Live Surgical Broadcast

Chapter 704: I don’t understand the world of Xueba.

The operation was completed in the words of Su Yunyan, Yi and Sui, and Liu Xuzhi almost collapsed.

Every word that Su Yun said can\'t be thought out. Once you want to go in, you will fall into an infinite loop. The more you think about it, the more complicated it is, and it is difficult to extricate yourself.

This is what I usually say, and I can’t just talk to a fool. He will lower your IQ and then defeat it with experience... Liu Xuzhi feels that it is wrong to describe it like this. Obviously, the cloud geek’s IQ is so high that he can’t keep up with his rhythm.

Fortunately, after completing an operation, Su Yun called Mu Tao and lay down to sleep.

They both, you are doing surgery on one of me.

Anyway, I am used to the left and right hands to cross the operation, the two do surgery, although it can be faster, but definitely not much faster.

Mu Tao is much more gentle than Su Yun, which makes Liu Xu feel a touch of warmth.

The Pengxi Township Hospital is simply terrible. One is an unknown schoolmaster, and the other is an awkward and awkward assistant.

Still, Professor Mu is better.

Liu Xuzhi still brushes his hands first, then wears clothes.

It’s just that he feels that the cloud buddy is lying down and sleeping, and the patrolling nurse’s action of pouring water is not as gentle as before.

Perhaps the illusion is also uncertain.

On the stage, Liu Xuzhi has not recovered from Su Yun’s mouth gun.

When Mu Tao saw him, he had already guessed what happened, and he smiled and said: "After Su Yun talks to you, you can\'t hear it. I just can\'t stand his temper, I suggest taking a break. of."

"Ah?" Liu Xuzhi stunned.

"He only needs a mouth, there are traps everywhere, and he may be caught by a flaw at any time, when it comes to dawn." Mu Tao concentrates on manipulating the guide wire, and his skill level is rapidly ripening under Su Yun\'s beat.

Only after he saw a Su Yun operation, he immediately knew that the goods were high in eyesight and the real level was similar to himself.

However, Mu Tao knew that Su Yun was born outside the chest and usually did not undergo interventional surgery.

In this case, the pressure is great.

Being embarrassed by a layman, Mu Tao felt incredible. But repeatedly watching Su Yun\'s surgery, he can only admit this.

Although Su Yun’s level is high, he is very tired with his surgery.

Mu Tao sighed and said: "Before the 12 operations, he asked me a question."

"What problem?" Liu Xu\'s curiosity.

"What are the biochemical reactions that can occur with adenine and uracil?" Mu Tao operated micro-guidewire and successfully over-selected.

"Oh..." Liu Xu’s face was awkward.

Adenine and uracil? He only knows that pentafluorouracil is a chemotherapy drug, and what specific uracil can react with adenine... Who knows this.

However, this problem seems to be very common, and it belongs to the category of biochemistry.

Mu Tao saw Liu Xu’s silence and knew that he did not understand, he explained.

"First, we need to determine what biochemical reactions adenine and uracil can produce. They can pair and produce hydrogen bonds. After uracil, RNA is formed, base pairs are combined, and ribonucleotide chains are inserted to form ......"

Mu Tao’s words, like the Tianshu, made Liu Xuzhi a kind of confusion.

When I go to school, the biochemistry of learning is really fake...

"So, I simply did not answer his question." Mu Tao said: "This is a rogue."

"Hey...Mr. Mu, what do you say? I didn\'t understand."

"It is estimated that he is used to yelling at girls. In the words just mentioned, there is a pairing meaning, and the abbreviation of RNA is U, which means that although I am a single chain, but there is you in the body. Well, this is now young. A complicated expression of the person\'s appointment." Mu Tao also over-selected a blood vessel and said: "Push the medicine."

Liu Xuzhi feels that his brain is not enough.

Can you still ask the girl about it? Teacher Mu is over-interpreted.

"But I know that what he said to me is not what they mean. There is another meaning in this sentence." Mu Tao sneered and over-selected.

This is a world of learning, and Liu Xuzhi can\'t go in and never go in forever.

"Adenine and uracil come together, it will produce hydrogen bonds, this product is scorning me. So, you don\'t talk to him, right." Mu Tao said.

Liu Xuzhi burst into tears again. For a moment, he felt that Zheng’s face was warmer, and he only did this surgery silently. There was not so much intrigue.

The level of surgery of Mu Tao and Su Yun is also good. If I saw it in the past, Liu Xuzhi would definitely be shocked.

However, whoever let him in, the advanced Zheng Ren\'s surgery to help, saw his level of surgery should not be seen at this level.

Mu Tao over-selected a branch of the internal iliac artery, and it took three or five times to succeed. Is the level so bad?

Liu Xuzhi has forgotten that he has to over-select the blood vessels of this difficulty, at least two or thirty times of luck.

Good luck, you will soon be oversuccessful.

Bad luck is estimated to take an hour or two to do.

Liu Xuzhi\'s impression of Mu Tao and Su Yun is gradually fixed - the level is okay, that is, the words are more, and the brain is used elsewhere.

It is a subtext to not do business.

Still, Mr. Zheng’s level is high and his character is good. Is he really creating a new standard for TIPS surgery?

Liu Xuzhi cooperated with Mu Tao surgery until the surgery was completed. Liu Xuzhi asked: "Mr. Mu, do you know the level of Zheng teacher in the next room?"

Mu Tao was silent.

A few seconds later, he looked through the leaded glass and looked at Su Yun lying on the sofa outside. He said, "The man, Dr. Zheng\'s assistant, never dared to call Dr. Zheng."


Mu Tao’s example is simple and practical. There is no ambiguous description of the words. Liu Xuzhi literally understands it.

Such a high level of such a schoolmaster is actually only Dr. Zheng’s assistant, and he does not dare to marry Dr. Zheng, which proves that he is very afraid of Dr. Zheng.

This... this is really...

"Mu teacher ~ ~ Dr. Zheng said that he studied the new TIPS surgery, and also published it in "TheNew; Journal of Medicine". But I first saw it in the apricot forest live broadcast a few months ago. This kind of surgery." Liu Xuzhi asked.

"Well? You also see the live broadcast room of Xinglinyuan?" Mu Tao was curious.

"Yeah, you see it too." Liu Xuzhi asked: "Mr. Mu, do you know what happened?"

"I don\'t know." Mu Tao shook his head and said: "But I believe that Dr. Zheng is a researcher."

“Why?” Liu Xuzhi still refuses to believe it easily.

The operator of the Xinglinyuan surgery live broadcast room, that is his idol, is it so easy to break?

"Because... because Dr. Zheng’s level is too high, I can’t think of anyone else who is higher than him.”