Long Live the Lord

Chapter 556

"Yes, that's what the messenger said, and asked you to open it yourself." Tao an replied respectfully.

Zhao Fengnian nodded, then opened the letter, shaking on the table, a piece of writing paper will slide on the table.

However, when Zhao Fengnian saw the content of the letter, he couldn't help laughing.

The content of the letter is very simple and has two themes.

One is to praise Zhao Fengnian's hero as a teenager, hoping to take into account the overall situation and join the Yongtai provincial camp, when the chaos will be granted to Zhao Fengnian.

The second is to ask Zhao Fengnian for a person. If this letter is not mentioned, Zhao Fengnian has already forgotten this person.

This man set up a scheme to cheat Yan Ning. Later, he found out that he was Li Sheng, a big man in the Ming Dynasty.

The letter clearly stated that Li Sheng and Yao Guangming were defectors from Yongtai province.

I hope Zhao Fengnian can hand over this man to Yongtai province.

Finally, he said that he hoped that Zhao Fengnian would cooperate, and Yongtai province would send troops to fight against the bandits in the chaotic place, help Zhao Fengnian unify the chaotic place and rescue the victims in the flood.

The obvious meaning of Zhao'an in the letter can be seen even by a fool, and it is also slightly threatening. The meaning in the letter is that if you don't cooperate, yongfengling will also be the target of attack.

However, Zhao Fengnian doesn't care about it. If Yongtai province could really attack the chaotic place, it would have started long ago and would not wait until now.

And now yongfengling has unified the chaotic place, and its strength is growing by leaps and bounds.

As long as Yongtai province does not directly attack yongfengling regardless of other pressures, Zhao Fengnian believes that yongfengling can stand all tests.

What Zhao Fengnian cares about is Li Sheng. Zhao Fengnian thought he could have something to do with Yao Guangming. Unexpectedly, he had a high status in Yongtai province.

Otherwise, it is impossible for Yongtai province to write special letters to important people.

Yes, in Zhao Fengnian's opinion, the part of Zhao'an in the letter is only by-pass, and the most important one is Li Sheng, who is known by Yongtai Province as "all evil".

It seems that Li Sheng still has something to hide. I don't know if this guy has died for such a long time?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian raised his head and asked Tao an, "by the way, where is Li Sheng who was captured some time ago?"

Tao an was stunned when he heard Zhao Fengnian mention this man. Then he hesitated: "that That Li Sheng... "

Zhao Fengnian looks at Tao an's performance, but he is also stunned. This product will not be played to death by clay monkey, right?

Thinking of this, Zhao Fengnian hastily urged a way: "say quickly, don't hesitate!"

Tao an was embarrassed to scratch his head and said, "that Li Sheng was assigned to the mining area for transformation. Because of his ability to read, he became a teacher in the transformation area to help the transformation personnel learn cultural knowledge and carry out ideological education."

After listening to Zhao Fengnian is also a Leng, this guy actually can be a teacher? Although it's a lecture for the criminals in the transformation area, it's not reliable, right?

No wonder Tao an is hesitant. It's really a bit incredible.

However, Zhao Fengnian can not directly question the working ability of the following personnel. He must have not seen the actual situation.

"Well Well, let's go. Let's go to the black dragon city. We haven't been there for a long time. "

Then Zhao Fengnian and Tao an and Zhang Ye, who had time to come, went to the black dragon city.

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