Lord of All Gods

Chapter 760

After Ye Liuyun wiped out all the opponents, he brought Lei Ming and Longnu back to the super battleship with everyone.

Everyone followed Ye Liuyun silently, shocked by the strength of Ye Liuyun and others.

Wu Tian was even more speechless. He wanted to compare with Ye Liuyun, who would win more.

But in the end, he didn\'t even have a chance to play, and Ye Liuyun\'s two monsters were rounded up!

This time, Lan Ruobing is the biggest winner again!

After Ye Liuyun and the others went back, Lan Ruobing immediately greeted Ye Liuyun and thanked Ye Liuyun.

"Sister Lan, you\'re welcome. If there\'s anything else I need to do, just say it!"

Ye Liuyun felt that Lan Ruobing seemed to have something to say.

Sure enough, Lan Ruobing said: "The next stage of the battle is the battle of our three robber group leaders. But there was a rule before that we can bring two assistants."

"You want to take me there? Use my artifact to defend yourself?" Ye Liuyun asked very straightforwardly.

"That\'s right!" Lan Ruobing also said frankly: "We haven\'t gotten to know each other enough to borrow an artifact from you. And this artifact can indeed affect the final success or failure. So I decided to replace someone and let you play."

As he said that, Lan Ruobing took out ten more ferocious beast pills in the realm of good fortune, and handed them to Ye Liuyun.

She thought that Ye Liuyun could take it back to Lei Ming and Dragon Girl, so she should be attractive to Ye Liuyun. But she never thought that Ye Liuyun himself could absorb the Yuan Dan of the beast.

"Sister Lan is really a big hand!"

Ye Liuyun accepted these ferocious beast Yuandans without pretense, which was considered to have agreed to Lan Ruobing\'s invitation.

The ominous beast Yuan Dan was collected by him into the storage ring and handed over to Wu Qingcheng for distribution.

Although he himself can absorb the Yuan Dan of the beast, he still feels that it is more suitable for Lei Ming, Bai Hu and others.

He can absorb many types of energy, and he will not compete with those around him for resources.

"The Cambrian is the first stage of good fortune. The foreign aid invited by Jinzhu is also good fortune, but I don\'t know how strong it is!" Lan Ruobing was afraid that he would not understand the situation, so she introduced it to him.

"Well, I will definitely try my best! As long as the level of the foreign aid is not too high, I can help you block him."

Ye Liuyun didn\'t say anything dead. If the mysterious foreign aid is really in the middle or late stages of the good fortune realm, then even if he has a divine weapon, he is still very dangerous.

He didn\'t want to expose his Demon Hunting Armor and Demon Hunting Bow here.

"Well, if the realm of the mysterious foreign aid exceeds the third level of fortune, I will just give up and won\'t let you take risks!"

Lan Ruobing also knew that against a martial artist who was too strong, the artifact would not have much effect.

Ye Liuyun said: "When the time comes, I will look at the situation and communicate with you with my spiritual sense. I need to meet people to analyze the possibility of winning."

If the opponent\'s spirit level is not high, he may still win.

"Okay!" Lan Ruobing trusted Ye Liuyun now.

"If you don\'t need a break, we\'ll be playing right away."

Lan Ruobing felt that Ye Liuyun basically didn\'t make a lot of shots just now, so he should have no consumption and could go straight to the battle.

"No problem, let\'s go now!"

Ye Liuyun was also decisive and straightforward, directly put Lei Ming and Longnu into the storage ring, and followed Lan Ruobing and Laogui to the center of the battlefield.

Only then did Ye Liuyun realize that the old ghost had to wait until this time to play.

Immediately afterwards, Han Wu also rushed over with two martial arts with nine levels of yin and yang.

He saw Ye Liuyun from a distance, and his eyes were on fire.

"Small intolerance leads to big plans!" He reminded himself repeatedly in his heart not to attack Ye Liuyun first.

After they came over, he didn\'t look at Ye Liuyun, because he was afraid that he couldn\'t bear it and would attack Ye Liuyun, causing Lan Ruobing and Jin Zhu to attack him together.

Ye Liuyun saw all of Han Wu\'s actions, and understood his general intentions in his heart.

The same is true for Lan Ruobing, he doesn\'t have this ability, and he can\'t be the leader of the robber group.

So she didn\'t mention Ye Liuyun\'s matter, and chatted with Han Wu.

"This stupid pig, who is the foreign aid invited?" Cam Wu asked.

"You don\'t have to think about it, we must not know each other! He can\'t invite people we know!" Lan Ruobing responded lightly.

Han Wu nodded, and shouted in the direction of Jinzhu: "Golden Pig, why are you dawdling? Is it because you hired foreign aid and dare not come out to meet people?"

"Hahaha, once my foreign aid comes out, you don\'t have to compare!"

Following Jin Zhu\'s burst of laughter, three figures shot up into the sky from Jin Zhu\'s super battleship, running towards Ye Liuyun and the others.

The golden pig has a stout body and is also covered in golden armor. It seems that some people live up to their names.

On the left is a robber with nine levels of yin and yang, nothing special.

But on his right side, there was a scruffy red-haired old man who was in the triple realm of good fortune!

Lan Ruobing and Han Wu also frowned when they saw the mysterious foreign aid.

The competition between the strongest of the three parties is the key to victory. Even if the Golden Pig is at the bottom of the previous two games, as long as it wins this game, it is the undoubted winner.

Only when the gap between the two sides in the last game is not big, the first two games are meaningful.

Then this foreign aid turned out to be in the third level of good fortune, even if Lan Ruobing and Han Wu were added together, they were not his opponents.

Now, Lan Ruobing could only wait for Ye Liuyun\'s observation results.

If it was herself, she would just admit defeat and give up the triangular area.

When Ye Liuyun saw the old man, the corners of his eyes curled up in laughter.

"You guys are really calm, you can sit until now before showing your face!"

Ye Liuyun directly transmitted the voice to the sloppy old man.

"Haha, didn\'t I want to see how strong you are! Unexpectedly, you are still as weak as you are!" The sloppy old man replied through voice transmission.

"Your level has improved too fast!" Ye Liuyun also felt that compared with him, his own level was really inferior, so he didn\'t refute it.

This scruffy old man with red hair is the monster Qiongqi that Ye Liuyun often misses.

What he signed with Qiongqi was an equal contract, and he didn\'t even feel Qiongqi\'s existence just now.

And when Ye Liuyun chatted with him, he felt that Qiongqi\'s contract was still there.

It seems that Qiongqi has a way to hide the equal contract. This is not surprising, Qiongqi is the most proficient in formations.

It shouldn\'t be difficult for him in his current state to use formations to shield his consciousness.

"I really didn\'t expect that I could run so far and meet you boy! It seems that I can\'t do without you in this life!" Qiongqi sighed.

The two of them never expected that the extraterrestrial space is so large, and the two of them left the Cangyun Continent at different times, yet they could meet together.