Lord of All Gods

Chapter 874

Ye Liuyun immediately received a voice transmission from Ling Shuang: "I have invited the Ninth Princess, and she will do her best to protect you! Just say that you have joined Fenglin Pavilion, and they won\'t make things difficult for you!"

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t laugh or cry when he received Ling Shuang\'s voice transmission.

He was very grateful to Ling Shuang for interceding for him. I believe that Ling Shuang also had good intentions, and he also owed Ling Shuang a favor.

But he doesn\'t know Princess Nine, and hasn\'t made a decision yet.

If he joined Fenglin Pavilion in such a muddle-headed way, he was worried that he would regret it in the future.

But now that the Crown Prince, Fourth Prince, and Seventh Prince are all staring at him, he really has no choice!

"Could it be that I was forced to join Fenglin Pavilion just like that?" He thought to himself.

However, the development of the matter did not leave him room for relaxation at all.

"Jiumei, do you want to have a hand too?" The Seventh Prince curled his lips, and was also very dissatisfied with the appearance of the Ninth Princess.

The fourth prince also said: "The ninth sister also came for Ye Liuyun?"

The Ninth Princess walked directly in front of Ye Liuyun, looked at Ye Liuyun, then smiled at the two princes and said, "You don\'t have to argue, Ye Liuyun has long joined my Fenglin Pavilion, and was recommended by Ling Shuang\'s sister! Tianjiao Pavilion If you want to kill him, of course I will protect her!"

"What? Ye Liuyun has already joined Fenglin Pavilion?" The Seventh Prince was a little disbelieving.

The fourth prince also looked to Ye Liuyun for confirmation.

Ye Liuyun had no choice. If he doesn\'t admit it now, he might even offend the Ninth Princess.

In that case, he really can\'t get along!

And it will make it difficult for Ling Shuang to explain to Princess Nine. So he gritted his teeth and shouted to Princess Nine.


This also shows that he has indeed joined Fenglin Pavilion.

"When did it happen?" The fourth prince was even more disbelieving.

"The day before yesterday!" Princess Nine said casually. But time is no problem.

"Well, since that\'s the case, I won\'t force it anymore! But I still hope to be friends with Brother Ye!" The fourth prince immediately changed his strategy and looked at Ye Liuyun with a smile.

"Thank you, the fourth prince, for your kindness!" Ye Liuyun cupped his hands to express his gratitude, without refuting the fourth prince\'s face.

The fourth prince nodded, and immediately led the people away.

"It\'s really boring!" The Seventh Prince didn\'t argue anymore, and immediately led people away.

Princess Nine also looked at the middle-aged man who attacked Ye Liuyun earlier.

"Ninth Princess!" The man immediately bowed and saluted.

He is also extremely depressed at the moment. How could you kill an outer disciple, so many princes and princesses came out to protect him! What is the origin of this kid!

"Go back and tell me, Brother Huang, I\'ll protect this man. Let him stop thinking about Ye Liuyun again!" Princess Jiu said directly to the man.

"Yes!" The man didn\'t dare to delay, and immediately turned around and left.

"Come with me!" Princess Jiu greeted Ye Liuyun and left first.

Ling Shuang waved at Ye Liuyun: "I\'ll take you to Fenglin Pavilion!"

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to follow Ling Shuang. I haven\'t forgotten to express my gratitude: "Thank you for helping me out!"

He knew that Ling Shuang had good intentions, so of course he wanted to express his gratitude.

"Why are you being polite! You help me grab the head mount, and I will help you once too, we are even!" Ling Shuang laughed.

Ye Liuyun smiled and said nothing.

For him, as long as others help him once, if he encounters difficulties next time, he will never sit idly by.

When Ling Shuang took him to the headquarters of Fenglin Pavilion, Princess Nine was already waiting for them in the hall.

The headquarters of Fenglin Pavilion is actually set up in a bamboo forest. It is a bamboo house, which looks a bit detached from the world.

Ye Liuyun felt that those who could design this kind of headquarters should not have any ambitions to compete for power.

And he has a good impression of Princess Nine, she doesn\'t look like the kind of savage and scheming person.

"Sit down!" Princess Nine was also very accommodating to Ye Liuyun and Ling Shuang.

"Thank you Princess Nine for saving me!" Ye Liuyun first thanked Princess Nine.

"The owner of the pavilion has called, don\'t you want to go back on your word again?" Princess Jiu asked him with a smile.

"Uh... I\'m sorry, Pavilion Master. I haven\'t adapted to my new identity for a while!" Ye Liuyun said with some embarrassment.

He hasn\'t gotten used to it yet, he has already become a member of Fenglin Pavilion.

"It\'s fine if you don\'t regret it! Let Ling Shuang take you to get the badge later." The nine princesses spoke very gently.

Ye Liuyun nodded and sat down on the side.

The Ninth Princess said to him: "Sister Ling Shuang has already mentioned your situation to me! So don\'t think that I went because Ling Shuang begged me.

If I didn\'t know that you have potential, even if she begged me, I wouldn\'t bother with you! So you don\'t have any psychological burden! "

The ninth princess said this to let Ye Liuyun stay in Fenglin Pavilion with peace of mind and not make him feel inferior.

Ye Liuyun also understood immediately, and immediately thanked Ling Shuang and Princess Nine again.

The ninth princess nodded, and reminded Ye Liuyun: "Although I have saved you, my brothers will not take action openly. But they may do something secretly, so don\'t take it lightly!"

"I understand!" Ye Liuyun also knew that the matter would not end like this. Now it\'s just calm on the surface.

"If there is any danger, just tell me, you can even hide here for refuge!" Princess Nine continued.

"No need, I can handle it!" Ye Liuyun definitely wouldn\'t make any demands, it\'s already very good that Princess Nine can protect him face to face. If he can\'t solve the rest by himself, then he doesn\'t need to mess around in Qianlongyuan.

When the nine princesses heard this, they also nodded in secret satisfaction.

"I have already notified the outer courtyard to have someone repair your residence. Tonight, you can find a place to deal with it for the night. Your residence will be as good as ever tomorrow!" Princess Nine said to him.

"Thank you, Pavilion Master!" Ye Liuyun also got up and bid farewell to Princess Nine.

"Well. If you are worried that they will send people over at night, Ling Shuang\'s place should be considered safe!" Ninth Princess finally suggested with a smile.

"Pavilion Master!" Ling Shuang said coquettishly, and went out first embarrassingly.

Ye Liuyun had no choice but to smile awkwardly, pretending not to hear, and left Fenglin Pavilion after leaving.

Ling Shuang didn\'t go far, and waited for him outside the door.

"I was worried that they would come back to trouble you again, so I waited for you for a while!" Ling Shuang made an excuse for herself.

"Thank you, Miss Ling Shuang, let\'s go back!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t say much, and went back to the residence with Ling Shuang.

His residence has been completely scrapped at this moment, and the disciples of the Zongmen who are in charge of repairing it are busy with work.

"You... where are you staying tonight?" Ling Shuang asked in a low voice.