Lord of All Gods

Chapter 855

"Well, let me help you. We\'ll play a scene later, and say that I bombarded your space world." Li Qingyun was also kind and decided to help him.

He felt that although Ye Liuyun\'s realm was not high, his foundation was very solid. When Ye Liuyun was fighting just now, he had seen it all.

Ye Liuyun\'s soul power is the strongest. Someone also launched a mind and soul attack just now, but he swallowed them directly.

Then came the power of Buddha and demon, two kinds of flames, sword intent and so on. Everything is top-notch strength.

So he was very satisfied with Ye Liuyun\'s performance and felt that he was a talent.

Of course Ye Liuyun appreciated it, so he immediately agreed.

"Okay then, I\'m going out!" Li Qingyun said, and was about to go out.

"Teacher, you haven\'t taught me how to borrow the power of space yet!" Ye Liuyun said hastily.

"I can\'t forget it!" Li Qingyun raised his hand and passed some information to Ye Liuyun\'s consciousness.

Afterwards, Ye Liuyun also released him.

Then the two of them acted out another play. Pretending that Li Qingyun broke through Ye Liuyun\'s space barrier and rushed out.

Ye Liuyun, on the other hand, pretended that his small space was destroyed, with a dejected look on his face.

Afterwards, he was caught by Li Qingyun and thrown off the ring.

Liang Xinyu and others hurried up to help him up.

"How is it?" Fatty Wei asked with concern.

"I\'m fine, it\'s just that the space world has been destroyed!" Ye Liuyun said.

"I repeat, you are just a small space, far away from the world of space! I destroyed him for your own good, so that you don\'t want to go too far!" Li Qingyun educated Ye Liuyun righteously on the stage.

"Yes, the disciple has been taught!" Ye Liuyun bowed respectfully to express his gratitude.

Everyone thought that Ye Liuyun had given in, and only the two of them knew the whole story in their hearts.

Ye Liuyun looked a little depressed on the surface, but in fact, he was doing his best to study the information Li Qingyun sent him.

After the research, I began to try to communicate with the space world and practice using the power of the space world.

He has tried to invoke the power of the space world before, but there has been no response.

This time, he changed the method Li Qingyun gave him, using the power of heaven and earth to communicate with the space world, and he could really feel the power of the space world.

This is already a big improvement for him.

He now feels that there seems to be infinite power in that space world. If he can call it out, then he can even fight against the masters in the late stage of Creation Realm.

Ye Liuyun barely suppressed his excitement and began to try.

The people around him thought that his space world was destroyed, and their mentality was a little unstable! They are constantly comforting him.

In desperation, Ye Liuyun could only pause to reassure others.

"Successful?" Li Qingyun took the time to ask Ye Liuyun via voice transmission.

He asked curiously when he saw Ye Liuyun\'s excited state.

Under normal circumstances, one would not feel the power of the space world so quickly.

"Yes! I can feel the power of the space world!" Ye Liuyun replied.

Li Qingyun nodded secretly. "Sure enough, this kid is definitely not an ordinary person. His comprehension ability is superhuman!"

In Li Qingyun\'s heart, Ye Liuyun has become the disciple he should focus on.

"Test his patience in the afternoon!" Li Qingyun thought to himself.

The morning lecture will soon end. After everyone rested for a while, Li Qingyun called them to start the battle.

"What are you dawdling about? Finish training early and rest early! I don\'t have time to stay with you until midnight!" Li Qingyun yelled in a broken voice.

"Here we go again!" some practitioners cried out in pain.

But no one dared to slack off, they all withdrew from the state of cultivation, got up one after another, and prepared to fight.

Ye Liuyun and the others also saw that it was time to fight. Seeing others take out their weapons, they all took out their weapons too.

This time, Ye Liuyun took out Lie Yan\'s waist knife. To last longer, he needs to use more sword intent.

"Let\'s get started, what are you waiting for?" Li Qingyun\'s lazy voice came from the arena.

As soon as his words sounded, the other students immediately dispersed and started to attack the students around them.

It\'s possible that Ye Liuyun and the five of them were too fierce just now, and they were standing together, so for a while, no one attacked them.

The five of them formed a defensive formation and stood there stupidly, looking at the students who were mingling around.

"Who are we going to hit?" Liang Xinyu asked.

"Have they all been divided into groups in advance?" Su Manning asked in confusion.

"The five newcomers!" Seeing that they didn\'t know the situation, Li Qingyun immediately shouted.

"Play whatever you want, as long as you can persist for two hours without falling, you will be considered as having completed today\'s training. Those who complete the training will be rewarded with pills!" Li Qingyun smiled meanly on the stage.

"Play casually?" Fatty Wei was a little dazed looking at the many students who were fighting together.

"Let\'s stop hitting each other! Go hit others!" Ye Liuyun was the first to react, and rushed towards the other students around him.

"Haha!" Yuan Datou also laughed loudly, and rushed out with the iron rod in his hand.

He just absolutely loves this place. If there is no tutor to give a lecture in the morning, he will feel better if he just plays for a day!

"Ah? Then what should I do?" Su Manning couldn\'t help crying.

"Believe in yourself!" Ye Liuyun encouraged her from afar.

Su Manning and Liang Xinyuhuai glanced at each other, and they also split up to find someone to fight.

Fatty Wei originally wanted to save his energy, but was found by others and had to fight.

Su Manning is special, not good at melee combat. But her charm is also unambiguous, almost all the disciples who fight against him will be fascinated by her.

Someone was even so fascinated by him that he became his guardian and helped her fight.

During the battle, some students even used various treasures and pets, but Li Qingyun didn\'t interfere.

Ye Liuyun never released the ghost butterfly. I have been using the knife intent to fight other people.

He wants to stimulate his potential through this kind of battle, and practice using the power of the space world.

At first, he couldn\'t even mobilize any strength.

It\'s as if he has a cornucopia empty, but he can\'t use it, so he can only watch it.

An hour and a half later, one and a half of Ye Liuyun\'s two Yuan Dans had been consumed.

He himself became a little anxious.

Even though his Yuanling secret technique absorbed aura very quickly, it still didn\'t consume much.

The further back, the stronger the opponent, and every attack requires a lot of real energy consumption. The Yuanling secret technique cannot be supplemented at all.