not pay attention to the kingdom of rodoc at all. Griffith\'s army was powerless to stop it. Now they have become corpses everywhere.

Countless crows hovered in the sky, salivating over the corpses on the ground. Dunn looked up at the sky. He bowed his head and entered the handsome account. The soldiers are preparing to retreat. They began to dismantle the camp, gather the bodies and prepare for a big fire.

After decaying for a long time, these corpses must cause the sequelae of the plague. The Anglo Saxon Empire conquered many places and knew the terrible diseases brought by corpses. Sometimes it is likely to destroy an army of 100000 or hundreds of thousands of people.

After burning the body, the Anglo imperial army took over Aaron.

The fighting in recent days has killed and injured more than 80000 troops of the Anglo empire. It can be said that the casualties were heavy. However, there were still 250000 troops of the Anglo empire on the continent of caradia.

Moreover, the casualties were mainly soldiers from the poison spear tribal alliance and Eriksson Kingdom, and there were few casualties in the Anglo empire.

This can be said to kill two birds with one stone and kill two birds with one stone. It not only weakened the strength of the two affiliated countries, but also destroyed the kingdom of rodoc, so there were fewer stumbling blocks in front of the Anglo empire.

The Anglo Empire completely controlled the southern part of the kingdom of rodoc. Then it can expand steadily around.

Dunn also realized the trouble of replenishing troops from home and planned to recruit a large number of troops from rodoc kingdom. Just like during the Anti Japanese War, the Japanese pirates also formed a large number of traitors and called them ergouzi.

"Your Majesty, why did we withdraw when we attacked veruga?" Irene and Shao Yu asked puzzled on the way back to the army

Shao Yu\'s orders were unconditional.

This is a chance to return the emptiness in the rear of the Anglo-Saxon empire. The kingdom of Shaoming soon came to their rear. It could have hit them hard and captured veruga and controlled the surrounding areas. However, Shaoyu ordered to attack the city of veruga for an hour. The soldiers had just pushed under the city wall and set up some equipment to attack the city. Some soldiers had just boarded the city, Soon after the two sides fought, Shaoyu suddenly issued an order to retreat.

However, since Shaoyu\'s order has come down, the soldiers can only carry out it unconditionally. The soldiers of Shaoming Kingdom didn\'t know what was going on, but they retreated in an orderly way. These soldiers of Shaoming kingdom had undergone combat training. The team cooperation between soldiers has always been the focus of Shaoming Kingdom\'s training, so they retreated in an orderly manner.

At the beginning of the siege, Shaoming Kingdom still suppressed the fire of crossbow and arrow rain, killing a large number of defenders. Then these omnipotent soldiers of Shaoming Kingdom began to attack the city in close combat.

These soldiers of Shaoming kingdom are now a combination of three arms, namely, crossbow, cavalry and infantry. Of course, they are cavalry in the final analysis, but they can play exactly the same role as infantry at this time. These soldiers guarding the Anglo empire in veruga have not yet had time to change their weapons. Some of them are equipped with the captured shields of rodoc kingdom, Some crossbows and arrows are blocked, but the wooden shield of rodoc kingdom is not strong enough. Strong crossbows can still penetrate.

Shaoming Kingdom carried out intensive shooting for half an hour, resulting in thousands of people being shot and killed in the Anglo empire. Of course, Shaoming Kingdom only invested 10000 people to shoot.

Then some of the cavalry of Shaoming Kingdom began to dismount. There were more than 10000 cavalry dismounting, which was equivalent to the number of enemy troops guarding the city. It was not the orc soldiers who took the lead this time. No one took the lead. These soldiers successfully attacked the city wall in half an hour with excellent weapons, strong armor and excellent combat skills. Then something happened. As soon as the soldiers boarded the wall and fought with the enemy, Shao Yu suddenly ordered the whole army to retreat. The soldiers didn\'t expect this, but they did well

"I want to fully execute my orders at any time, that\'s what I want," Shaoyu replied

"Well, give up a town where you can rub your hands?" Irene asked, still puzzled

"Readily available? That town may soon become the graveyard of our whole army. Don\'t covet the gains and losses of one city and one pool. Hundreds of thousands of troops of the Anglo empire will arrive in a twinkling of an eye. Once they are surrounded, it\'s not so easy to get out at that time. And what\'s the significance even if they capture veruga?" Shao Yu said

"Don\'t care about the gains and losses of one city and one pool? Aren\'t we fighting to seize cities and expand territory?" said Irene

"What you think is too simple. It\'s because these kings care too much about their territory, so they are poor people who have nothing. Some people don\'t even save their lives in the end. Why?" Shao Yu paused

"Remember, the most important thing in a country is the people, not the land," Shao Yu said faintly at last

Elaine was stunned for a few seconds. The most important thing in the country is the people? Irene is noncommittal. In short, Shaoming kingdom is getting bigger and stronger