Long Live the Lord

Chapter 588

Mu Han said very tactfully, the eagle king also understood the meaning of his son's words.

Now that these forces can't fight down, it's better to cooperate well and see if there is any advantage to take.

The eagle king looked at his son with admiration. His son was the favorite among his many children.

It's also the smartest one. Unfortunately The child is not in the grassland.

"Ha ha ha, OK, I really have to go to yongfengling to have a look this time. Come on, have a good drink with me today!"

Yongfengling northern defense line, Yong'an army has tentatively attacked the yongfengling defense line twice these days.

But the two waves of Yongan army's attacks did not even get close to the front line, and even the Yongfeng army did not send out rockets.

He left more than a thousand corpses and failed.

Now the Yong'an army is planning the third wave of attack. After the trial, it's time to show the real guy.

Zhao Fengnian, who left the eastern defense line, had already arrived here. Now he is standing at the top of the fort on the hillside, watching the formation of Yong'an army.

What makes Zhao Fengnian feel very strange is that there are several rows of very strange looking houses in front of the Yongan army.

It's a house because it's shaped like a rectangular wooden box.

If it wasn't for the windows and the wheels underneath, it would be a house.

Now it's better to call it a RV.

Zhao Fengnian frowned at the new siege equipment of Yong'an army.

This is more comprehensive than armored chariots, and it is estimated that the defense strength will be higher.

I don't know how strong this chariot is. If it is too strong, the effect of yongfengling's long-range attack will be greatly reduced.

"Have they used it before?" Zhao Fengnian asked Zhou Bing.

Zhou Bing shook his head, "this kind of instrument is still the first time to appear, and it has not been seen in the previous two attacks."

After hearing this, Zhao Fengnian nodded, looked at the distance between the Yongan army array and the defense line, and ordered: "when they are close to 5000 meters, try to launch a thunderbolt rocket to see the effect."

In the rear of Yong'an military array, Li Yang looked at the first 3000 improved chariots with satisfaction.

"Aren't you good at throwing some iron balls that will explode and shooting some long-range arrows? See how you deal with all armour chariots

After two days of trial, Li Yang has found out the defense means of yongfengling.

It's nothing more than a giant arrow that can attack a kilometer, and there's also a kind of iron pimple that can make a huge noise and cause range damage.

The armored chariot is made of heavy black iron on all sides, and is covered with fine iron armor.

It can be said that the materials are very expensive, but the production of these chariots costs a lot of manpower and material resources of Yong'an province.

The interior space of this chariot is huge, which can hold 50 people at a time, and some siege equipment can also be installed.

In addition, there are dozens of shooting holes in all directions of the armored chariot, which can be opened when used to shoot bows and arrows to attack the enemy.

It can be said that this kind of chariot is already a very comprehensive war weapon, which is why Li Yang dared to take the initiative to attack yongfengling when he knew that the long-range attack was strong.

As for yongfengling's ability of close combat, Li Yang did not consider it at all.

In his mind, as long as he can break through the position of the defense line, his own force several times more than yongfengling will certainly crush it.

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