Lord of All Gods

Chapter 349

When Ye Liuyun arrived with Qiongqi, Long Ximeng had been beaten until his body was revealed. His body was stained with blood and dragon scales fell off. He was lying on the ground, dying.

Long Xi dreamed that Ye Liuyun was coming, and forced herself to say to him, "Didn\'t I tell you to run away quickly? Why are you still running here?"

"Brother! This kid also has Bai Yuan\'s aura!" One of the men besieging Long Ximeng said to the others while holding a treasure.

The four people on the opposite side are all in the fifth level of Tiangang. Moreover, Ye Liuyun\'s golden pupil discovered that they were all monsters transformed by the white whale clan.

When Ye Liuyun just arrived, he had already summoned the metal puppet through the alliance\'s communication token.

At this time, the coercion of the four monsters descended on Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi, and they immediately fell to the ground until they vomited blood. The power of these four people working together is really too great.

Ye Liuyun couldn\'t move at all, just when he wanted to release the skeleton puppet to resist. Suddenly, there was a wave of space around him, and four metal puppets of the sixth level of Tiangang appeared.

As soon as they appeared, they directly killed the monsters transformed by the four white whales.

This was the first time Ye Liuyun summoned a metal puppet for protection. He was also worried that the puppet was coming slowly! Did not expect to arrive so soon.

And he also thought that the puppet would first ask who was the enemy. Unexpectedly, these metal puppets could judge by themselves.

All these made Ye Liuyun feel even more uneasy. He always felt that the intelligence of these metal puppets was too high!

At this time, the pressure on Ye Liuyun and Qiongqi\'s body immediately decreased, and he immediately stood up and took the healing pill for Long Ximeng.

"Can you still take human form?" Ye Liuyun asked with concern.

Long Ximeng\'s body was too big, and she wanted to put her away for fear of hurting her.

"Wait for me to slow down!" Long Ximeng closed her eyes immediately, digesting the healing elixir. After a while, she returned to human form.

"I\'ll send you to the Dragon Palace to rest for a while. You go there to heal your wounds first, and we\'ll talk about other things later."

Saying that, Ye Liuyun directly put her into the storage ring, and asked Lei Ming and others to take her into the Dragon Palace to heal her injuries.

Then, he observed the battle between the puppet and the monster.

This battle is really exciting, both sides have released their own fighting fields. What surprised Ye Liuyun the most was that those four puppets could also release domain power, and they were from four different combat domains.

Ye Liuyun asked Qiongqi with his spiritual sense: "Have you seen that puppets can also release domains, and have you comprehended different combat domains?"

Qiongqi shook his head. "It\'s the first time I\'ve seen you! But in the vast world, there are all kinds of surprises. In your alliance, there must be some masters like puppets!"

Ye Liuyun said cautiously: "Everywhere in the alliance is weird. When I go back, I\'ll check it out if I have a chance!" Then, he told Qiongqi about the situation of the alliance.

Qiongqi thought for a while, and sent a voice transmission to Ye Liuyun: "Then let me go with you! At least I can help you solve some formation problems. Your alliance is definitely not easy."

Ye Liuyun also nodded. With Qiongqi here, he will feel more at ease!

In the sky, the metal puppet completely occupied the upper hand. At this time, two monsters had been wiped out. The other two monsters wanted to escape, but the metal puppet pursued them closely, and dragged the whole body back until they were wiped out. , to Ye Liuyun.

"A total of sixty-two Yuandan crystal cores are consumed. Do you pay now or after you return to the alliance?" a metal puppet asked Ye Liuyun.

"Pay now!" Ye Liuyun directly took out sixty-two Yuandan realm crystal cores and handed them to the puppet. Afterwards, the puppet returned to the alliance through the teleportation array.

After the metal puppet left, Qiongqi dared to talk to him: "No wonder you dare to rob everywhere, so there are such thugs!"

"Take care of this place quickly, so as not to invite other people!" Ye Liuyun started, put the huge corpses of several white whales into the storage ring, and then used the Golden Crow Holy Fire to burn the battle marks and aura here.

Qiongqi was on the sidelines guiding him, teaching him how to erase traces.

After the two of them dealt with the scene, they returned directly to Shuiyue Tower.

After returning, Wu Qingcheng had already dug out the animal cores of those white whales, and showed their storage rings to Ye Liuyun.

"Destroy all tokens and sound transmission symbols, so as not to be tracked by people." Qiongqi suggested.

So Ye Liuyun and Wu Qingcheng took out all the tokens and sound transmission symbols from everyone\'s storage rings, and burned them collectively to avoid future troubles.

"Ginger is still old and spicy!" Ye Liuyun praised Qiongqi.

"I\'ll just praise me as you!" Qiongqi gave him a blank look. "Hurry up and go to practice too! I think you are fighting now, you are trying to help! Your own strength is getting worse and worse!"

"Hey! You said that the situation I encountered, can I get by on my own?"

However, his complaints were nothing but complaints, and he went back to practice. After all, only one\'s own strength is fundamental.

He first took a look at Long Ximeng\'s injuries, and then gave her a few healing pills to let her heal with peace of mind.

Then he released Lei Ming and the others and asked them to go back to their residence to rest. After finally having the opportunity to come to Shuiyue Tower, of course let them enjoy it.

Ye Liuyun did not enter Xuankong Stone to practice again. He was worried that when he was practicing, sea beasts would come to make trouble and hurt Wu Qingcheng and the others.

He just took out the beast cores of those white whales and began to absorb and refine them.

When he is free these days, he has been absorbing the beast cores of sea beasts. Now it has reached the late stage of the fourth level of Yuan Dan. It is estimated that after absorbing these beast cores, he should have almost broken through again.

When the dragon emperor\'s original power is unsealed again, then he can break through another stage.

After practicing all night, Ye Liuyun and Wu Qingcheng rushed to Wanbao Pavilion again the next morning, and gave all these things in their hands to Pavilion Master Li, asking him to make a discount. What Ye Liuyun took out was the entire wealth of many families.

Looking at these things, Pavilion Master Li was also very surprised. "There are too many things, Mr. Ye, please wait a moment, I have to ask someone to count them."

"No need to wait, after you do the calculation, I can convert it into high-grade spar and send it over!" Ye Liuyun didn\'t want to spend time waiting for him to count. It is estimated that Pavilion Master Li would not dare to covet his things.

So, he and Wu Qingcheng got up and prepared to return to Shuiyue Tower.

Before they walked out of the VIP room, his divine sense saw a group of young people walking in. There were two of them, even if they were turned into ashes, Ye Liuyun would recognize them.

One is Jinpeng, and the other is Jin Wuya. One of these two people had forced Liang Xue into marriage, and the other was sowing discord among them. The moment Ye Liuyun saw them, he stopped immediately, and decided to find out what they were doing here, to see if he could get rid of them easily.

But Ye Liuyun looked at the two of them, as if they were both attached to a young man in black robes, and he didn\'t know which powerful figure they were. The man had a gloomy face, and a dark aura exuded from all over his body.

He seemed to feel that someone\'s consciousness was probing him, so he looked in Ye Liuyun\'s direction, but was blocked by the defensive formation in the VIP room.

"The spirit is not weak!" Ye Liuyun was a little surprised.