Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 710: Hey, let me go! Boss, you are still alive

"This..." Director Guo still did not understand, hesitated a moment, and asked: "You must leave 10-15cm under the knee joint to place the prosthetic. Only 2-3cm, after the prosthetic is installed, an activity will fall. What should I do?" ”

"Director Guo, you are the most traditional prosthetic." Su Yun took a look at Director Guo and opened his mouth.

At this time, Zheng Ren opened the airtight lead door and walked out.

"Who is... you can help me press it, I have some things to deal with." Zheng Ren looked at Liu Xuzhi, some embarrassed to say.

Zheng Ren can\'t recognize who this person is.

Liu Xuzhi does not feel anything, but is curious about what the final result of this argument is.

He smiled at Zheng Ren, walked into the operating room and began to press.

Because there is only one puncture needle eye, pressing the gauze, no need to brush your hands, it is more trouble-free. The patient is in a state of toxic shock and the blood pressure is not high. Zheng Ren left for tens of seconds, and nothing happened.

"That, this is..." Zheng Ren said something stuttering, as if it was too long to talk, and once he said it, he was strange.

"It is Director of the Department of Orthopaedics of the Provincial Academy." Su Yun saw Zheng Ren rarely see it. He realized that he had a big deal, and he took a step back from the **** and stood behind Zheng Ren.

"Director Guo, hello." Zheng Ren took off the sterile gloves and was full of sweat. He hesitated, rubbed his throat on the surgical gown, but did not reach out.

"Doctor Zheng, hello, young and good." Director Guo did not care, directly reached out and expressed his respect for Zheng Ren.

Shake hands and let go.

"Director Guo, are you considering the economic problem of installing prosthetics?" Zheng Rendao.

"Prosthetic limbs, the standard bone reserve under the joints in the textbook, at least 10cm." Director Guo smiled, why didn\'t he want to cut a joint less? But it really can\'t be done.

"You thought it was like the kind of equipment in Forrest Gump..." Su Yun couldn\'t help himself. Just one mouth, Zheng Ren touched his elbow and closed his mouth in anger.

"Director Guo, July 23, 2007, New York, USA, American soldier JuanArredondo lost his left hand in the Iraq war to demonstrate the function of the new bionic prosthesis." Zheng Renping said lightly: "The bionic prosthetic has already been listed in the UK, now There are related companies in Europe and America that produce such prosthetic limbs. This is a long time ago, and recently reported that the bionic prosthetic can adapt to 2-3 cm of residual limbs."

"..." Director Guo stunned.

He knows these news. However, due to economic reasons, few prosthetics of this type have been installed in China. If there are really rich people in need, they will contact the foreign hospitals themselves, go abroad to install prosthetic limbs, and do related rehabilitation training.

Dr. Zheng, does this matter make sense?

Zheng Ren scratched his head and asked: "Su Yun, did I call Fuguier?"

"No." Su Yun said affirmatively.

"How do I remember to fight? Is it just ten minutes and dreaming?"

"Yes, it’s a dream." Su Yundao, "You have been busy with the dog. After the plane got off the plane, it stayed at the airport. What to use."

Zheng Ren thought of this, Su Yun said it makes sense.

That was the call I made to Professor Rudolf Wagner.

Fortunately, I asked, but it is not a mistake.

Xie Ning looked at Zheng Ren and wondered what he needed. This hairy son-in-law is really more and more interesting.

"Which mobile phone borrowed me, I am sure of one thing." Zheng Rendao.

"Use me." Xie Ning first handed the phone to Zheng Ren.

Zheng Ren smiled and said: "Ning Shu, thank you."

Well, it’s not bad, remember this time. Xie Ning saw that the embarrassing thing did not happen again, and was very satisfied.

Pulling down the expectations, in fact, satisfaction is easy to achieve.

Zheng Ren wiped his hand on the sterile surgical gown, wiped off the sweat on his hand, and then dialed a number according to his memory.

It was the mobile phone number of Professor Rudolf Wagner. Zheng Ren took a look at it and remembered it.

"Who, hip hop?" The voice of the professor came out of the phone, and Zheng Ren was in a different mood. I really want to call the Shei people...

"Fugui, it is me." Zheng Rendao.

"Hey, let me go! Boss, you are still alive!" Professor Rudolf Wagner’s surprise.

"..." Zheng Ren and Su Yun, look at me, I look at you, I really don\'t know how to answer the professor\'s sentence.

"Boss, boss, when you come back, you want to die." The professor said almost blindly.

"Fuguier, say something right." Zheng Rendao: "I remember you told me that there is a donation from a charity fund. Is this really true?"

"I thought you were not interested in money." Professor Rudolf Wagner sighed, "Really. Nominated for Dr. Mehar\'s Nobel Prize, and still belongs to that kind of promising nomination, already has 2- 3 charity funds contact me."

"I remember in Haicheng, how do you use this money when I want to use it? It is like this."

"Boss, everything is as you wish. It\'s almost true, just a little insignificant procedure. I suggest that you should buy a villa on the waterfront in Miami. Get up every morning, open the door, face the sea, spring blossoms ""

"Who taught you these messes?" Zheng Ren frowned.

Su Yun’s face is a bit unsightly.

However, Professor Rudolf Wagner did not answer the sentence of Zheng Ren and asked directly: "The boss, I am very glad that you finally returned to heaven from heaven and began to be interested in the currency of the world. I hope that you will be with the hands that are kissed by the gods. Take time to come back, our Nobel Prize project has begun!"

When I heard the Nobel Prize project, Director Guo and Director Jiang’s ears were the same as the rabbits.

Nobel Prize? This young man?

What a joke!

"Fugui, say something right." Zheng Rendao: "Charity Fund, how much can you donate?"

"You can get the Nobel Prize, at least 50 million euros to start. If you just nominate, then there are only 10 million - 20 million." Professor Rudolf Wagner said.

" I will go back when I am busy with this." Zheng Ren said firmly, "How many euro checks did you bring?"

"10 million euros."

"Under Dustin, Lower Saxony, Otto Bock, you can contact me. I have a large number of people who need to install prosthetics... money, go from donations." Zheng Rendao.

"..." Professor Rudolf Wagner stunned.

Zheng Ren and Su Yun can even imagine the expression of the professor on the phone.

"Is there any difficulty?" Zheng Ren asked.

"Boss, buy a prosthetic limb of 10 million euros? You are..." The professor swallowed.

"It is 50 million euros, um, you said, if you can get the Nobel Prize, you will have this amount of charitable donations, at least." Zheng Ren said affirmatively.

"Old... boss... are you sure you can get it this year?" The professor\'s voice was shaking.