Lord of All Gods

Chapter 727

"But I took advantage of it! Originally, this spirit power would be absorbed by the Demon Sealing Tablet, but now it\'s cheaper for me!"

While Ye Liuyun was afraid, he was also a little fortunate.

Ye Liuyun was not careless this time, and first used the ghostly fire to burn the head of the evil thing into fly ash.

Afterwards, he checked the two energy balls with his consciousness and golden pupils again, and put them into his storage ring.

The body of the foreign race was still being absorbed by the magic sealing tablet, and Ye Liuyun didn\'t dare to move for the time being.

When he was bored, he first absorbed the fire source from the body of the disciple who possessed Xuanyin Qingyan, put it away and waited to go out before absorbing it.

Afterwards, he picked up Mo Yang\'s artifact.

"It seems that this thing has nothing to do with you!"

Ye Liuyun smiled, and put the artifact into his storage ring directly.

"Take it as my thank you for saving you!"

If Mo Yang hadn\'t said something back then, the next time you win a treasure, each depends on his ability, Ye Liuyun really wouldn\'t have snatched his artifact.

Since it was Mo Yang who didn\'t want to talk about friendship, he would naturally not be polite.

Even if Ye Liuyun sat cross-legged and practiced on the side, he was not afraid that Mo Yang would find out that he had taken the artifact after he woke up.

But before Mo Yang woke up, the alien evil being suppressed by the Demon Sealing Tablet, a divine soul in his body, was already very weak.

Ye Liuyun once again pulled its remaining soul into his own soul domain, searched for the soul, and learned about the history of the original battle.

Originally, these alien monsters had already defeated human martial arts, and they were about to dominate this continent.

But suddenly a strong man of the human race came and directly sealed the golden-winged alien race.

That strong man\'s strength is not enough, he didn\'t kill him directly at that time, he could only seal it temporarily.

Afterwards, the strong man led the human race to counterattack and wiped out all the invading alien races.

But in order to prevent the ghosts of these dead alien races from raging, and worried that the Jinyi alien race would escape, so such a tomb was designed, and Xuanyin Qingyan and the ghosts of the human race were arranged to guard it.

Later, this continent was torn apart by this battle, and they, together, also fell into the void.

It wasn\'t until a few years later that the Ling Xiaozong discovered this secret realm and opened up the passage, and it became the exclusive secret realm of the Ling Xiaozong.

However, the previous disciples rarely explored here. Even if they came, no one could pass the level of the human ghosts. Instead, they all died here in the end and became members of the ghosts guarding this place.

After Ye Liuyun understood the whole process, he absorbed all the rest of his soul.

Then he took away the Demon Sealing Tablet, picked off the golden scale armor of the evil thing with the Demon Slaying Knife, and dug out the crystals.

Then, he walked to another passage that no one had ever entered or exited.

He didn\'t pay attention to the unconscious Mo Yang. Anyway, I can\'t die.

When they left, the token on Mo Yang\'s body would take him back directly.

Ye Liuyun was rushing towards the source of the last Xuanyin Qingyan.

With the origin of these mysterious yin and blue flames, the quality of the Nether ghost fire can be almost the same as that of the Golden Crow Holy Flame, how could he let go of this opportunity.

Only this time he sped it up. In one day, he will rush to the guardian ghost of the human race to seize Xuanyin Qingyan.

The ghosts of alien evil creatures on the way must not be let go.

So this time he used Blood Thunder, Ghost Fire and Soul Domain at the same time.

If you see it in the passage, kill it immediately, and don\'t care about it in the tomb, just blast it with blood and thunder, and burn it with ghost fire. Everything you pass is ashes, and nothing is left.

Then continue to the next tomb, non-stop.

Until he rushed into the guardian tomb of the human race, he was about to ring the death knell directly.

Unexpectedly, the guardian spirit of the human race gave him Xuanyin Qingyan directly.

"I feel that the alien race has been wiped out! Thank you for destroying the alien race and liberating us! We don\'t have to stay here anymore!"

The ghost sighed and drifted away quietly.

Although Ye Liuyun was a little surprised, he could still understand his mood. After all, it is also a painful thing to stay in a place where the sun is not visible.

He didn\'t expect that the extermination of the alien race would be a relief to these human ghosts.

Ye Liuyun put away Xuanyin Qingyan and walked directly outside the tomb.

This time, no ghost of the human race stopped him, and he didn\'t meet a single ghost for the rest of the journey.

I went out of the tomb smoothly all the way, my eyesight was used to the darkness, and I felt the sunlight outside was very glaring when I came out.

He squinted his eyes for a while, then sat down on the spot, absorbing the Xuanyin Qingyan.

It\'s too late for him to go to other places to find the treasure now, so it\'s better to wait for the teleportation.

Through the token, the teleportation array can locate them and teleport them back to the platform they came from. So no matter where he is, he is the same. There is no need to waste time running around anymore.

And at this moment, Ye Liuyun\'s master spirit suddenly showed signs of advancement.

"It seems that the spirit of this Jinyi foreign race is strong enough to have such a reaction!"

Ye Liuyun immediately stopped absorbing the flames, and concentrated on cultivating his soul.

The soul of the Jinyi alien race is the most powerful soul that Ye Liuyun has absorbed so far, and it is also the soul that is closest to a high-ranking powerhouse.

So under the stimulation of these powerful spirit powers, he finally broke through the bottleneck of his master spirit.

What followed was that Ye Liuyun absorbed all the remaining soul power.

He now feels that the space for the master\'s spirit to improve has opened up again!

"The next change, I don\'t know how much soul power will be needed to realize it!"

Ye Liuyun felt very satisfied with his powerful soul power, but he also felt that if his soul wanted to improve, it would be a bottomless pit. It needs more soul power to supplement it!

If you practice by yourself, the speed will be very slow, and the bottleneck will be difficult to break through.

"It\'s time to refine some pills to compress and purify the soul!"

He has absorbed too many souls, and his own soul also needs to be purified, lest the impurities in it will affect his future promotion.

Ye Liuyun immediately sent a sound transmission to Kisaragi\'s spiritual sense, asking her to help pick some medicinal materials for the soul. He was going to refine some pills to purify his soul.

But before Kisaragi finished picking, Ye Liuyun felt his token respond.

He immediately took out the token, and then there was a burst of space fluctuations, and a strong suction force sucked Ye Liuyun out of the secret realm.

When he reappeared, he had already arrived at the formation platform when he first entered the secret realm.