Live Surgical Broadcast

~: Bad old man, not bad, not old, still able to eat!

In April, the monthly ticket was ninth, and it ended in perfection.

At the beginning of the month, I started to pay for the votes. Some of my book friends asked, at the end of the month, double, you are not?

This is the case, newcomers and new books, where the city’s nervous recommendation resources can get me. If there is no recommendation, there will be no exposure, and there will be no stamina.

The monthly ticket list is a very strong list. Can occupy a place on the monthly ticket list, which is equivalent to a very good recommendation.

If you are new to a new book, don\'t think that the first day of the month is the first. As a bad old man with a lot of pressure in your heart, just ask for a recommendation.

Speaking of the monthly ticket list, more than a decade ago, Z was debuted, the infinite stream was born, the **** monthly ticket list, the murderous day was dark; the cat tired adult 12 years annual monthly ticket champion, four books at the same time in the top 50 of the monthly ticket list, became a phenomenon level In the May of a year ago, in a weird posture with more single chapters than the main text, with the help of a book-headed ash who fell so far, the starting point of the monthly ticket was the first.

These gossips, think about it.

On May 1st, the new moon seeks a guaranteed monthly pass. Bad old man, not bad or old, still able to eat!

To bite a silver tooth, you have to guarantee seven days and seven more.

Today’s Seventh has been offered, and the end of the month is guaranteed.

I wanted to have a single chapter later, but wrote a new update, wrote a rare disease, and scared myself into a cold sweat.

Chatting with everyone, shocked.

Uh... not a pawn, it’s a malignant fever. It is not fever for unknown reasons, but rather malignant fever.

Written here, sincerely, these years as a doctor, no accident, I am lucky.

Well, Zheng Ren lucky +16, is a skill beyond the outline, may be an idea in my subconscious.

These days, little insomnia. The fixed point is to get up at three o\'clock to start the update, the school word, and then write the text of the next day.

It can be connected for two days, and wakes up at half past two.

That\'s fine, there is still pressure. After all, the climax in my opinion has passed, and the rest is the daily routine of medical treatment and surgery. I am afraid that everyone will be tired of watching.

Yesterday, there were book friends who said that water was starting. Normal life, always surgery, I am very happy, you do not know, I write to play, go out to eat, more tired than writing surgery, writing rescue.

Everyday thinking in the mind is the plot, how to get it, can be better. Let the madness go on, until the end of the book, and then rest for a month or two.

In addition, I was very happy to learn that Lin Lianlian was chasing the live broadcast room yesterday.

After chatting, I would like to thank all of you for your support in April and ask for a monthly ticket for May.

Bad old man, not bad, not old, still able to eat!


Request ticket~~~

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